Bulkdaddy's picture
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My mass cycle

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Test e 900mg a week 1-16
Tren e 700mg a week 1-14
Mast e 400mg a week 1-16
Dbol 75 mg daily week 1-6
Proviron 50mg week 1-16
I’m taking nolva which I know some guys will disagree with but it battles the Dbol side very well...

I have adex and caber just in case...

My diet I eat ever 3 hours from the time I wake up till the time I go to bed...

Pre workout I’ll eat 10 egg whites and a muffin 45 min before

Post 125g Cookie Crisp with 8oz of egg white liquid and a scoop of weigh in it.

Bulkdaddy's picture

So I’m back working out.. all I can think about is fucking, eating, lifting , or fighting... putting on some good size though...

Jim Layhey's picture

I actually dislike that feeling lol I avoid tren for it. How much are you weighing how big guy!

Bulkdaddy's picture

Around 215 I’m more of an aesthetic guy so I manipulate my carbs a lot when I start to pack to much sloppy weight...

Jim Layhey's picture

I bet you get a Lot of Pus**!

Bulkdaddy's picture

I was getting so much pussy the old lady that lives under me told my HOA that I was pimping girls out. Lmfao... Now I got a girlfriend.. Finally found one that’s worth keeping around...

MonstrousS's picture

Damn! How much for an hour with one of your babes bruh?

Finding one or two chicks that know about each other, don't cause drama, and like to do fucked up shit, is THE LIFE while running tren and cialis. I'm really glad I found bodybuilding, tren and figuring out that society is bullshit. Everyone else is running around trippin over shit that doesn't matter, and that's all they do with their lives, while they find a partner they don't even like that much and move in together and have kids, despite the fact that it makes them unhappy. FUCK--------THAT. We are under no obligation to live our lives any other way than a way that doesn't cause unavoidable harm to others. Having kids and living with a partner is an option, but it's not objectively important. What if you really like someone but spending 24 hours a day together would ruin that? What's the fucking reason for doing it anyway? Fuck! We're so brainwashed to live specific ways.

Shew... Anyway... What were we talking about again?

Bulkdaddy's picture

I keep everything secretive when it comes to women. Just in case I wanted to bang one of there friends.

My woman now I don’t mind spending all my time with her. She’s very easy to get along with...

MonstrousS's picture

I dig it man. I find it way more rewarding to find one that just feels good to hang around, and happens to be a babe. You get to spend the time learning each other and making things better over time, rather than a rando almost every time where you don't even know how they do things or how they act. I'm pretty introverted so that might be why I don't like randos, but my point stands!

fusebox's picture

Just in case I wanted to bang one of there friends

And how many times has that backfired on ya.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Not to many because girls don’t want to be known as just sleeping around... So they’re pretty quiet about it. You do have some that go around a brag but that’s a huge major cock block....

Jim Layhey's picture

one if there friend


fusebox's picture

Yeah but I quoted bdiddy. He fucked it up not me lol

Jim Layhey's picture

I know that’s the joke bud ;)

Bearded_muscle's picture

So the tren is in full swing then

Bulkdaddy's picture

Yes for sure.. I upped my test dosage I think that has a lot to do with it...

Tbone69's picture

Sounds about right..

Bulkdaddy's picture

Love every bit of it until after I take my pre workout and then it’s horrible... Stims cause me to over think.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Well I took a week off and feel small as fuck... Tomorrow I’m back at it...

exoticnfit's picture

Had to take 8days off and just got back to training this week...I here you on the small as fuck vibe.

Thankfully I only lost water weight and I'll fill out again soon and then the GROW season really begins.

I stopped the Tren train early during that time too and deciding whether to kick it back in or just adjust Deca and Test with a touch of EQ in stead.

MonstrousS's picture

Bro I feel that. I had cellulitis in my fucking hamstring a few months ago and it was SO FUCKING painful and made me almost immobile. Not going to the gym or burning anywhere close the same amount of calories for a full 12ish days was upsetting.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Yep I had that in my shoulder... The worst is ham strings... That’s why I don’t pin there anymore..

Jim Layhey's picture

Jesus Christ hamstring?! I just hit myself glutes, quads and lats for my sauce. And I use shoulders for hgh or pre work outs

Bulkdaddy's picture

It’s hard to workout when you’re hurting..

Jim Layhey's picture

My second source I ever grabbed from on here would always swell my injection site and it led to throwing my back out when squatting since I couldn’t sink in the hole from the swelling haha never again!

MonstrousS's picture

Lol well, it sorta drifts down there if you do quad shots and then be seated for good portions of your day. It really fucks things up. Makes it impossible to get around like a normal person. And it made my knee and quad sore from miss-use to counter the way I had to hobble around.

Jim Layhey's picture

Oh sweet Jesus lol! Maybe your body just doesn’t like it there? I’m assuming you’re slamming 3cc?

MonstrousS's picture

Yea the shot that likely did it was 3mls of various things, including a really painful DHB. I was being a pussy and didn't have the needle in a full inch, which I think was the mistake.

exoticnfit's picture

1.5" or go home brother! LOL

Seriously, delts, quads, glutes, lats always 1.5" deep. The deeper it goes the better the "cosmetic" inflammation response will also look.

Gotta admit, 2-2.5ml is max I've used in glute of just one substance and certainly NOT DHB. Usually 1-1.5ml per site.

Be safe everyone.

Jim Layhey's picture

I just started my cycle back up today in 8 weeks I’m gonna switch out my mast e for dhb! Never ran dhb heard good things, how many mgs you running a week ?

MonstrousS's picture

I ran it at 100mgs eod, so 350mgs. I really like it, but some brands are EXTREMELY painful, while others seem to have figured it out a little better. I've ran it as low as 80mgs per week, just because I had 1 bottle and no prospect of getting more for a while, and it still gave me the vascularity and dry fullness.

Jim Layhey's picture

PM sent have a question!

Dobermann's picture

This cycle and diet looks solid brother
I really like high test with Masteron is a great combo

MonstrousS's picture

What do you like about that combo specifically?

Bulkdaddy's picture

Some how I got a small infection in my shoulder from 1cc of test. It’s slowly going away. Decided to take this week off from the gym.

Tbone69's picture

Lame. Probably benefit from the rest week though.

press1's picture

I honestly cannot remember the last time I took a whole week off, must be over 7 years ago I guess. I start out with the best intentions of doing a solid week off and the most I can manage is 3 days & then feel like I am in hell. Shit appetite, low mental state, lethargic and I just start sleeping every chance I can get its awful.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Push through it.

I take a full week off once every 6-8 weeks or so. It’s miserable. The first 3 days I sleep because I’m so worn out, ( I also cut out caffeine), then I’m depressed for about 2 days. Then by day 7 I’m feeling back to baseline and ready to fuck shit up again. I do it for connective tissue and cns health. I’ve noticed a drop in injuries since I started.

exoticnfit's picture

Yep, agreed.

After day 3 I get pretty grumpy and I feel like I've melted off 20lbs. LOL

Tbone69's picture

Hell I got bronchitis last month and took a full week off, came back and hit 2 PR's! It was great but I felt tired and down until I started working out

Bulkdaddy's picture

Yes I’m tired asf! I haven’t been to the gym since last Friday. All I want to do is sleep. Felt a little sick this morning but hell that could be from being around my girls children...

MonstrousS's picture

I feel that! The only time i've taken more than 2 days off on purpose is because of illness, infection or drug induced lethargy.

Tbone69's picture

You should definitely try it, go on a 3 day vacation or something. Kick your feet up and let your body get back close to 100% healed up. I just hit squats/deadlifts on day 8 and added 15lbs to my squats, barely missed my deadlift but I had definitely taxed my legs a little extra so it made sense.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Upped my test last week to600mg every other day...

exoticnfit's picture

So an average of about 2100mg/week...nice.

While I'm on Tren I am keeping my Test E under 1200 but sure enjoyed some 2-3K blasts.

Stay safe.

Bulkdaddy's picture

Yes I’m loving it so far... About 1-2 time I have problems with anxiety. I have a max of 2 stiff drinks to battle it then I’m in the happiest mood ever..

MonstrousS's picture

Wow that is interesting. How much have you had to up your estrogen control? I am tempted to slap on another 500mg of test p just for shitzzz n gigzzz but i'm so happy with my test dose to aromisan dose balance right now i'm not quite willing to mess with it.

Bulkdaddy's picture

I’ve been running nolvadex... Everything has been good with my estros and I’m insanely strong right now.

Jim Layhey's picture

have a max of 2 stiff drinks to battle it

You’re speaking Jim’s language bud ;)

press1's picture

Highest I've gone to is around 2.2g but BP just gets me with headaches - Tell me mate do you take Lisinopril or anything like that for high BP on cycle?

I am thinking of it for the Adrol and tren runs where HR and BP go up quite a bit.

exoticnfit's picture

Cardarine and Prescription Cialis!!!

The Cialis is a Godsend truly. My BP averages 106/63 and when it hits 120/67 at times its usually a new person doing my blood pressure reading.

HR has always been fast for me for RHR so not much to do about that but given that I have 80-90+lbs on my frame above the suggest norm range, I'll call it even.