ugfreak's picture
ugfreak 712


Estimated T/A: 
3-31 once shipped

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Payment Methods: 
Bitcoins, Etherum, Litecoin, USDT-TRC20, Monero, Western Union, MoneyGram, Zelle

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In case of issues regarding placement of orders through our website, please contact ugfreak directly through PM.

Hi and welcome to UGFREAK!

We finally took the next step and came to eroids, however can see some of our UGFREAK Family memebers have already made sure to speak UGFREAK, our T/A, Para Pharma gear and so on. Appreciate it fam!

We're glad to be here and we thank everyone who supported us, for your support.

Thanks for stopping by. If our website is not answering enough questions, get at me here and I'll get back to you guys.

Yours sincerely,

ugfreak's picture

Our promo is expiring in about 1 week - so do not miss out on a great deal! 3-4 bottles of test for free. Check it out:

ugfreak's picture

@SAM I Am just chimed in as well with a great review, thank you very much brother! Your feedback is always much appreciated.


ugfreak's picture

These awesome guys keep making awesome reviews. Although we're missing a ton of reviews, from promo users who promised to do so, at least we got some honest people. Thank you @biguriel, @JakeKO, @1174, @Brozowski265, @MEXVOL and the list goes on past these last two weeks, in which you've made great reviews. Keep freaking!

robb's picture

You should give them plenty of time and a reminder that they owe a review then name and shame them because they are deceitful.

They know their expected to use the gear on arrival and review in an appropriate time frame.
It's a ten minute job, not exactly a task by any stretch of the imagination. I'd be very pissed if I was a source.

ugfreak's picture

Thank you brother. We've almost given up. We've messaged so many people over the years who keep promising us, or they suddenly disappear, they've all suddenly went to jail, military, hospital etc. Soon as 6 months are over, they're back and say they can't review as 6 months have passed. Used to shame a lot of them. But we spend more time on these promo scammers than taking care of orders. It's a nightmare. Fully agreed however. Thank you for chiming in.

ugfreak's picture

And now @ee4 has joined them, leaving a great review as well. "Simply the best!" he says. Thank you! We're honored!

Brozowski265's picture

Awesome products from a most kickass source!

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 2
ugfreak's picture

Much appreciated brother! It's a pleasure to do business with you.

MEXVOL's picture

Keep that great quality products love PP zero PIP potent everything i using

In a promo × 1
ugfreak's picture

Happy to know brother! We will keep providing the best to you guys. Thanks for the support, always a pleasure!

kinda fit kinda fat's picture

Whatever happened to your Valkyrie Pharma line? Just wondering

ugfreak's picture

We put our focus on Para Pharma and Dragon Pharma only, as these two are the most popular brands.

BigReps's picture

Any code for the 40% off??

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
ugfreak's picture

No code, just 40% off automatically once you complete placing the order.

sandman3698's picture

Got my first order a few days ago. Just placed a second one. Cant believe how fast and easy UGF is.

In a promo × 1
ugfreak's picture

Thanks for sharing buddy! Much appreciated. Enjoy your order, while we take care of the new one.

Gtlogan1's picture


Pushing Iron 87's picture

Should you maybe explain what your talking about when making a statement like that?

In a promo × 1
ugfreak's picture

Such a bad ass promo we have at the moment. Do not miss out!

Jroids's picture

Has anyone tried the dragon oral tren? I've been debating on getting it for awhile but it does sound kinda yummy

ugfreak's picture

Dear US customers. We hope you are all having a blast today. May the fourth be with you!

deerock's picture

Anyone tried the PP clomid?

steroidmen's picture

Yes i used clomi PP . Very good work .

In a promo × 1
Xrated's picture

Will write my review tonight. Thanks

ugfreak's picture

Awesome! Looking forward to it.

Aztheticking's picture

Anyone try the dbol tabs?

steroidmen's picture

Yes dbol PP work on 100%

In a promo × 1
ECinfidel's picture

Which lab? The PP dbol is on point.

Aztheticking's picture

Yes the pp 20s!

ECinfidel's picture

Loved 'em. 2 a day w/6.25 aro ed. Zero sides.

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