Murrrman's picture
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First timer and need some pointers


First I want to start by saying I hope everyone is happy and healthy! Just purchased the first part of my cycle ( Test-e x3 200MG ), I'm looking to do a 8-week start to get adjusted and see where I stand. I am 28,5"11,220,14%BF, and my current T level is at 257ng/dl. I started lifting at 21 and for about 4 years I had great results with Prohormones, taken in moderation of course. During that time my diet was dialed in and I was getting the most out of all my supplementation and diet. In the last 3 years, I completely slacked off and got to my heaviest ever but have come down to 220 with 16% BF as of taking it seriously again 3 months ago. When I say serious I mean a consistent diet and training regime along with logging my day, I'm lucky cause in these 3 months I have got a majority of my strength and shape back. I do have a personal nutritionist available and have contacted him since deciding to begin my journey, this is also with mentioning he will be used if needed after the first 4-week photo/log recap. Some major questions I have are 1. is 250 or 300 mg per week the best to kickstart the journey? 2. When it comes to injections is the area of injection i.e. Delt/Glute better or the same in terms of results? 3. Is 8 weeks a viable option for maximizing the dosage or 250 or 300mg? If anyone has any advice I'm all ears! Please feel free to give me any and all suggestions.

Gizmo11111's picture

Yeah I second CloUSMC. Have some arimidex on hand test alone doesn’t effect me but when I run Dbol with test I start to feel it. 1 mg eod has been enough to sort me on the past but that’s my body. I’d slowly increase and decrease dosage on first cycle. I’d also run Nolva for PCT.

PimpdaddyJ's picture

Depends on what your goal is on if that dose is right. It’s not much more than a TRT dosage but given your low natty test level it will be a nice boost and get you up over 1000. My natural test is little over 200 also. If your main goal is to drop some fat and add a little muscle then it’s a decent dose. I take 200mg per week prescribed by my doctor and I don’t need an estrogen blocker on that low of a dose. I’m gonna run a cycle soon of low dose test, primo, and low dose proviron. I won’t need an estrogen blocker for that but I always keep some around in case my blood work says I need it. I’d do at least 12 weeks not 8 also. 8 is real short as it’s gonna take about half that time to start even kicking in as your test levels build.
Everyone is different so do blood work at 5-6 weeks after start to check your estrogen level to decide if you need it or not. If you don’t need it don’t take it cause it’s sure as hell not good for you. Personally I don’t need much Adex even taking 875mg test a week just 1mg twice a week had my estrogen low but not too low and my test level was a little over 5000

Murrrman's picture

Thank you for some knowledge! I'm really wanting to see what results I can get from a lower dose and go from there. I will monitor all my P's and Q's in terms of blood work and overall health maintenance.

Murrrman's picture

Thank you for taking the time to give me some advice! I appreciate that very much. I didn't get any estrogen blockers since I was thinking that dosage was low enough to not worry. Is it necessary to do so at the above mg?