Mac12769's picture
  • 744

+ 4 X-Mas Touchdown from Team Roids


Christmas Stocking Up for a future cycle with a great Holiday discount ! Fast enough to get in before X-mas and looking smooth. Thanks again TR !

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simonmagus84's picture

Great pickup, my order includes npp as well. I’ve been talking to a lot of folks and this seems to be a very popular compound, more so than I ever thought.

Mac12769's picture

It caught my attention as well. And at my age, think it'll help on several levels. It won't be till well into next year, but wanted to jump in on the prices. Also considering HGH as well, to go with for 6 months, but need to check my IGF and talk to my Dr first. Get his 2 cents as well.

simonmagus84's picture

Mine won’t be until next year as well, do you think there’s Pip with Npp being at 150mg? I usually only see at 100mgs and was thinking of running it next winter. Test at 400 mg and npp at 300mgs only administered twice per week or every 5 days for a bulk cycle.

riseupk's picture

I’ve used the PP NPP150 oil is smooth with 0 pip same with all PP Gear

In a promo × 2
ECinfidel's picture

I've never had pip w/npp. Even though I've had it crash and had to resuspend it. This was DP not PP mind you. But Para is, in my opinion, one of the best intl. labs out there. Their gear is butter smooth.

simonmagus84's picture

I appreciate it brother. This won’t be until next years bulk cycle so I won’t know until then unless I throw it in with my cut cycle in June, I just believe it’s best utilized as a bulk cycle.

Mac12769's picture

The more I read into it, the more it looks like an all around versatile compound no matter how ya run it. Oh and since you asked about PIP, I rechecked my inventory and found 1 at 100mg, the rest are the 150. So we can compare notes later in the year lol. The 100mg was freebie from a previous order, so it got me researching….and here we are.

Mac12769's picture

Lol, that's pretty much the exact cycle I'm looking at as well. Never tried NPP so we shall see. I'm pretty tolerant to mild PIP or general needle soreness, not too concerned on it but who knows. It's a ways off, but already excited. Time to start stocking/saving HGH.

simonmagus84's picture

I admire the work you do by the way, very honorable and I wish farmers the best.