Big Tone36's picture
Big Tone36
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+ 16 Angtropin bloodtest


My results. Been running Angtropin 5 i.u. for the past 3-4 months. Was happy with results but wanted to see my levels. Injected 10 i.u. 2hr 27min prior. I always have elevated ast/alt slightly above range and I do not know my baseline.

AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

Fucking nice. I'm gonna get a baseline for gh and igf once i finish my current cycle and my bloods for this cycle show a return to normal. Great post bigtone. Appreciate that.

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franco82's picture

I remember years ago the old school generics came back with 19 to 21 serum levels. And yes liver enzymes affect the igf-1

njshore9's picture

what do you mean liver enzymes affect the igf1 reading

Big Tone36's picture

Higher liver enzyme values typically means your your liver is not functioning optimally, IGF is secreted from the liver so it will not be secreted optimally. Simply put as best I can

KK9111's picture

Yes the good old days.

Big Tone36's picture

I was looking at gorillafit article his numbers were up and down with high igf number about same as mine

I'm going to try i.m. injection next time and wait a little longer before I go. Both my numbers are above range so I'm happy

franco82's picture

Yea saw that, he has a lot of old school ones I use to use. Good old days. Lol

Big Tone36's picture

I looked at his test I feel pretty good seeing most of his igf-1 test were in the 300's similar to me and some of his test his GH very high and some not high but raised igf. One day we'll figure the best testing protocol

Big Tone36's picture

Can liver enzymes affect the igf-1? I'm always higher than normal. I'm going to test in a month again. I kinda fkd up and drank a protein shake about 30-40 min before, igf test doesn't require fasting but gh serum does

Makwa's picture

I think it was MegaT883 who did the research and determined that peak GH serum is reached at 4.5hrs after injection. When injecting 6iu or less it peaked about 3.5-4 hours later. Over 6iu it was about 4.5 hours. I'll see if I can dig up that post just to confirm. Bottom line though, the angs are legit.

edit: Here is the post from MegaT I was referencing

Big Tone36's picture

Next test I'll try to get everything right now that we got some good info.

Makwa's picture

I have talked to some pretty knowledgable people about this and using exogenous HGH will not shut down your natty production of HGH. You can however blunt your natural pulse, i.e. take a shot before bed when you naturally
pulse the most HGH. It will just blunt that individual pulse, not shut you down. Old people like me with no natty GH anymore, pinning before bed is almost the way to go, but these youngsters with high GH/IGF production should be mindful of when they pin.

On the other hand, pinning IGF will cause a negative feedback loop and decrease your natty pulses of GH. So you never want to run IGF solo.

Makwa's picture

right now I pin my GH first thing in the morning and preworkout with my first IGF shot. I really should do another 1-2iu shot before bed though.

Big Tone36's picture

I saw you got down to 67 that's low as fk you might of been able to get a script lol. We probably need to cycle like juice. GH makes me tired so I'm not sure how I'd feel if I stopped. I've ran GH in the past a kit or 2 then stopped I felt nothing

Big Tone36's picture

Yea well I like to give credit where it's due and help out the community. I stood by hgh pros products in the past and after testing I still do. I'm going to test 3-3 1/2 hrs after next time and no shake. I'm still off all anabolics for the 5th week, if my liver enzymes were high than they definitely will be lower in a few weeks from now.... hopefully. I'm going for well check up testing in about a month too, make sure I'm good and healthy to hope back on the juice!

Makwa's picture

Based upon MegaT's findings, this is the protocol I would use if testing for GH serum. Pin 10iu IM and get test 4.5 hrs later. Should definitely be in the peak then. If you do, it would be very interesting to see how much of a difference testing a little later would show.

Big Tone36's picture

next what is the protocol for testing? For IGF-1 run 6 days of dosing then test on the 7th day 24hrs after last injection.

He says that so 24 hr before I shot 2.5i.u. and about 10 hr before I shot another 2.5 i.u. would it be a safe assumption that my igf-1 number would represent the day before?

Makwa's picture

that is pretty much how I understand it to be. You are testing the steady state levels of IGF. So as long you pinned your daily dose the day before the test you will get an accurate representation of IGF levels.

so for your test just pin your normal daily dose as you would the day before test and then day of test pin 10iu IM 4.5hrs before test to get peak serum GH. Should have an accurate representation of IGF and GH serum then.

Big Tone36's picture

Awesome bro thanks again for this info

Big Tone36's picture

Thanks for researching, igf-1 stays elevated quite sometime, you think that level will be peaked still at 4.5 hrs? It should be I think igf stays elevated past 24hrs I read somewhere

Makwa's picture

As long as you pinned your normal daily dose of HGH the day before test, your IGF level will be accurate. That should stay relatively constant with consistent pinning. If you are one of those doing the 5on 2off pinning then timing of your IGF test is going to be more of a concern.

Big Tone36's picture

No I pin everyday 5 i.u. most of the time all 5 in the a.m. that particular day before I split it because I wanted to see if I had less hand pain

Makwa's picture

As long as you are not skipping a day, splitting it up during the day shouldn't be an issue.

Big Tone36's picture

Appreciate you thanks for the help brother!

ECinfidel's picture

Nice numbers man. Thanks for testing/sharing.

Makwa's picture

Numbers look good. I would be happy with them. Test was a little early for peak GH serum level. An hour later I would expect it to be even higher. IGF is the workhorse though that we are mainly interested in and your levels look good. I would give the angs a Good

Big Tone36's picture

Thanks bro, always value your opinion and knowledge