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**Cycle updated with dosage amounts and compounds. Click on the second image since I could not upload the excel sheet. Really appreciate all the discussion and information you guys have provided thus far.

Plan on running 12 week cycle mapped out by a consultant of RB’s for new service they are offering. Consultant was very knowledgeable and RB has always been helpful. Consultant and RB both have been quick to answer questions, especially the consultant since I have had several questions with this cycle layout

Currently weigh 197 and plan on putting on some good lean muscle and drying out toward end which I will add later. Had some concerns initially with NPP dose and prolactin/gyno issues but after discussing with the consultant we decided to stick with the plan. Have experience with all the compounds but never this combo. I will keep everyone posted as cycle continues and if adjustments are made. Looking forward to trying the Odin lab from RB.

Will be doing bloodwork and make adjustments as needed. Will have aromasin or adex on hand just in case and possibly caber if needed. Prefer not to use AI if not necessary.

WeekTest cypNPPMast
Littleginger's picture

Just dropping in for an update on this cycle. So far been really pleased with how things are going and actually surprised thus far how much I’m liking it.

Up around 6lbs in morning. Pumps are getting better every workout and lasting longer. Certainly more filled out and strength is creeping up. Noticeable increase in aggression and surprisingly to me my sex drive is thru the roof. Not what I was expecting with the NPP dosed where it is in the cycle.

Overall very happy with the plan and communication from the consultant that is helping along with support from RB. Looking forward to another week of solid training and appreciate all the support. If anyone has questions or feedback please DM me or comment.

Happy Memorial Day everyone and hope it’s a safe one

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Any updates? Thanks!

Littleginger's picture

Just over a week in and can say the oils are smooth and had no issues with pip even with the frequency of injections with short esters. Still early but sex drive is up. Pumps and vascularity are starting to get better with each workout. I’ll keep try to post once or twice a week with updates. Any questions or feedback I am open for discussion!! Cheers

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wanted's picture

If you want to run 250 test go ahead
But dont blame it on holding water on 500 mg test.
Unless you plan on doing no cardio..

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IrishMack's picture

If you want to run 250 test you'll be fine. more is not always better contrary to popular belief. With the other two compounds you are running you should still make gains and lean out as long as your diet is on point.

Give it a try and see what happens.

Littleginger's picture

Thanks for checking it out and letting me know. So far that is the plan and I’m sticking to it. I’ll update the full cycle in an excel spreadsheet tomorrow.

I’m just always used to running my test at a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio of test to a 19-nor. Thanks again for feedback. Diet and training already on point. Gyms back open here thankfully. Be safe

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IrishMack's picture

You may be surprised at how it turns out. Good luck on the cycle.

Littleginger's picture

Enjoying it way more than expected

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wanted's picture

I ran 500 mg testE 400 npp and 400 mast it was a great run

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press1's picture

What's the reason for such low test bud?

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Littleginger's picture

I thought the same thing originally press. Do not quote me on this but I believe the consultant and myself discussed this and with trying to stay lean I believe he has the test dose dialed back to keep water weight down but enough to keep the dick working lol. This is where I feel the masteron will kick in (at least in theory lol) to help keep me dry as well but also help the test.

First time doing a run like this and was open minded. RB’s consultant could prolly comment in more detail. I am excited and nervous at same time as I have never ran this high of a dose with NPP. I will keep everyone posted weekly at least on strength weight mood etc.

What’s your thoughts on it press?

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Littleginger's picture

You are the man!!! Thanks a ton bro!! I’ll be sure to read over

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press1's picture

But he isn't running any Dbol is he - Of course running Deca with Dbol is easier with low test. They ran Test lower back then because of all the estrogen created by the Dbol!

500mg/wk of Test is still going to barely cause any sides to speak of, we are talking about him making better gains with slightly more testosterone available and performing much better in the gym.

How have you felt when running cycles with 250mg/wk of Test?

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press1's picture

Thanks for the advice, but LOGIC dictates that he will get better results on 500mg test than 250. The body produces 49 mg of Test/wk at its very peak but that is irrelevant here especially as he has done various cycles previously, and the bodies own testosterone is much more effective than synthetic versions.

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Littleginger's picture

I appreciate all the feedback. It’s a good way for the entire Eroids community to chip in or learn something. Hell I could always try something on another cycle. Discussions like this help me lol. I’m really stoked to see how things do turn out and will be getting bloodwork along the way.

On another note no PIP from any of the Odin oils. Have used both 25 and 23g pins with no issues. Smooth as butter

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press1's picture

Did you get any Tabs at all mate?

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Littleginger's picture

I did. I have 50mg winny tabs that will be used in the last part of the cycle and changing over to test prop as well. You will see it in the cycle sheet I’ll upload today

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press1's picture

You'll get some great results from those Bad boys - Winny also acts as an anti-progesterone which will aid in running the NPP. You'll feel really good off them, I use to run the Inject version a bit when running heavy tren as it made it much more tolerable mood wise. The winny will also really drop the water out ....

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press1's picture

I do understand that it's to keep water weight down to a bare minimum - But I think the difference would be so marginal, visibly between 250 and 500mg/wk that you are going to feel so much better mentally and physically on the higher end. I've seen others run this kind of low dose with tren and I honestly do not know how people do it, I realise it would keep you functioning sexually but what about having enough energy to train and recuperate. I know you are nowhere near new to cycling so would even say I think 600mg/wk would be best but of course try it first and see, everyone is unique in the way they respond to compounds and doses :-)

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Littleginger's picture

Both of you bring up good points and I have always been on the side of my test being at or higher than the other compound in cycle. As I mentioned this is new to me and wanted to change things up. I’ll get with the consultant who worked with me on it and see what his feedback is.

Cheers guys and thanks so much for all the input and feedback. I’ll keep ya posted when I hear back

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