JEX30Sex's picture
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Weird Shit We Do/Say/Yell In the Gym


Something I thought about today. I have been doing it for a year and a bro came up to me to bump fists because of it.

Never thought twice about it because I'm wearing ear buds.

He bumped my fist and told me he always know it's my leg day because I yell MOO!

Jack2812 Burton's picture

The Nature Boy all the way. WhoooOOO!!!

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JEX30Sex's picture

I hit 850 on the leg press yesterday and let one of them out. I got that grandpa walk right now though. Totally worth it!

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

I was at the gym and rememberd this topic so i had to share lmao... I was taking a shit and someone came into the stall next to me and let loose a monster and was moaning, sounded painful. Soo i decided I should push this guy like any good workout partner. Told him come on bro push! Lets go you got this one more bro come on! We both laughed as he continued droppin bombs as i wiped my ass lol...

JEX30Sex's picture

LMAO like a fucking midwife.

JohnJuice's picture

Sometimes, when I plan on going to gym or I am at gym, there may be a change in the exercise plan due to unforeseen circumstances. For example, if a I need to use the restroom(to take a big dump), then I may decide to switch from a let say shoulder workout to a back workout. I find that I perform better during a back workout when I have urge to take big load.

wanted's picture

You guys take your stinky shits else where lol
Its a know fAct if your diet is right you wont be shitting during a workout. NOW maybe rubbing one out in the stall but never a shit in the toilet

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JohnJuice's picture

I didn't mention that it's during a workout, it's an hour before that day before the workout...

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Lmao.. tug, poop, and pin in the stall...pre-workout ritual. Dont need any distractions!

DavosD's picture

After I passed the age of 30 I started yelling 'AAAAH MY BACK'.

JEX30Sex's picture

Here's one of mine I remembered yesterday. This is back in like 07-08 and deployed. I had just started using protein powder (some of you see where this is going) I had gotten so comfortable in the gym that I just let 'em rip without hesitation. Well one day I was doing bicep curls and ripping ass when it dawned on me. Just because I cannot hear them (headphones) doesn't mean no one else can...I turned slowly around to see if there was even any one behind and easily the hottest girl in the gym on any day was mid crunch losing her shit laughing. I could feel that heat rise up my neck in to my face. I gave a weak sickly smile and went back to curling. She was so so hot.

JEX30Sex's picture

I'm glad you liked it. That memory is pretty much burned in my mind. It had been repressed for some time.

Catalyst's picture

If it’s any consolation about 5 years ago I ripped the arse in my trousers squatting. The only other person in the gym, (other than the owner), was a girl that has an onlyfans “special interest” site. And there I was with a big hole in the arse with her about 10feet away…… go me.

JEX30Sex's picture

LOL that's unfortunate at least it wasn't a thirty gym bro fresh outta the pen.
Now how on earth did you know that girlie had an only fans? --

Catalyst's picture

I heard a rumour. Obviously I had to check said rumour. Purely for research purposes only. Honestly….

UncleYoked's picture

I don't mind grunters, I'm not a fan of screamers, especially because they all seem to be dudes built like 17yo girls deadlifting 500lbs in a sumo squat or the most obnoxious kind of gym bros with perfect hair and workout cut tank tops that show off the titties.
A Moo however, that would absolutely improve my day

Makwa's picture

I thought everyone liked a screamer

Catalyst's picture

We have a young lad in our gym that feels the need to count his reps out loud, very loudly. He has quite a high pitched, squeaky voice too just to add to the entertainment. Whatever floats your boat I guess….

JEX30Sex's picture

Wow of all the things mentioned here this is the one that would make me grind my teeth. I'm glad I have good earbuds.

Catalyst's picture

He was there yesterday. I just about managed to restrain myself from asking “do you really need to do that?”. I just know I’m going to have one of my more “direct” moments at some point…..

press1's picture

Just give him the 1000 yard Tren glare where you stare right through him like a psychopath - that normally works I find Lmao

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JEX30Sex's picture

Man...Might as well get it out of the way. Give it the ol' 10 Mississippi first though. Maybe a smile that doesn't quite reach the eyes. It's either that or start yelling numbers back to make him lose count.

Catalyst's picture


iFit's picture

So much to cover. I don't know where to start. My favorite are the dudes that do their best peacock impression. Arms out 12" inches on the sides. Fist clenched. Butt plug firmly inserted to stiffen the walk. Any space less than 5' wide they turn sideways so that can fit.

JEX30Sex's picture

OMG yes. There's a dude who's like maybe 5'5 who does that at my gym. Just dripping with SMS.

OlympicLats's picture

I say alot of Dam because some of these girls have beautiful glutes

Pumped_'s picture

Last gym i went to the girls were all on the new drug "noassitol"

wanted's picture

Dabm man. You have to come back to my gym the asses are eating the yoga pants

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JEX30Sex's picture

I know right. I have gym crush who has the juiciest ass.

JEX30Sex's picture

Damn that fucking sux man. That's half the reason I love even going to the gym. Is your new one better?

press1's picture

Well I'm pretty boring I guess - I tend to just yell 'YES!!!' if I do a good weight LMAO

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Nattyboomba's picture

Like… a cow?

JEX30Sex's picture

No. Like a goat.

press1's picture

& whilst seductively saying 'Milk my udders' .......

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JEX30Sex's picture

I mean, if someone wants too...depends on how rough their hands are honestly.

Nattyboomba's picture

That’s burned deep into my mind now….

JEX30Sex's picture

LMAO. I don't know if I could resist whooping every time I heard that.

JEX30Sex's picture

Edit: for clarity only while I'm training calves.