anonymousgymgym's picture
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First Cycle - Need Advice


Hello, firstly I’d like to thank you for reading this and I appreciate any advice. I’ve been going to the gym for a few years now and have decided to do just one cycle to help boost myself a bit. I plan on running dbol at 20-30mg a day for 4 weeks with a base of test E at 300mg a week for 8 weeks. Then a PCT of tamoxifen 20mg and clomiphene 50mg.

What I’d like to know, is if I will experience any sort of depression after I come off the cycle? I don’t want to feel low for any prolonged period of time. I’d also like to know if it’s likely I will experience any side effects (I know it’s impossible to answer this question, but I’ve decided to take a lower dose than some would, for a shorter duration of just 8 weeks and fully intend on this being the only cycle I will do).

Any other advice that is off topic to this is also really appreciated. Thanks again.

Makwa's picture

Yep. Yep.

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

LMAO! That's real shit..

Makwa's picture

Will you experience some sort of depression after coming off? Most do, so be prepared for it.
Will you experience any side effects? Most people do on their first cycle. Some good some bad. The more you research the more prepared you will be to address any negatives sides. Worst you need to be prepared for is that you never fully recover your natural levels. All it takes is one cycle so don't jump into this lightly.

My best advice is you are jumping into a cycle way to early. You are no where near your natty potential. Put on the easy muscle first with just food. What I see happening here is you gain a bunch of weight on cycle and think things are great. Problem is all that weight is due to glycogen retention. Soon as you come off cycle all that weight goes with it since you really don't know how to eat to build and keep muscle naturally . Now you are suffering through a PCT and dropping even more weight and you come out of the cycle worse then you went into it. You have some easy weight you can put on just with diet right now and don't even have to worry about the potential consequences of a cycle. Focus on your diet right now and not a cycle. Then come back around to this idea once you have naturally gained 20+ lbs.

anonymousgymgym's picture

Cheers for adding all of this. I guess I’m just being impatient but you’re right - will defo hold off and keep focusing on diet etc before considering it again. Thanks again really appreciated.

Makwa's picture

Read through my forums. Follow those and you will be amazed how much muscle you can put on. PM or ask if any questions.

anonymousgymgym's picture

Cheers. So just to be clear, your saying drop the Dbol and stick to test E only for 8 weeks at 300mg a week?

anonymousgymgym's picture

Ahaha lol, ok ok I understand. Cheers for the advice.

anonymousgymgym's picture

Defo some great advise from both of you, thanks again. Will hold off and keep focusing on diet. Thank you

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