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+ 3 Nordic Fish Oil


The past several weeks I've found myself getting really into orange flavoured Cod Liver Oil for the many benefits you get from it. It seems that if you run gear it is pretty much ESSENTIAL to take it if you are intent on having a Healthy heart, Blood and cholesterol levels and want to steer clear of heart attacks and strokes as much as possible :-)

The recommended daily Omega 3 intake is 500mg made up of EHA & DHA so this is the figure you need to be particularly aware of hitting when choosing which oil to buy - Some Cod Liver Oil you will need 2 teaspoons worth to hit this level and others such as this Nordic Fish Oil you only need 1 x 5ml teaspoon to hit 1500mg!! I've had some of this arrive today in the Lemon flavour and guy's its just thin clear oil with a slight hint of lemon, no anchovy aftertaste whatsoever!

What's made me particularly convinced on how good Fish Oil is for you is in a recent Eddie Hall video I watched, I believe he isn't even sponsored by the brand but still has a very strong belief in it. He said back in 2016 he saw his blood under a microscope and it was literally all congealed and clotted which is why he was having breathing difficulties at the time as his blood was unable to transport Oxygen around his body properly. He then did 6 months of Nordic Fish Oil treatment and went back and saw with his own eyes the difference it had made - All his blood had separated and thinned and he was able to properly oxygenate his body and muscle again.

It costs slightly more than normal Cod Liver Oil which I will continue to use also as it has the extra vitamins in it, but when running gear or not it seems the health benefits are way more than worth it.

Saint gannett's picture

I am glad this came back around, I have just started back to fish oil, though I am just using the H&B Omega-3. 3g claims 540mg EPA and 360mg DHA, but I have avoided Cod Liver oil based upon advice I read long ago and never really followed up on. All of this is becoming really important to me as I am in my 4th week of an 8-week d-bol run and having never run orals for more than 1-week in any cycle, I really worry to sacrifice health for that little extra muscle gain.

I think I will give the Cold Liver a Try, does anyone have an strong opinion on H&B (Holland & Barrett) products? I remember a research done on GNC some years back and all their stuff was found to be salts, calcium and gelatin, along with chinese herbs being absolutely bogus, or the wrong herb, often banned herbs. I wasn't keen on them back then, and I definitly have never shopped there since, but have I just swapped bad for worse? I find advertising on H&B fish oils, calling it shite, but then it advertises other off brand.

Historically, I have been able to eat as much food as I want, tons of macros, but this year is so different for me. Almost 1/3 of my protein is coming from drink supplements, packed with fiber and there just is not much room to add more whole foods. With 4" to cut from my waist line in 13-weeks, I am heavily dependant upon supps., which is a tough route. Cycling d-bol/deca means no room for diet error, so here I am, reading about fish oils, where macros by real diet is lacking.

I think I will add this cold liver oil supplement to the daily routine, it is getting to be quite a process. I remember Ronnie Coleman showing off his daily pills and supplements one day, was like a hand full of jelly beans. I have to say, I do prefer the whole foods route!

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press1's picture

Buddy in the end this is the one I ended up using as the Nordic one for me was too expensive to keep using - this brand is also really good and high in EPA and DHA too. Tastes really good and is cheaper. The damn company send me a catalogue every month now in my post with all their other health products in too! LMAO This is much better than the Holland and Barrett one :-)

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Saint gannett's picture

This looked really good, so will be here today on Prime.... gotta' love same day to the door service. I have seen quite a few great physiques supplementing vitamin D, so that is the seller to me. I always look to the build, colour and tone I want and try to see what they do differently than me. I have also noticed that my EPA/DHA daily is quite a bit lower than people I look up to, so win/win. Could have gone vitamin D tabs, but this sounded pretty good. I will be curious to see if I can feel a difference over these next 14-weeks. Thanks for the lead, it is defo a better deal for money.

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HeroHawk's picture

Thanks for this post, Press1. I picked up some off (common provider for blue pills) yesterday, and looking forward to it arriving. I suffer from Eczema, and read about this is also a major help to those issues.

JL's picture

Fish oil is effective. I take 5 grams per day of Nordic oil. One of the few supplements that actually works. I take it with coq10 and curcumin. It has helped lower my cholesterol. Not dramatically but I wasn’t out of range. It definitely helps with the joint pain to.

trash300's picture

I take 2x5g daily , its the most underrated supplement ever, all guys take BCAA , Glutamine, Creatine, Vit C but the most important supps are a good Omega3 product, Vit D3, K2, Zinc

press1's picture

Hey Pal, great to see you here :-)) Are you out now?

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press1's picture

I must admit since taking in a lot of this stuff I've been less sore and recovery does seem to be better, especially in my shoulder. Hard to pin point the exact thing thats helping though isn't it when you are taking so many things, even just a long thorough deep sleep can make all the difference in recovery from a huge session.

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0newheelup's picture

I take the nortic naturels cod oil.. Love them,, my favorite fish oil by far.. It doesn't give that fishy burps!

I also a firm believer of trying to get all ur vitamins and minerals from ur diet like IrishMack was saying, but my diet swings all over the place.. I keep it as clean as possible and try to cook with healthy foods, but im also funding my damn teenagers food bills (and they big!). So the only fish we eat is the ones we catch, we lucky to keep good olive oil on the shelf, cheap eggs by the dozens, chuck not flank, frozen veggies by the pounds, shitloads of chicken breast, gallons of half milk weekly, ect... The fast life btw football, juijitsu, and working out.. Lol..

IrishMack's picture

It seems a lot of people take a shitload of supplements without realizing you more than likely get everything you need from a daily diet. If you are really eating 3500-5K calories a day, there is no reason you aren't getting enough vitamins and minerals your body needs. When you prepare a meal, google what amount of vitamins and minerals are in your choice. Omega 3's come from more than just fish oil. Nuts and seeds flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts Plant oils flaxseed oil, soybean oil, and canola oil, Cooking with those oils will give you the same Omega 3's. Red meat, egg yolks, provide a ton of vitamin D. Over taking vitamins will not make you healthier, they just make your wallet lighter and your piss fluorescent.

maddogg's picture

Yes I cook with canola oil and avocado oil and eat walnuts and various other nuts too. Can really stock up on walnuts before Christmas at very good prices and they last a couple of years

There is not denying the effects of supraphysicallogical amounts of essential fatty acids. I used to sell flax oil at my gym and at 2 tablespoons per day the elevation in mood was undeniable. In not only me but my customers. Also. Governments have employed it in place of ADHD medicine due to funding issues.
Specifically Syria, long before all he’ll broke loose there. They have very talented Doctors and scientists. There formula for mixing VX gas was better than ours. I know there are benefits to it and so do a lot of people who should know.

press1's picture

I don't have anywhere near the appetite though to consume that amount of food daily, therefore using supplements works very well for me. If Eddie Hall is consuming 10,000 calories per day then why does he still take tonnes of the stuff together with a box full of Vitamins and minerals everyday? Watch his recent daily diet video he has put up to see it all. Plus all the shakes on top of all the meat he eats. In fact every single Pro BB'er and strongman supplements heavily on top of their huge daily diet.

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IrishMack's picture

that's a very good question why at all takes so many supplements and eats 10,000 calories a day but bear in mind don't forget all the major injuries he has had remember The ripped bicep muscle remember the torn chest muscle? Remember when he pulled his calf muscle almost halfoff? Eddie Hall is Eddie Hall just like you are you and I am me and Halsey as Halsey everybody is just everybody you make your own decisions on how many supplements you want to take how many vitamins you want to take and how much food you eat but I'm just trying to say that the best thing to do is look at everything you eat and weigh in the options of how many vitamins and minerals are in each item you eat. on a side note take a look at Eddie Hall's diet too and see what he eats half of what he eats is not even healthy and that's how he has to eat to keep his size he eats a ton of fat foods

Halsey's picture

I agree Mack, Eddie Hall might not be the best example to look at for your everyday person nor your average bodybuilder. The guy is a fucking monster! He pushes his body to absolute extremes, including his heart and organs. He might need to supplement a few things the average person wouldnt.

The current level of multi level marketing and snake oils on the market that sell quick fixes are disgusting. It's really always been this way I guess. People want a miracle fix in a pill and others want a quick buck.

maddogg's picture

I’m a big believer in it for a whole host of health reasons. The ones you mentioned plus it helps heal micro tears in you muscle fibers helping with doms. Really helps with cognitive health too. Your body makes anti inflammatory like compounds out of it so it protects and nourishes your brain as well as your joints.

I take 3 fish oil caps 565 mg each DHA EHA. And 1 calamari oil cap with 500 DHA to balance it out because most all fish oils are skewed the other direction, on an empty stomach because fats compete with other fats for absorption in the morning, so most say to take with food but I would not unless it is delayed release.

Then I like to use krill oil with my lunch. 1500 mg. And again on an empty stomach before dinner I repeat the morning process. So about 3500 supplemental EHA DHA. I eat fish about 5 times per week. Half of it salmon. When we don’t get a lunch I have cans of sardines on hand. 1300 mg per can. Good with crackers.
My cholesterol is ok on cycle with that and my triglycerides are really good.
My kid has ADHD and I think it really helps her focus. She uses the Nordic Naturals like you have there just for children. My sister used it on all her babies to aide in brain development Nordic Naturals with extra DHA.

The brand I use is Wild Alaskan which is by Trident seafood co. It it highly concentrated. The calamari oil I use is Doctor’s Best. The Krill oil I use is Mega Red by Shiff or Costco store brand which ever is on sale.

All in all great for your health and a corresponding improvement in quality of life.

maddogg's picture

No problem. With this new format I don't see thighs like this. just happened to be looking at forums and nutrition and saw this.

trash300's picture

Good post, very detailed. All the best that it helps against the ADHD too!

press1's picture

How's things mate - haven't seen you for a few months?

Hope you are recovering well.

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maddogg's picture

Thanks buddy, good to see you around!

Halsey's picture

You run regular bloodwork results, proofs in the puddin!+1

Halsey's picture

I currently take around 4500mg omega 3 a day. A long time ago I took lovaza ( prescription fish oil) 900mg omega 3 per pill. I guarantee you the shit will help your triglycerides numbers( ldl and maybe some on hdl). But like all things, is it treating a symptom of bad habits by masking the problem or actually a wonder fix. Bottom line is, I believe in omega 3s but you got to do your part too. It's not a free pass to eat like shit or blast/cruise high amounts of aas.

Edit, my bloods and lipid panels are posted on my profile.

press1's picture

WOw that is a lot of omega 3's, how do you feel on that amount because I definitely feel different now I take them. Much more energetic and just a general 'well' feeling. Have you noticed your blood thin at all?

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Halsey's picture

I feel great except trying to swallow those fucking horse pills is a bit rough. Each pill is 600mg eha and 300mg dha, hence 5 pills a day. I do notice that if I bleed from shaving, the blood wants to flow for a while. I absolutely think they are a must, been taking different amounts for well over 10 years. Some burb nastiness and some are fine.

press1's picture

I don't even attempt the tablets, thats why I buy these flavoured oils. Seriously this one I got today is almost tasteless and the orange Cod Liver oil is really nice, like liquid sweets. The exact same thing happened to me yesterday at the dentist whilst she was drilling doing a filling - there was way more blood than usual when I spat out Lol I thought well thats the oil working well then LMAO

These oils also do not repeat on you at all either.

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Halsey's picture

I'm really surprised that more people dont take them. Or atleast experiment with them on some controlled lipid panel blood tests to see for themselves. Like I've said earlier, they dont give u a free pass to throw caution to the wind. But they are a non invasive cheap supplement.

IrishMack's picture

Deceptive marketing has such a great impact on peoples perspectives. Like I said above; if you are truly eating healthy, you don't need a supplement. Period. It's called supplement for a reason, to supplement what you are not getting in your diet. It's not called in-addition-to-ment. Research is your greatest tool against deceptive marketing and snake oils. Your doctor put you on those horse pills because you were deficient from your diet/metabolism/lifestyle. The problem is most people wont pay a visit to their doctor and get a full physical with full bloods to see what they are lacking, so they just buy into the deceptive marketing and "think" they are helping themselves. Noone gets full bloods on cycle besides test and estro to see if anything is missing from their diet. 5K calories a day and you are doubling all vitamin intakes.

Halsey's picture

I agree with most of what your saying. I personally take vitamin d 5000 units( been low twice over the years on blood tests), 300mg b6( experiment for prolactin and gyno), 375mg milk thistle(I had nafld and 2 liver biopsies in my late 20s, enzymeswere fucked for a long time), and the 4500mg of omega 3s( this is to mimicking the dose of prescription lovaza). I never was on prescribed lovaza( my mother was) even though my triglycerides were at 805 at there highest. I did take a fair amount of hers back in the day. She really didnt like taking more than 1800mg a day, something about messing up her taste buds.

The average American's diet might hit the 3500 to 5000 cal a day, but it is not quality food for sure. I'm a professional engineer in my day job and dont trust marketing or big pharma/bought doctors in general. I deconstruct and question everything, just part of my nature and personality. Except for the b6 I take, everything else has been tried and tested on myself and I'm convinced they work for me. I started this journey on turning my health around 9 years ago and I'm in the best shape of my life. I refuse to be on statins and believe in triglycerides being under 100. Ps. Lovaza is prescription fish oil.

Just my 2 cents

Halsey's picture

Suck it bitch! Lol sorry

press1's picture

I read that 7.8% of Americans take them daily which I was surprised at, I thought it would be more. Which means its probably around 2 to 4% in the UK Lol Supposed to heal stomach and intestinal ulcers, cushion joints and ease pain and stiffness, prevent vision loss. Main reason I am adamant on sticking with it though is the heart and blood benefits, 2 of the biggest things that AAS knacker.

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Biglenny's picture

Probably useless if your blasting high amounts of ass. If trt sure something like this will aide an already healthy person. Why a lot of supplements state that "already healthy". I just noticed that recent, when looking for things to aide cholesterol with citrus Bergamont. Not going to do much on a blast of tren and other compounds. Yet I still buy it , think the term is placebo. It won't put me in healthy range , but peace of mind thinking it does.

Also I don't follow that last part. Being on aas increases oxygen in the blood. And a simple aspirin a day thins blood. I bet you he is also taking aspirin.

maddogg's picture

Interesting. I have citrus bergamot deodorant. You might want to try it because you stink bro!

press1's picture

Please keep your negativity off this page, we are trying to help people here and even if running multiple compounds at a time this will still help people improve their health whilst doing so.

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Biglenny's picture

If your health markers are at or above what is considered high range, no herbal or fish supplement will put you anywhere near "healthy" range . You will still be in the red. Use your brain.

blackjack115's picture

No one is saying it will put you in the healthy range. The supplementation we do is meant to minimize the risks and damages we do to ourselves with AAS use.

Halsey's picture

I've seen some high dose lovaza do some amazing things.

Biglenny's picture

It was helping. I said it won't make you healthy. Won't correct underlying issues with high aas use.

Biglenny's picture

Only the weak see it as negativity.

Greg's picture

If you say so... But saying so Must mean you're raciest.

If you're going to debate an issue, make intelligent arguments instead of using twitter tactics.

press1's picture

Shut up.

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