MantherMan's picture
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Cardarine (GW-501516)/Cancer


Been taking Cardarine 10mgs for 4 weeks up to 20mgs which is the recommended max..great results ...really seeing it has been linked to cancer in lab rats ...wanted feedback to folk on here on yalls opinion on the risk

Zalewski's picture

I would only use it if you were doing a big prep, National show, where your lipids will take a hit and you wanna get as lean as possible without incorporating extra clen or T3. Aside from that I don’t see why diet won’t do wonders. Like anadrol causes cancer too but people use that shit a lot and never seem to remember that fucking fact, but that doesn’t make it right either. That’s why I don’t use that stuff anymore, so I would suggest against cardarine too unless the risk to reward is very tipped towards high, you can always get leaner with diet.

Jackie Tony's picture

A golden rule is to cycle any compound that you run. Applies to cardarine as well. Infact Cardarine helps in mitigating some side effects of some AAS, as maddogg pointed

maddogg's picture

I’ve used to to keep my lipids in check while on cycle and also for endurance. IMO I wouldn’t run it all the time. I run it for 10 weeks of my cycle.

The study that produced the cancer results in the mice, was administering extremely high doses per body weight. I still would exercise restraint in it’s use.

blackjack115's picture

The doses weren't that high actually. There's an actual formula to convert the dose that is given to rodents to the equivalent human dose. In humans that dose would be about 40mg. We still have to take in to account though that mice develop cancer at a faster rate than humans and the study was done for about half the life-span of the average mouse. So i'd say if used with caution it's still relatively safe. I just see people quoting the high mg dose often in this discussion without actually using the converted dose.

JL's picture

Isn’t that like saying smoking cigarettes are relatively safe if a person only smokes for 3 months at a time and then takes a year off. Risk vs reward I suppose. Tren comes to mind as a another compound most should never use. Horrible for your body. Why take the chance. Maybe if big money was on the table.

There are many proven safe and healthy alternatives to achieve a similar affect. Shouldn’t we exhaust the known safe options first before messing with a compound that can increase your % of getting cancer.

blackjack115's picture

Bottom line is we're never going to know how safe it is. Proper human trials will probably never be done. The existing rodent studies are heavily skewed towards producing negative outcomes in my opinion given the types of rat and mice used and the duration relative to their life span. So I do agree there are safer ways to cut body fat.

JL's picture

Bottom line is based on the trials cardarine caused cancer in lab rats. If a major pharmaceutical company spends huge amounts of money on R & D developing cardarine with very promising results with a goal to market the drug and make billions. Suddenly drops it like a bad habit something is not right. The black market doesn’t bare the risk of a class action lawsuit.

blackjack115's picture

I'd have to take a look at the mice study again. But the rat study was done on han wistar rats, rats that are not expected to live longer than 3 years due to their high likelihood of developing cancer. The study was ran for 104 weeks, 2/3 of the rats natural lifespan. To me that seems like a very flawed trial to begin with.

DbolAndAll's picture

they should have moved it to primate trials instead of wistar rats with a high predisposition to cancer. would have been a more fair.

DbolAndAll's picture

only steroids i can touch is superdrol, test and nandrolone and it wont affect my hairline, anavar i thought was safe wasnt which is unfortunate

OmNom's picture

I'm surprised superdrol doesn't make you shed if anavar did

DbolAndAll's picture

does superdrol make you shed?

OmNom's picture

It did but I only tried it once

DbolAndAll's picture

did you use superdrol and test or was there anything else?

OmNom's picture

test and superdrol yeah.. there might have been deca in that cycle but it was so long ago it's hard to remember.

DbolAndAll's picture

it made me lose my hair or at least shed alot, 25mg for 4 weeks was my go. got great aesthetic results but wasnt worth it for me.

JL's picture

Let’s assume the op is making a living on physique. Then a few or many years later gets terminal cancer from running a carcinogenic cocktail. I guarantee any person in this situation would not accept any amount of fame or fortune to cut ones life short and will ultimately regret the decision made for short term gains. They may not even realize the risk yet. Especially younger folks. I want to see my kids grow up, I want to hold my grandchildren and grow old with my wife. To each their run.