Moliveto20's picture
  • 14

Second cycle. Looking for summer cycle, no bloat and minimal water retention


What’s up fam?

So I’m officially done with my PCT. feeling a lot better, honestly first week was rough til the clomid started kicking in. Bad body aches first couple days, gtg now tho. Before I started Clen I retained about 7 of the 20 I gained. Water weight / bulky look gone but strength and size as for tone and of muscles mass gained still there. Down to 14% Bf sitting at 205 . Starting to look lean and dry , mainly from such strict diet.

My 1st question is, I still feel like I have high test levels. I understand that the clomid is still in my system and I’m running Clen so when should I get my post cycle bloods for accurate readings?

2nd question is, I am running last 3 days of 14 on Clen . Can I keep cycling Clen on and off with minimal calories or just diet hard clean out system of EVERYTHING and then get bloods done?

3rd and last question, when can I start summer cycle? Got a good source with pharma grade test this time, however it’s 300mg test e so I’d be running 600 a week. Is it even possible to stay lean with that or can I toss a little aromasin and anavar in there.

Here’s the plan

1-12 600mg split per week

4-12 Aromasin 12.5 e3d depending 4th week bloods

6-8 50mg anavar ed

8-12 increase anavar ed on how I feel; finish out big while test is hitting hard

PCT 14-18 clomid and Nolva again but maybe aro?

Give it to me straight , I know u fools won’t let me down lol

Drock_357's picture

So what was your goals for your cycle? just came off gear and are down to 14% bf...what were you when you started? Just curious as to why after pct you r jumping on clen and not manipulating your macros to your new weight/ bf % to achieve your goals? this point I wouldn’t recommend any enhancement drugs and would concentrate on nutrition and recovery until your body has MUCH more time to regulate itself....just my opinions....I would get bloods done also so you know where your at in recovery...there is plenty of time to cut down more but I wouldn’t press it to quick ...recover and dial in nutrition to your new stats first then reevaluate...

Serrajitsu0876's picture

Curious as to what Pharma grade brand carries 300mg test e.

Moliveto20's picture if u want to take a look
Sturgeon company

Zalewski's picture

No sources, edit this and delete the source name

Moliveto20's picture

Na idc y’all want to challenge everything, I put the company site up. zalewski this isn’t a source this is their brand and company site. You nor I can get product . My source is the on the main page of this website. It’s a .org site so clearly it’s all informational. Take all the points away u want bud but don’t be so quick to pull the trigger for an informational website vs source for purchase

Zalewski's picture

I didn’t neg you, I don’t neg for source, I leave that up to the mods

0newheelup's picture

He's quite a firecracker!! Lol

Moliveto20's picture


Moliveto20's picture

Understood then the mods need reEducated that main site for Beligas isn’t a source neither is the main site for bulkan all strictly informational. Ur sources tend to end with a .com or .to , etc . But yea I guess I’ll play this game ha

0newheelup's picture

Well thats great that ur feeling great and believe ur pct to be successful. But really u should do some post blood to really see how ur recovered in a month from now.. also, I cld be wrong,, but u shld be still doing ur pct for a cpl more weeks??? Sorry if I'm off. But to answer ur question bout when to start a new cycle, ud be in June based off time on=time off procedure. Get ur bloods and base ur new cycle off of the season. U can do a higher test/var cycle and control water retention through good diet and a balanced e2. I personally wld focus on a great diet and cardio until after summer.. Too many distractions.. lol

Moliveto20's picture

Was thinking of not even running summer cycles and stick to bulk in winter and diet hard during summer. Thank you for helping make that decision

0newheelup's picture

Summer cycles can suck.. The heat and all the vacations or parties.. When winter comes throw down on all the holiday eating with a nice bulk. But time it rite so u can run ur beach body cycle rite before summertime... lol

Moliveto20's picture

I do agree but I found I didn’t like being that heavy. Almost 230 and had no mobility. Almost 6 weeks since my last injection and I’ve kept a lot of mass still. Only thing I’m noticing I’m losing so far is I the additional fat I put on during pct from eating the same as on cycle.

Zalewski's picture

Do cardio and cut your calories mildly. You’re not gonna lose an tissue, maybe fullness, but not tissue