Lifted-presence92's picture
  • 823

+ 1 HGH & IGF


Been faithful using roidsource for over a year now his HGH in particular no complaints whatsoever. But I am seeing question arising regarding his old labels being sent out. If anyone has any feedback regarding this lmk.

Labels have never been an issue for me regarding any source or compound I’ve used especially if the exp date is good. Just putting it out there so the community can get some kind of response.

Ordered from: 
roidsource's picture


The msg posted on our forum.

Gents, my apologies, didn't mean to confuse anybody.
The Q's were pulled from the EU warehouse, as we were running extremely low on supply, if there's someone from EU who ordered from the EU store can confirm they are yet to get Q's in the new boxes. We hope to re-stock Q's in 7-10 days (in the newer version of boxes).
Those EU/older boxes have a nice feature though, the carton boxes are made of a different carton than the newer boxes.
The older/previous version of boxes doesn't mean old Qtropin BTW, every new batch gets sold out in 2 months or less, I try to post a lab report for each new batch we receive, will do the same for the batch we expect to receive in 7-10 days, you can scroll a few pages back and you'll see the lab report we posted less than 2 months ago, also, you can see the exp date for the "old" Q's is Nov 2023..

I hope I was able to clarify the situation with the packaging, any question, feel free to post/PM me.


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