Lifted-presence92's picture
  • 823

+ 3 Blood work after cycle 6 weeks into trt.


150mg of test cyp 50mg injection mon, weds, Friday.

Balkan cyp

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press1's picture

Hey buddy - Is this that Test I picked out for ya by any chance?

Dr. Press has reached his conclusion bro, and that is YOU . ARE . GONNA . DIE!!! Lmao ROFL

JOKE!!! Nah in all honesty bud that looks like pretty good bloodwork to me, kidneys are good - eGFR close to a 100 bro which I didn't expect to see! I have been doing a lot of reading lately on Liver recovery and the time it takes to heal itself after being stressed - Initially I read a few years back it can do it in 30 days, but I think this is if you are only mildly elevated. I read some other literature recently saying that full liver recovery can often take up to 6 months. If you were over 100 before starting TRT then it may have taken some time to come down, and previous drink and drug history unfortunately can sometimes cause a bit of fatty liver. Even processed food can - but fatty liver does reverse in time if you let it heal and encourage recovery with supplements. I know you like moderate Tren and A50's and bud those 2 are evil buggers despite whether there is some study saying anadrol 50 doesn't hurt the liver - I say Bollocks. Its nearly as strong as Superdrol and above Dbol and those 2 are both toxic and don't come in 50mg a time doses either.

I always take 3 days off training now too before bloods and it definitely shows - a full week even better, mine are much better when done like that than 12 to 24 hrs after lifting. I would say that level is nothing to be overly concerned about and could easily be caused by something else strenuous you did close to the test or still down to your liver recovering from previous cycles, you have to remember you were on for quite a while bud - I think you did a pretty big bulk and then a cut didn't you? Smile

Also what about painkiller consumption - Paracetamol and NSAID's?

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press1's picture

Looks like the turnaround was pretty quick with it all too, feels like only a few nights ago we were discussing this. Whatever reason it is mate, its nothing to get in stress about atm. Do your bloodwork again in a month and see where it is then. If its still the same or has risen then it will be worth looking into more - they will do a scan of your liver looking for fat and signs of liver disease, shows gallstones and things like that. I had it done about 5 years ago now when I overdid it big time with tren and Dbol and no liver protection.

You see 1000mg a day of paracetamol and the physical exercise involved taking down the patio may just have been enough to push you up outside of the normal level. Did you have a few beers with him too?

Bud there is no rush at all to get back on cycle, ya gotta get things into perspective a little which is you are 250lb's of muscle which is huge compared to normal people, even most people that train. You look awesome with it too so don't start stressin that after a few months of being off you are going to start dwindling away because you are just not that kind of build Yes 3

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press1's picture

Bud I totally get it not being on cycle and just being on test, its just not the same. Even running high test by itself is nowhere near as awesome as running even NPP and Test. Training changes, your mentality changes, drive changes. When on cycle I will wake up 4 or 5 hours into sleep always and get up and eat, drink and talk shit with the bro's on here LMAO The longer I am off the more that disappears until I no longer have the desire to do it, I lose focus on goals and general drive for everything not just lifting. Makes you realise how addictive the whole thing is, it becomes life if you want it to be. Honestly man I look at all these other guys in life walking around that don't train, spending their weekends doing what their wife tells them they are gonna do and I just wonder how people live like that. Maybe they have other hobbies that we don't see, but I still haven't found anything that matches lifting weights & drinking protein shakes Lmfao

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press1's picture

How come you plan on stopping at 38? Scratch one-s head

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juiceball8082's picture

Did you workout before blood work?

Big Tone36's picture

It's not that high if it stay persistent get a liver scan to check if fatty liver.

juiceball8082's picture

Stop the abombs and restart. Throw some nac in and don't train 48-72 before retest.

Big Tone36's picture

Training effects ast/alt more than people realize, especially if you train very hard I've had mine up to 200 just from damage done in the gym abs over trained. Good advice

Big Tone36's picture

The day after

juiceball8082's picture

I believe brother. I take minimum 3 days off always before bloods.

juiceball8082's picture

Between that and training will do it. If you don't train 72hrs before labs you'll see a difference.

Makwa's picture

Any clue why your ALT is so high?

Big Tone36's picture

Get some tudca too. I stack that with nac and milk thissle. My enzymes are always high but mine from training. When I take a week off training different numbers completely