BIGBOY81JC's picture
  • 16

+ 4 Selfie


Had to screen shot it after I had managed to cover tattoo on chest and hide my face with skull haha. It is a better pic overall --.

Idkwid's picture

The abs are killer bro
Perfect inserts

LuckierSquare's picture

abs obliques etc looking real good got good delt definition too nice work man

BIGBOY81JC's picture

Thanks buddy, only just the beginning too!

GrowMore's picture

First cycle and looking better than some lads with a handful under their belts. Congrats

Owes a Review × 1
MONK's picture

Smart gains +

Consider some research into NPP before you take the plunge into Deca. Nothing wrong with the compound but NPP would slice that physique into a freak. (Goal Dependant obvs).

BIGBOY81JC's picture

Cheers mate, I'll look into NPP as you mention it would turn physique into a freak. Any advice is always welcome I appreciate it thanks. My goal is to be bigger than I am already but also stay shredded.

MONK's picture
BIGBOY81JC's picture

Cheer mate that was very informative and helpful, thanks once again. Looks like NPP will make an appearance in next cycle.

MONK's picture

Yeah something to consider at least. You have the best read on your body and it’s potential.

Makwa's picture

Nice shape and definition.

BIGBOY81JC's picture

Cheers mate, I do work hard as many other do.

Roider007's picture

Looking lean good work

BIGBOY81JC's picture

Cheers mate, lots of hard work and a whole load of high protein food has really helped. First cycle and many more to come --.

Makwa's picture

What did you run for a cycle?

BIGBOY81JC's picture

I am currently taking 600mg of Test Enhanthate a week 1 pin Monday 300mg and 1 on Thursday 300mg with 50mg of Anavar daily split over 2 doses. Currently 5 weeks in today. I am running a 16 week cycle then will PCT off for 4 - 6 months. I will then cycle again but I might add Deca in next one not decided on what compound to added to next one yet really. I have some time to think.

jp82088's picture

Cut the Anavar in another week or so.

50mg a day reeks havoc on your lipids/triglyceride levels.

A lot of literature showing 30mg for 6+ weeks drops HDL by the single digits.

Make sure you are doing Cardio, a good Omega supplement, and something like Citrus Bergamont.

If this was truly your first cycle, I think its a little too much... I know I will get heat for this, but your physique could of been achieved just on test alone and much lower doses like 300-400mg weekly. Remember, your body is so fresh that you will respond to anything... When you start dabbling in the world of AAS you always want to start with least effective dose and go from there. That's why I would advise something around 300-400mg weekly. That will literally put you over 2500-3000ng/dl which is esentially 4-5x above your natural endogenous levels.

Secondly, Anavar is one of the hardest compounds to wreck your lipids aside from Tren a, or Stanozolol (Winstrol). Though in my opinion Var is the worst over 20mg+ daily.

I would of used var later after you have several cycles under your belt. You be surprised how much you can achieve Testosterone only cycles with very little impact on lipids...

Lastly, I would stay away from NPP right now. Some individuals would tell you NPP works better than Deca or get you more ripped, but that is simply not true. The only reason NPP is more favorable to many is because of how fast the ester works and how fast it can clear your system (If you were to have sides). Nandrolone Decanoate will take a couple weeks to peak and if you start having sides you have to ride them out for weeks because of the half life. Some people report they hold more water retention on Nandrolone Decanoate but it honestly depends on many factors (Genetics, diet).

I stay away from them because 19Nors will shut you down harder than any compound. The metabolites stay in your system for a loonnnnnnggggg time.

Personally, if I was you my second cycle will be just testosterone alone, keep your diet in check and get as much as you can from it.

After you achieve this, I would look into adding a second injectable like Primobolan. It doesn't aromatize to DHN (Dyhydro Nandrolone) so no prolactin issues, no long lingering metabolite in your system and its fantastic for a lean bulk without skewing lipids as bad (keep it withing 400mg). You should see awesome results...

My 2 cents

Be safe


BIGBOY81JC's picture

Yep it is my first cycle, all new to this game trial and error really for me. I will cut the Anavar next week then and just run the test until cycle comes to an end. I appreciate any advice. I did some first time cycle reviews and this came out as the best one so that is why I went for it. Obviously I'm keen but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Appreciate the advice mate. I take all opinions seriously.