Mattlifts92's picture
  • 45

+ 13 2017 heroin-addicted to 2022 with 2 years clean


Blessed to be clean from heroin and methamphetamine

AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

Never really put down the needle did you? lol...jk. Good job. My vice was blow. I don't even touch alcohol anymore. lol

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Mattlifts92's picture

Haha my girl thought I was using the first time she saw my insulin pins --

Pxpxp's picture

Well done!! Aging very well boss

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Heisendoom's picture

Good job! Feel proud.

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Lawn Shark's picture

Keep at it, and thanks for sharing brother! I got clean back in 2019, it’s always inspiring seeing others and their success.

FJB's picture

Lookin great brother. Stay focused and keep grinding

wanted's picture

Holly hell bro. Looking great. Remmber skys the limit and no looking back. Move forward
Keep killing it. Goodluck

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Jonwiggs8's picture

WAY TO GO!!!! Keep it up! I'm very proud of you. I lost my cousin March 8th of this year to an opiate overdose. I myself fought with them and got off 6 years ago. I had help with suboxone, but still off the pills that would probably be faked and be fentanyl now and kill me. God bless you and STAY THE PATH. If you ever need help, or to talk, I'm here for you.

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Mattlifts92's picture

I'm on subs too brother. I see no reason not to be. They don't hurt my health, and cost nothing. And it doesn't invalidate your sobriety.

Jonwiggs8's picture

When I was first on subs they were expensive as hell! Are they cheaper now days?

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Mattlifts92's picture

I get them for $1 copay

Jonwiggs8's picture

Really. Don't know much about the shot. How does that work? Do you just jump from 1 to the other or is there a process?

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NoKarma's picture

Congratulations!! Keep it up!!!

Mattlifts92's picture

Amen to that

Mattlifts92's picture

Hell yeah!! I was 155 in that pic. I'm 200 now at the same bodyfat. Feels good to move forward!

Mattlifts92's picture

I definitely will

trengod1992's picture

You look amazing man!!! Keep up the good work and please stay clean

Mattlifts92's picture

Thanks guys. Sometimes I doubt myself and doubt that I've made real progress, so thanks for you awesome comments

press1's picture

Its amazing when you come out of addiction and look back at what you were back then - You wonder how you ever got like that to begin with but often if you go through all the events that where happening during those dark times you can still understand it. The difference now is we would never be in those situations and surround ourselves with those kind of people, and now have a discipline and regime in our lives. Well done on your achievements Good Smile

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tc62's picture

Congrats homie... I know the journey well.

Sebas26's picture

You are my Hero !
You are mentaly so strong !
You are the only one from 1000 !
Stay Healthy!

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