JakeKO's picture
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+ 7 14 days international! Can’t beat Pharma gear at these prices.


Don’t know about the rest of you, but this Proviron is awesome. Makes my balls grow, and the best hard-ons ever. No need for cock pills when you’re running this stuff.

Ordered from: 
Jonwiggs8's picture

I have used anabolics/PEDs since `99 & never used Proviron bc I didn't think it was strong enough or good enough & was a waste of money. Well when I used it for the first time in the last year or two I have used it every & I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME I used anabolics bc it is so helpful. Its relatively cheap, but boy does it have great results. It certainly has great bang for the buck & gives you results that you just cant get alone or by just adding more gear. For example, I was able to lower my weekly Testosterone mg's & actually get BETTER results with less when adding Proviron. Not only was I stronger, and bigger, but I was WAY more cut up. Also the little lady loved the stuff bc she was getting to take the trip to pound town SEVERAL times a day. In fact she told me I was only allowed 1 go round in the AM, bc it was making her too relaxed & tired at work when we were going multiple rounds in the AM. Btw guys, I am 41 & have never needed "blue pills" & I always can last at least 30 mins, longer if I want, but Proviron with Testosterone brings you back to your teenage years. ~~WARNING~~ I did take a "blue pill" while on vacation for some extra fun & WOW what a VERY BAD mistake. I was hard until the next morning, even after 4 rounds(busting each time), cold shower, ice on the junk, & NOTHING was bringing it down. I would have gone to the ER, but I was outside of the USA & didn't trust the Dr's. I remembered something from a buddy & took a 1mg football & it came down in 15 mins after ingestion. Have fun with the Proviron & keep Kickin' Ass!

In a promo × 1
Pumped_'s picture

Provi is the best. Cant believe my first time trying was this year. Wish i knew years ago. Would have used instead of all the dbol cycles, what a waste.

JakeKO's picture

This year was my first time as well. This will be my second run, and it can’t start soon enough. Embarrassingly enough, I watched a Dylan Gemelli video that convinced me to try it for the first time for completely other reasons. Had I known about the fringe benefits, this would be my 100th cycle, LOL. I love this stuff!

Makwa's picture

I stopped taking provi this last cycle. Libido was just to annoyingly high.

Mac12769's picture

Lol I would’ve never understood that statement, till I ran it for first time, for about a month or so.
I get it. It really boosts everything. Bumping it down next time.

JakeKO's picture

Lol! That’s why I only take one pill per day. I know that the recommended dosage is two pills per day, but I did that’s for a week, and was getting unwanted hard ons for absolutely no reason at all. That can get a little distracting during the day at work. What I really like about it is that I’m always in a good mood. They should use this as an alternative to Prozac.

Makwa's picture

25mg is really all you need with good provi.

JakeKO's picture

My thoughts exactly

Mac12769's picture

That stuff is golden. Going to have to try the pharma stuff soon…..wear that shit out bro lol.

JakeKO's picture

Thanks, Bro! I plan on it. LOL!

Mac12769's picture

As am I. New russian
Have this weekend B&B with a steakhouse dinner already planned out and reserved.
And I just got in some new kind Cialis (pic posted) that I haven’t tried yet…
Going to be fun……

JakeKO's picture

Wow, That’s ironic because it’s my birthday weekend, and we’re also booked at a B&B and dinner as well. I can only hope the restaurant has a good steak. Never been to either before, so looking forward to a good time. Have fun, Bro!

Mac12769's picture

Awesome. Never been to this steakhouse before, but has excellent ratings and word of mouth. Little hole in wall place you’d never find. Those are the best.
Little bummed my new head vid cam won’t be in yet for it (fucking Amazon), so have to pack the tripod I guess lol.

JakeKO's picture

Hey, if the steaks suck, at least we have our Chicks, right??? Bed & Breakfast??? This is what keeps us alive, I guess. I’m turning 53, but I would rather be snorting an eight ball off her ass at a Holiday Inn, Express, because I hear they have a great breakfast

Anyway, it’s a different world, with better girls, that like us, LOL! Here we come Smithsville!!!! We’re gonna fuck your little village up this weekend, LOL

Mac12769's picture

Giving me ideas already bro. Oh yeah, when all else fails, we have our own fun all night. I’m 50 but can hang with anyone half my age still no problem, just have to pace myself little more.
Have an awesome weekend, I know I will lol.

JakeKO's picture

Oh definitely! I was kidding about the eight ball. It’s been years. I switched to gear, LOL. Still drink, smoke weed, and do mushrooms every now and then. Everything in moderation these days, though. Too much to lose.

Anyway, hope you guys have a great weekend. We just got here this afternoon. Nice to get away from work for a few days

Mac12769's picture

Oh for sure, in all aspects. I can’t do the work hard, play hard pace anymore Wink

I finish up my 48 in the morning, then off till Tuesday. Will be setting up the game plan tonight…..
Enjoy it all bro.