Big Tone36's picture
Big Tone36
  • 2.6k

+ 8 HGH white tops + infrajet


Packed nice. I'm not new to the infrajet this is my 3rd kit. First time using this gh. Looking forward to it, thanks BBPOWER.COM!

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MuscuLex's picture

Thank you for a touchdown pic my friend! Much appreciated!

Diesel22's picture

Very nice brother!

FlemDaddyKush's picture

I wish I could afford those infrajets to run a proper cycle of it and not half ass it and run really low doses, probably gotta wait for the summer when I go back to my other job. I hear everybody gets really good results, I remember reading about when you had them in the past and left the review on them. I get jealous whenever I see somebody get some lol. And I kinda am liking the liquid hgh now because lately whenever I get generic color top hgh it usually always comes back cloudy, the only ones that are good everytime are the gold tops hgh. Let us know how the white top hgh is .

bundlz's picture

Bro i send you an FR Pm me

In a promo × 1
bundlz's picture

Sweaty hgh those 50iu's i run them 3 iu each day last bottle of infrajet 2

In a promo × 1
boz645's picture

Premixed, cool!!!! +1

Owes a Review × 1
Onetimehitta's picture

Let’s goooo!