Gabriel Willis's picture
Gabriel Willis
  • 126



Ordered some Lady Var thinking it would transform me into Nicole Bass!! Then did some research and found out lady var isn’t going to help me in my transgender journey, so I gave it to my wife. She loves it! She loves that they are grape chewables!! Props to Titans for that!! I also got some masteron propionate which is one of my favorite products. I am very pleased with this FAST TOUCHDOWN!! Also very happy that I decided NOT to lob off my wiener! Staying androgynous! “This is the way” - Mando
P.S. I ordered and received four packages and wife took one on her business trip before I could snap a pic. Also I shot a cc before I took a pic, that’s why the cap is off the one vial!

Ordered from: 
herktime's picture

First, don’t give up. Your journey will lead you exactly where it takes you. Glad you found the Lady V even though you didn’t grow a snapper…keep your head up and tuck yourself and you’ll be free one day!

Since you’re now recently married to a female who used the Lady V from Yoked, may I hear about your wife’s thoughts and suggestions taking it? What dose and duration did she do, sides, post cycle crash? Any recommendations are helpful as my wife is holding some titan Lady V now and I want her to have the best experience without pressuring her if she’s anxious. She’s worked her way up to this point and it’ll be her first AAS. She has many expectations but anxiously wanting to begin with 5mg and see how she feels, bump it up if needed. This would prolong her time on the drug and even at 5mg I don’t hear much imperative to stay on anavar much past 5 or 6 weeks for a first timer especially. I kinda think she won’t find 5 mg mindblowing and will start using 10mg after 2 or 3 weeks and extend the duration to 8 or 9 weeks total in that scenario. I have not heard this was done before, but truthfully, I don’t know much about female AAS use. So any insight from anyone is appreciated.

Gabriel Willis's picture

Brother!!! I am very sorry that I didn’t see this message until now. So when she started the anavar, she started to notice gains with the 5 mg, but then after two weeks, she bumped it up to 10 mg and that is where she really started to notice losses in body fat, increase in strength and increase libido. The libido was probably the most noticeable, at least, in my opinion. LOL. She also began to notice early on that she could workout with greater intensity and have great recovery time by the next workout. She was very happy with her cycle. So, if I remember correctly, she was on 5 mg daily 2 hours before her work out, then she went up to 10 mg by splitting her doses up into twice per day. She stayed at 10mg for another 4 weeks, then went down to 5 mg for another 2 weeks. That was her way of testing the waters, then tapering up and then down. She was also taking T3 at the time. We were going on vacation, so that is why she opted for the longer cycle length. Also, she has been on anavar previously and really liked the effects, so she decided to go a little longer for this 3rd round. I hope that helps you and your wife!

UncleYoked's picture

It's never too late, we have some estrogen tablets available if you decide for a lifestyle change such as becoming a top performing pro athlete.

Gabriel Willis's picture

Sick old man, you!! Lmao

swoleB's picture

I've always wondered why you sold those estradiol pills. Now I know. jejeje

Owes a Review × 1
UncleYoked's picture

The old saying, boys will be boys, no longer applies.
I'm not sure who the customer base was on those, most menopausal women but some dudes who also bottomed out their e2..and I suspect a few other bottom types as well