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BlakeYoppa's picture

Jimmy the bull on rx muscle ate anadrol like candy

DeeMan's picture

Man what you and Tone know about "The Iron Bull" Jimmy Pellechia?... 230lbs doing a controlled negative 1000 pound bench press. He was my role model. That dude had tendons of steel according to Dave Pulumbo. The guys nuts haha. Gotta love him

Big Tone36's picture

He's a crazy fk I love that guy he has me laugh so hard

DeeMan's picture

@BlakeYoppa Quick story that can be verified. So Jimmys doing his usual strength feats in front of a crowd, he reps 225 on bench press 57 times, gets up and asks if anyone can best that...BIG MISTAKE! A texas steer sized man by the name of Ronnie Coleman raises his hands. Ronnie reps 225 on bench 72 times. Complete silence in audience. Bull was stronger but didn't have that endurance muscle. Type 1 vs type 2 muscles

BlakeYoppa's picture

Was this before Ronnie was pro? Man thats so freaking awesome Ronnie is for sure the GOAT man ! Yeah Jimmy was strong and very funny man when I get off this fertility protocol I'm gonna try anadrol been on gear 3 years man I've tried almost all gear I hear anadrol is amazing, my favorite compounds are dbol, masteron and proviron. I had great results on test,mast, and dbol man strange cycle yes but it was almost euphoric bro stayed full off dbol but the mast kept off some of the water and mast makes me so round!

DeeMan's picture

And let's keep in mind bull was like 230 and Ronnie was well over 300 off season.

DeeMan's picture

Will be doing the fertility thing myself as I want kids. I go completely off with pct.

DeeMan's picture

Naaa nothing strange about what your taking. You're the third person that mentioned that combo to me. I myself love test and pulsing a light oral preworkouts only. Orals will fuck my stomach and appetite up so I gotta be careful. Appetite problems anyways. I need to look into mast e and Proviron. Don't know how the hell Iron bull used 300mg anadrol when I can't get through 25mg a day for a week cause of headaches. I don't fuck with it. And yea Ronnie was already a pro when he challenged Jimmy. In fact already Mr. Olympia. But in a 1 rep max jimmy is stronger...no doubt

DeeMan's picture

Hellll yeeaa.....The Iron Bull!

Big Tone36's picture

I love Jimmy the bull. Yea back in the days he most certainly did. This is not typical though most of us will feel very toxic. Back then the drugs were better quality. The real deal androlic 50mg British dispensary were the shit. All you needed was 1

BlakeYoppa's picture

Yes he is very funny bro I remember one of him and Boston Loyd discussing cycles Boston thought that was a high dosage of anadrol I think it was 6 q day or some shit lmao --

Big Tone36's picture

Yea 300mg I think

DeeMan's picture

Nope That was Muhammad Benizza or whatever his last name was. Lasix was his primary cause of death. Lasix might of been involved in Munzer death but it wasn't the primary compound involved. Muhammads heart stopped and Munzer organs shut down

Big Tone36's picture

Munzer had multiple tumors of the liver, enlarged heart kidney failure, stomach bleeding extreme toxicity with 20 compounds in his blood stream. True example of someone who took things way beyond to far. Only 31 y.o. too.

Fuckin shredded to the bone probably 0.5% b.f. very unhealthy

DeeMan's picture

Hot DAMN!!!!! Wow

DeeMan's picture

Yea like you stated to me above it was rare that someone used half a bottle of pharmaceutical 2.5 pure Anavar in order to get 80 to 90mgs. Now some like Sergio and Arnold went overboard with dosages, however they had great genetics too.Thing is I understand we have raw testing now but it just seems drugs like dbol and var were way stronger back then and I'm not the first to say that either. I talked to an ole school 70s guy who said the same. It's just strange. If testing shows purity there shouldn't be a difference

Gh0st's picture

Agreed. I did recently try dbol from one of my two go-to domestic sources whom I trust whole heartedly. And even though the research there says similar, maybe it’s my individual response but I definitely didn’t get much at all out of the 25mg tabs (chewable) but when I did bump to 50mg which I can’t say I would normally do or recommend. I noticed what I would think most people notice from dbol and what I hear about so often. That being said I also don’t use orals like most people use them (in my offseason anyways). I only use them as an androgen boost pre workout on heavy days. Probably 4 days a week. And I pulse them. Prep is different of course if I’m stepping on stage but I hate that because the GERD I get is fucking real.

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DeeMan's picture

FR sent. Man you and I are definitely cut from the same cloth. I like your thinking, opposed to reckless thinking like some. Man I don't really mess with orals either but only for preworkouts sometimes. Will say that some orals of the same kind are waayyy stronger than others and supposedly they are tested at the same mgs. Go figure!

Gh0st's picture


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Big Tone36's picture

In my early juice days (early 2000's) all that was around was anabol 5mg d bols and guys were blowing up taking 5-6 of them things and 1 androlic 50mg green hulk anadrols and blowing up too.

I get Gerd too, was very bad for years I got scoped and has 4 small ulcers. I fixed them and my Gerd with omeprazole. I'm really not a fan of orals. I love winstrol though I prefer injection depot version though

Gh0st's picture

Winstrol and Sdrol are the worst for me, but I only use them for prep, 4-6 weeks max and peak week respectively. so I don’t have to deal with it long. I did try depot but I’m PIP prone with short esters in general. A few brands of TNE hasn’t bothered me in the past, as well as Sustanon. But straight Prop, Ace esters or Depot/suspension. Destroys me. Unfortunately.

Anadrol is my favorite/go-to oral to pulse in the off season. Just 50mg pre workout. Doesn’t give me any negative side effects and I love the extra push/strength it gives me.

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Big Tone36's picture

I love anadrol but it destroys my stomach these days. This discussion is great. Like i said the other day, it just shows how different all of us are with juice and this really is fingerprint medicine.

DeeMan's picture

Lol my bad bro but gotta say this...I'm pretty much pip sensitive to every damn thing with short esters being the worst and as for preworkout Anadrol....HELL TO DA NOOO! Head ache city for me at only 25mg. Didn't last a week. Wish I didn't have those issues with it like y'all. And as far as Sdrol, I knew about back in da day when you could get it on Amazon. I knew better... 2a double methylation hahaha. I passed over it.

Gh0st's picture

Hey it’s all good brother we respond differently! Glad you listened to your body. Sdrol is super toxic for many. Even just a week of loading it for me I feel lethargic but it’s hard for me to tell if that’s because of being so deep in prep or not.

I’ve used it here and there 10mg pre workout but prefer drol so just never stuck w it consistently to find out.

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ABC's picture

any update on jano tests?

DC Tom's picture

Primo and TNE back instock

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AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

Fuuuck. I Just ordered yesterday. Wanted to taste the TNE.

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DC Tom's picture

Shoot me your order number in PM

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AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

Sent PM. Didn't hear back. No TNE in my package. All good though. Didn't expect any free shit.

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