Tony Ducks's picture
Tony Ducks
  • 9

+ 3 Doing my best to grow!


Being a hardgainer, it's always been an uphill battle when it comes to packing on the size. (Cutting up is much easier for myself) However, been dedicating myself to adding some quality size, no matter what’s going on right now in the world, and slowly and steadily growing. May not seem like much but worked my ass off and came a looong way from my old 130lb scrawny self!

Shoutout to all my hardgainers out there!

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Matmuscle's picture

Dude, for a hardgainer you look huge. I have the same issue and struggle to keep up the weight.

Tony Ducks's picture

Much appreciated. It’s an ongoing battle but gives me an excuse for this crazy food bill it’s taking to grow while not letting the body fat get out of hand lol

BJ's picture

Look big bro

Tony Ducks's picture

Thank you! Doing my best to get there

Zinver's picture

Good work.

Tony Ducks's picture

Thank you!

bundlz's picture

Doing your best to grow lmao !!! Solid work brother

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Tony Ducks's picture

Trying out here mannn. Just gotta stick to upping the quantities of good solid foods this go round and not resorting to any empty JUNK calories to make the size gain quality over quantity. Hope you’re killing it too brother!

OlympicLats's picture

Keep pushing out there....

Tony Ducks's picture

Absolutely, you as well