Gym and Bikes_bro's picture
Gym and Bikes_bro
  • 457

+ 2 Maha Pharma testosterone promo


I signed up for the promo from pctshop and it was super generous! Smile I received ton of Maha Pharma test E and immediately jumped in. I replaced my old testosterone (Sciroxx) with this new stuff, with the same trt dose (175mg/week) and my opinion after two weeks is, that either Maha Pharma is overdosed or Sciroxx claims more testosterone content than it actually has. My symptoms went up, a little bit of acne appeared, balls got smaller and I feel strong as fuck in the gym....

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Hulkboy80's picture

Yes, I'm about to post them now. No good

In a promo × 1
luy88's picture

yes, used in the past maha test at 1500 mg weekly...100% overdosed

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

1500 weekly?! Shit bro, that would just launch me through the roof instantly :)´))

Gh0st's picture

I’ve sent random samples of Sciroxx test e and tren e for mass spec with Jano in the past and both came back within 10-15mg of claimed dose per ml. It’s a pretty reputable brand. I imagine it’s maha that may be overdosed. Labs compared with previous or sending to Jano would tell you for sure

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

That's a good info Ghost, thank you! I was wondering, whether there is someone with this Sciroxx experience reading this Smile