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+ 3 Taliban Takeover


How Very sad this all is, imagine how desperate these poor people are to get away from that place now they know what their lives will become now the Taliban have taken hold of Afghanistan again. People who had any Government connections what so ever have been pulled from their houses in front of their families and executed in front of them. Truly Horrific and a world I cannot imagine living in.

What are you guy's thoughts on all this with the U.S Troops being pulled out now - Do you think we should have stayed or was it just a waste of time to be there any longer?

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture
Surely we can all agree the CIA has brought drugs into our country tonot only de-stabilize our country And fund their covert wars. Does anyone find it odd that our military guarded poppy fields in Afghanistan? Or the fact this all played out similarly to the Vietnam "war"? How many governments have been overthrown by the US only to leave the country in chaos? ALOT! Thats how many... But you won't find that on CNN!

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

I had to bookmark that lol... It reminds me of in that they post interesting news from multiple sources... thanks for posting

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Yes sir I agree... --

BFG's picture

Let's not get political here guys, we have a group for that:

Prince.Amir's picture

I mean there are cons and pros to each decision, to stay or leave. It was costing us a lot of resources including lives to stay ... Also Taliban live in Pakistan, why didn't we never attack their camps over there to get rid of all of them? They're all extremists and could be eliminated forever!

maddogg's picture

We should have been financially sanctioning the powers that be that were supporting the Taleban in Pakistan the whole time. With out their support the Taleban would have been just a nuisance. Elements in Pakistan made them the power that they are. They would have never taken over Afghanistan in the 1990's, and they never would have come back after 2001.

press1's picture

To be honest mate in the last 18 months prior to the US pulling out - not a single US soldier was killed over there. Now look at all the troops that have died or been injured as a result of Bidens actions.

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maddogg's picture

That is because of the agreement that Trump had with the Taleban to begin a negotiated withdrawl from Afghanistan. They would not attack our troops and would just focus on the Afgan forces who were taking their heavest losses during that same time. If we reneged on Trump's agreement to pull out they would have begun attacking us again. We were supposed to pull out in May under that agreement. When we didn't they threatened to begin attacks again on allied troops. That being said I disagree with pulling out, and I thought that before the benefit of hindsight of that disaster of an ending. Biden's hands where kind of tied, but he is still the President and didn't have to withdrawl, but allied troops would have begun to die, and be permanently disabled and money that could have been spent elsewhere would have been consumed. Time will be the ultimate arbiter as to weather it was the right decision. Either way it was ugly and embarrassing to me.

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

LMAO!! Yeah cuz that could never happen!! GTFO...They're on the same team, haven't you ever watched wrestling as a kid? Or do you still believe it's real lol?

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Yea forget about the story... Facts prove nothing huh?
The "source" in question actually re-posts a majority of it's stories from other sources you probably approve of...but God forbid you think for yourself and hear both sides of the story, just go with the narrative ... I bet you didn't even read the entire article.
Prolly a full blown Clinton supporter as well huh? Lmao!! straight up snowflake

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Lmao!! First,all sources can be bullshit... I think for myself. Maybe your too indoctrinated to think for yourself? It's easy to engage in an argument and never hear both side of the story. An ADULT conversation doesnt do that. I don't care much for the US politics either... It's just a show. I'm not mad at you, but I do feel bad for you. Your kind of mentality is what's wrong with our country. So if you do not want to research unbiasedly then there's no point in having a conversation period.

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Ok snowflake, people like me are the kind that built this country boy. Now it's over run with chumps like you that live with their grandparents and act like pussies then cry when people don't agree with em.

Saint gannett's picture

Twenty years were spent driving Taliban forces into submission, and army was put in place and right at a trillion US Dollars spent, not to mention the worldwide contribution of lives lost and civilian casualties in that country itself; the people should have taken up those arms and fought, rather than surrendering and waiting for outside forces to save them. The moment a pull out was put into place, the resurgence was fact, no longer threat or even prophecy and they should have fought to the last man, woman and child. How long can the world babysit these countries. Dick Cheney has made all the money he can on rebuilding, now they need it to crumble again so they can make more. Korea, Viet Nam, Iran, Nicaragua; how many times have occupation failed? I am not without sympathy, but how long are world forces supposed to carry the burden? France surrendered without a gun shot fired and waited for rescue; I fear these people will have no such relief, they will be forgotten like POW's of Viet Nam and countless other 'controlled warfare' efforts. One cannot occupy a country that does not want to be occupied.

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

It started long before that weasel was in office.
Order out of chaos..

press1's picture

40 SAS Soldiers have asked to stay in Afghan to avenge the lives of the 13 US Troops that were killed:


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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Man you gotta look at the bigger picture.
It's all by design. Follow the money.

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Bro the president is the scape goat.. Trump vs Biden is just a way to divide and conquer the American people... Don't fall for the BS! It's the bankers plain and simple. If you really look deep into the real history, not what we have all been indoctrinated with, it'll be clear. Who benefits most from war? This is just like Vietnam... And look how the country was divided in the 50s and 60s.. segregation- is happening now with the vaxxed vs unvaxed.. anti war sentiment was high then also... It's just repeating like history does...

Halsey's picture

Biden is the "commander in chief". He went against his military advisers. D or R, it doesn't matter which party did this. Biden royally fucked this up, and I dont give a rat's ass if he is a D or an R. Afghanistan is a failed state, it was always going to fail. But any damn fool gets all their people out before the military leaves. That was 100% Biden!

Bigcory802's picture

Dude. Please don't. Yes Trump initiated the plan but there was also stipulations to it. For instance. If one American so much as Gets a scratch on them you will feel the full weight of America's military power on your head. This was a terrible exit. An 18 year old private could have planned this exit better. Those Marines11 Marines 1 soldier and 1 navy corpsman were put in a terrible no win situation where they didn't stand a chance to defend themselves. They were put in that situation by our incompetent president and joint cheifs of staff. If you think for one second Trump would have allowed the Taliban to pull security around the airport for our troops you are sadly mistaken. The whole deal is a shit sandwich. My heart aches for my fellow Marines and their families that gave the ultimate sacrifice and wernt even allowed to defend themselves. So please don't sit there and blameTrump. The new president is in charge not Trump. Semper Fi.

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Halsey's picture

Yes, something ain't right. He acted like a complete fucking idiot. Got a lot of good people killed for no good reason.

Halsey's picture

My brother got IED in Afghanistan in 2009. Spent 10 months at fort hood with a broken neck, broken femur and all kinds of nerve damage. He lost 3 men that day! This shit hits pretty close to home for me.

press1's picture

Damn that must be Horrific when it happens and you are injured in a blast.

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press1's picture

Somebody of that age should NOT be in charge of running a country, God knows who thought it would be a good idea for him to be doing so. All the lives that have been lost due to that one idiotic overnight move. They can take out a suicide bomber via drone on the way to Kabul airport before he has even done it - yet they couldn't predict or realise how quickly the Taliban could regain control of the country before they had even left??!

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Halsey's picture

I hate politics! But what he did, make the USA look like a bunch of assholes. It embarrassing.

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

I couldn't have said it better bro.. funny how people would rather just go along with the narrative than think for themselves and dig a bit to see between the lines. But thats what sheep do. I don't hate my fellow Americans but I am saddened by their ignorance.. it's even worse how close minded grown adults can be and can't have a decent conversation without acting like children. Why are people afraid of education or being wrong? Funny how politics and religion seem to trigger people... Snowflakes are the future!

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

It's a lot deeper than it seems. There's an agenda, don't be fooled by the smoke and mirrors.
Things are now moving at a faster pace and times are going to get tougher for America very soon.
People really need to dive deep into history as it does tend to repeat. #Terrence McKenna time wave zero
Ever heard of the i-ching anyone?
Take your mind back and wake from the illusion and lies!!

Gigel's picture

The Afghan military was unprepared, unpaid and 50% of them were illiterate. They depended on trained forces and contractors it seems. Its more to the story than saying they gave up without a fight.

Bodybuilder_007's picture

It's really sad seeing what's happening around the world. :-(