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SERMs for estrogen control

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How many of you don't bother capping your estrogen at a low level? I enjoy having it higher and it definitely helps get you hyped up for big lifts.

I've heard a good handful of people just use nolvadex or torem to stop some of the side effects of estrogen instead of preventing it from building up in the first place.

What are the benefits besides avoiding some of adex side effects? Aromasin is rather well tolerated, so why not use that instead?
I would note that I definitely think it'd be easier to not have to make so many AI adjustments based on test dosages..

Jim Layhey's picture

I the two years I used them for on cycle support I did not gain a freaking pound! Joints got thrashed. Sexy drive down. And moody. I’ll take a nolvadex every two weeks or so for good measure and that seems to work for me. Grow consistently now that I don’t take them.

MonstrousS's picture

I haven't ran just a serm before, but only because it was suggested to me not to rely on those for tren cycles and that's been involved in my gear use for a minute. I know that for me, i'm very sensitive holding fat when estrogen is even somewhat high, and abdominal bloat tends to build up to the point where I look pregnant, oh and my ankles swell really obviously, so at this point in my anecdotal experimenting i'm operating under the theory/assumption that I personally function better keeping estrogen at bay from the beginning, as opposed to handling symptoms.

But I know what press is talking about too. When my estro has been out of control, i've also been strong as fuuuck! No homo.

press1's picture

I don't use an A.I at all bud, in my time on gear I may have used about 10 Adex tabs when I've noticed an absolute tonne of water in my face and excessive lethargy but other than that none. When I was at my strongest about 3 years ago peaking my bench I took an Adex and spent the next 24 hrs pissing water away Lol Literally stopped all my PR's instantly from the loss of water both in my joints and muscle.

Tbone69's picture

Does torem or nolva aid in reducing bloat at all? I think I saw maybe pcushion saying there was a reduction by an indirect effect of using torem?