Ragnarok.PL's picture
  • 39

+ 3 Driada’s test E and C


Hi, i’d like to share with you the results of two blind tests conducted on driada’s testosterone enathate (batch 779145) and cypionate (955588).
The labeled doses are the following:
- Test E an C both: 250mg/mL

The seriousness of the company is once again confirmed by these results. I will continue to buy from them in the future for sure.

Ordered from: 
expylon's picture

Not meaning to bash the source, this question is for educative purposes:

If claimed is 250 and test shows 237, is it really a good result?

I mean is it common to have certain tolerance of margin for an inaccurate dose? Wouldnt that be technically "under dosed" ?

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ONESICK's picture

I've seen pharma 200mg test at 180mg. It happens

Makwa's picture

I give UGL a 5% leeway.

Makwa's picture

thanks for testing

Ragnarok.PL's picture

You’re welcome