Boricua68's picture
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Sustenon weird color


Ordered some Sus and in came in with a weird "tren like" color. Anyone seen this before. I've used a few bottles of sus from this source always clear...

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UncleYoked's picture

Any way you could put that on a paperwhite background with white lighting?
Our last batch of sust was darker than usual, likely from the Isocaproate oxidizing a bit. Oxidation causes this coloring, it's most common in tren but even tren can brew clear if it's done with extremely fresh raws. The longer a raw sits, the more it oxidizes. This doesn't cause any damage to the hormone but it does cause discoloring. This is the reason why you might get one vial that is clear and the same batch of raws brewed a few weeks later might be tinted.

Goose24's picture

I had some primo years ago and same thing happened. 2 out of 10 bottles oxidized. Not from you a different source. I saw this pic today and figured it was heat or oxidation. I’ve seen it happen a hand full of times.

It’s been a few years since I’ve ordered from you I think I’ll have to put one together soon. Always enjoyed your products.

UncleYoked's picture

It's actually a bit of the same. The heat when manufacturing the raw material itself can have an affect on the oxidation. If it gets too hot in production it can cause extreme oxidation, time is another factor. When making the final product, additional heat can cause more oxidation and extreme heat can cause the oil itself to turn as well. We don't use extreme heat during out process but breaking down the Test Iso does take some application of heat since it's a bit of a bitch to get in to the solution.
Our base is MCT oil which is clear.

Gh0st's picture

No shit? My bad to assume then. Definitely didn’t know that. Good info.

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UncleYoked's picture

It's all good, we knew there would be some questions when we were brewing it.

Gh0st's picture

I knew about oxidation when it comes to tren, but had no idea it could happen with test. I always assumed color was based on the type of oil used otherwise. Like GSO being thicker and more yellow. Etc.

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UncleYoked's picture

Certain types of test. Test E, not as much in my experience. Really it seems to mostly be test iso that has this effect.

Gh0st's picture

X2 hit up Unc. Definitely mislabeled. Shippers man, not always reliable.

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JL's picture

This^^^. Ordered deca once and it ended up being test. Shot my test levels up on trt check up. Not cool!

Boricua68's picture

I emailed him too... I fig it was prob mislabeled

Gh0st's picture

Yep you can send to me if you don’t want it bruh ;)

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Boricua68's picture


Zalewski's picture

Message the source

Boricua68's picture

I did...

Halsey's picture
