JuicedAggression's picture
  • 207

+ 4 PCT shines again


Big shout out to PCT for his recent promo. Sorry for such a delayed photo op, but I've been extremely busy with work lately. I snagged the 5 x EQ 500 and PCT tossed in an extra Clomid and a Deca 300. Thanks so much PCTShop! I've got mad respect for you brother!

Ordered from: 
DeeMan's picture

Nice. Gonna be eating like a horse with that EQ. You don't get anxiety?

DeeMan's picture

I see you have it all figured out. The Juice is Loose! 18 weeks is alot of growth time too

DeeMan's picture

Yea I run 2 cycles per year myself. So you cruise huh? I recently cruised for the first time. It was short lol. I'm a pct guy.

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

lol, another little pharmacy :)). What's that fancy looking gear in the back mate?

juiceball8082's picture

What ya got in the back?