vengar's picture
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+ 1 What was the best John Wick film?


What was the best John Wick film?

John Wick
62% (16 votes)
John Wick: Chapter 2
4% (1 vote)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
12% (3 votes)
John Wick: Chapter 4
23% (6 votes)
Total votes: 26
JakeKO's picture

I finally watched part 4 last night.. What a king ass movie, but think it was great.

Vash25125's picture

First one
Second one came close but was missing something

Azaghal's picture

I liked them all
Although it is true that the first two hooked more.

eighty7's picture

It started off with somewhat of a story and character development but as they kept making them it now just feels like you're watching someone play a video game.

Makwa's picture

First ones are usually the best

Greg's picture

I binged watched the first three... it's all the same movie. I.e., no one movie is better than the other.

JakeKO's picture

If you haven’t watched the new one, you should. Non stop action. I finally watched it last night

GJack's picture

The first one was not bad at all.

JohnJuice's picture

Most recent one has the highest ranking, but I enjoy them all.

press1's picture

I found it strangely erotic where the bad guys sister he was hired to assassinate, killed herself in the bath tub Lol

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Jjohnbubby5's picture

Have yet to watch any of em. Should smoke some meat and watch em all back to back

JakeKO's picture

I like the first one. The other two I watched were good, but kinda the same shit

alekaras's picture

I enjoyed watching them all tbh!!

iFit's picture

Just watched the recent one. Sucked big time.

Jack2812 Burton's picture

Never seen one. Never will. I'm done wasting time on movies from Hollywierd. I've wasted to much of time in my past on movies. American culture at its best we love to watch movies and eat shitty fast food. No fucking wonder our country is fucked. Not a very bright future being left for the young ones.

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press1's picture

Nice one mate - You got it sorted!!

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vengar's picture

Thanks for helping me out.