Big Tone36's picture
Big Tone36
  • 2.6k



Gonna use this and come off juice completely for 6-8 weeks. Usually I would just run 125mg test TRT dose but last time I did that my hemoglobin and hematocrit were still extremely high even at 125mg after 8 weeks. Plus I will give my androgen receptors a break and increase sensitivity for next cycle.

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Big Tone36's picture

These boxes are cool, they are tamper proof, 100% authentic like everything else he has. I had organon pregnyl in the box back in the days but not this style.
They came in a upright style box. I thought about Nolvadex too but probably overkill. I'll be taking the hcg 1,000 i.u. for 10 days followed by clomid 150mg weeks 1-3, 100mg week 4, 50mg week 5. After this I'll do bloods. See how I look and feel and probably hope back on cycle soon after. Really want to swell up the balls and increase receptor sensitivity, flush toxins and bring my hemoglobin/ hematocrit to normal which it hasn't been In many years. I'll probably start utilizing more HCG like you do from here on

Big Tone36's picture

Clomid itself is a serm this will do the same thing no? I don't really convert to much at all. I've been running 800mg test prop 800mg primo with no a.i. and I have no water. No acne. Good sex drive and feel good. I have a.i.'s on hand I figure if I needed I could take low dose without crashing my estrogen. HCG raises androgens so technically those androgens convert and this is why estro goes up

Big Tone36's picture

Nice, thanks for sharing brother

Drol 250's picture

Doser is awesome im on his pharma anadrol and it's beast as hell

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Big Tone36's picture

The Balkan anadrol and winstrol are my favorite. Everything here is of superior quality. No. 1

dmxinyourface's picture

Aspirin, Omega 3, cardio and there is even a medication Georges Touliatos aka Dr Testosterone on MD youtube channel was talking about Losartan 50mg. He took it for 4 months and it radically dropped his RBC. Not the bank the blood ... yes nice try lol

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Big Tone36's picture

I take aspirin, 4000-6000mg omega daily on cycle and will continue. I need a break, even after draining a pint it goes right back up. My hematocrit was 59% hemoglobin 19.1

dmxinyourface's picture

4-6g is a good amount. Have you consider fasting like muslims do. From sunrise to sunset. No water, no food. Body will clean by itself. That's a great way to do clean VERY fast. 1 day per week on non training days. You won't lose fat. 7 days straight and you start to lose. They did an experience with mices. 1 fed everyday the other one every other day. The 2nd mice eat MORE when she can eat. So overall same amount food. 2nd was healthier, less fat and longer life.

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Big Tone36's picture

Lol no, I thought maybe discontinuing all steroids and drinking plenty of water and eating healthy for 2 months would be healthiest way. Coming off steroids is not a bad thing.

wanted's picture

Wouldnt coming off all steroids depend on age of person.

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Big Tone36's picture

It's just temporary, I need TRT for life, I've been using a.s.s. 18 years and I'm 40, My system will never come back. I think we're missing the other point as to why I want to do this. I want my receptors sensitivity to increase and this method can absolutely help do this. I have a belief my body will respond better to my next cycle. Also, I want my balls full again even if just temporary.

Makwa's picture

Resetting receptor sensitivity is broscience. AAS actually upregulate the receptors. The issue is myostatin. That is what needs to be reset and why we can't continually gain on a cycle and need to come off. You don't have to come off of all steroids to do that though. Just going back to TRT dose will reset your baseline.

Big Tone36's picture

I know you create more receptors with using higher dosages of juice. And you are right about myostatin. I'm just not making the gains I want or expect at the dosages I run and I been blasting and cruising many years. Last time I took a break my hemoglobin hematocrit both were high as fk at 125mg sustanon for 8 weeks. I was sick and dehydrated when I took that blood test but even other blood test throughout the years I was still higher than normal range on TRT dose. I just think I could benefit doing this. Yes I drain blood before and take omega 3 , aspirin but levels still go right back up

Makwa's picture

Where are your test levels at on 125mg/wk. If in range and still having abnormally high hemoglobin and hemat I would definitely be concerned.

Big Tone36's picture

Rdwc 16% H
Hemoglobin 19.5 H
Rdwsd 48.6 H
Hematocrit 58.8% H
Rbc 6.51H

My blood cells also abnormal shape
You know your shit, what do you think?

Makwa's picture

How long were at that dose. It takes like 120 days for the red blood cycles to completely cycle through the body so your levels could be remaining high until they get replaced by new. I would think especially by 2months at a trt dose you should be normalized. That is what TRT is for to help keep the body in homeostasis. If things don't normalize for you after being off for awhile I would really discuss it with a doc to make sure you don't have any underlying problems that are totally unrelated to gear usage. Polycythemia is nothing to take lightly, especially since it seems to happen very easily with you.

Big Tone36's picture

8 weeks at 100mgs. I was really sick i think I had covid. My white cell was high, I was dehydrated and my lymphocytes were low among others signs in blood consistent with viral infection. I report back In 6 weeks when I do bloods

Makwa's picture

Hopefully things work out for you Ok

Big Tone36's picture

Thanks brother. I'm sure they will, I'm not worried I feel good. If I felt bad I would worry. Those bloods are from June so it's 6 months ago and I'm still alive and well lol

Big Tone36's picture

100mg actually

787 . My free test was high and bioavailiblity was awesome because my shbg was tanked. I don't know why this was.

dmxinyourface's picture

Coming off completely trt included will definitely drop those rbc down 100%. And it could be done in 2 or 3 weeks. (With 1 fast day per week). You can do say a sustanon or nebido then 3 or 4 weeks nothing.

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