simonmagus84's picture
  • 1.7k

+ 9 Team Roids Promo


Decided to pick up Test E in team roids most recent giveaway promo along with stocking up for years to come. Here’s a sample of my order. I’ll be starting these next week into My trt protocol.

Ordered from: 
Legion of Doom's picture

Beautiful order bro that dragon para looks interesting looking forward to ur feedback.

Diesel77's picture

It does indeed bro. I am tren hex fanatic and am tempted to order some DP parabolan. I've read tons of positive reviews regarding DP and is a brand I am curious to try, especially since they are readily available US domestic too. Can't beat that. Also, most if not all of their compounds tested well on A.L...a 3rd party testing group, but they haven't been conducting any tests as of late. Still great to see their past test results which includes most brand/labs relevant these days.

JakeKO's picture

DP is great stuff, all of it. Had a bad experience with their Primo back in the day, so I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. Their Testoblend is one of my all time favorites.

Diesel77's picture

Primo is one of those compounds that unless it's pharma grade, I wouldn't even bother using. Hopefully that changes, much like how anavar was often faked/weak dosed back in the day, but now is readily available and for the most part, legit. If I had to pick one cycle to stick with, id be sust/primo and a little MastP. Best feeling with that cycle, no sides, and can be ran for long durations, very enjoyable and memorable. Only down side is it can be expensive using 5 amps a week of Bayer primo along with Organon sustanon.

Legion of Doom's picture

Wow ok great to hear my tren days have been over for a while sadly but I’ve never ran parabolan tempted to give that a go and see if I’m able to endure the sides.

simonmagus84's picture

I’m scheduled to start in June but I’ll use test for trt next week.

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Both Para Pharma and Dragon Pharma are great brands, hands down for this great touchdown! And the hot pepper sauce for some extra veiny gainz I suppose B-) Haha I love these hot sauces, Mexican are my most favorite of all!

simonmagus84's picture

Thanks brotha, this particular bottle is Jamaican pepper sauce, Very flavorful. I don’t typically like Frank’s or Louisiana hot sauce because of sodium content and taste in general but this is a good brand. I’m excited to try Dragon Parabolan and compare it to the enth ester in general, should be exciting.

teamroids's picture

looks good thanks for sharing bro

simonmagus84's picture

Thank you sir, will review in the near future

JakeKO's picture

Teamroids ALWAYS comes through +1

Diesel77's picture

Nice order bro. I love Parabolan and is my overall preferred tren ester, but have yet to try DP's. Curious to hear your feedback on it. +1

simonmagus84's picture

Thank you sir, I’m finishing up a long Tren enth cycle now where I had unbearable heartburn and insomnia which triggered other mental issues that were handled. I since lowered my test dose to a trt dose at around 180mg a week with 300 mg Tren e a week and I have very minimal sides with all the benefits. I wonder how I’ll use hex over the summer but I’m thinking again a trt dose with about 200 mg of hex a week. Everything I’m reading on experiences with Hex is 200mg a week is equivalent to 400 mg of enth. Not sure how accurate that is but that’s a sufficient dose to test potency.

Diesel77's picture

I remember us discussing that isssue you had with sides from tren and it's understandable and I can relate. Hex has me calmest out of all tren esters, enant is the worst for me and I consider it being "side effects in a vial" haha tren ace is sweet sailing till week 5/6 hits and becomes a nightmare IF I don't get adequate sleep. Thanks to doctor for prescribing sleep and anxiety meds which help tremendously in that case. I keep a few bottles of them in my medicine cabinet and they come in handy every now and again.

The night sweats and always being hot/sweating is tolerable, but being short tempered/irritable is much less as long as you prevent the insomnia tren brings by forcing yourself to sleep. Who wouldnt be irritable and short fused after 4/5 nights in a row of only few hours sleep? We all react and are affected differently, but from my experience that's what works for me IF I choose to run hex/ace. Also, I personally prefer test dose double the tren dose, never lower. In the end it's whichever works for you and wish you luck with your run. 200mg/week of hex is plenty if quality hex. I love 75mg EOD but always start at 50mg EOD and work up, deciding if increasing is necessary or tolerable. Human grade Parabolan was dosed 76mg per ampule and had 1.5ml which equated to 50mg of hex per inject. Never knew the exact reason it was produced that way, but I like replicating that dosage and works well.

simonmagus84's picture

Thanks for the info, I’ll be running Var again along side the hex at 50mgs. I’ll keep you updated around June/July with a detailed weekly analysis of my sides because I’m actually a believer tren can be managed with low doses and fully yield benefits minus negative sides.

simonmagus84's picture

Thanks bro

steroidmen's picture


In a promo × 1
simonmagus84's picture

Appreciate you

DeeMan's picture

Nice!!! All those good hormones flowing through your system. Para is definitely on point.

DeeMan's picture

I meant ParaPharm is on point. I haven't used Parabolan and don't have any plans to ever run it.

simonmagus84's picture

That’s how I took it although, I think you’ll be keeping a close eye how I respond to Parabolan.

simonmagus84's picture

This summer I’ll have to decide to Run NPP or Tren hex. I’ll assess things in April when I get my BF down after this recent Bulk so expect a flood of messages in your inbox around that time lmao.

Mac12769's picture

I’m running that NPP we were talking about next cycle too. No Tren for me thanks lol.

simonmagus84's picture

Lol I know, a bunch of you guys talked me into it but npp isn’t until next year most likely unless I decide to run it this summer instead of Parabolan. We’ll see what happens in June.

DeeMan's picture

Hey slooow down lol! Easy easy! Nah good deal.