LeeMelene's picture
  • 2

+ 7 Devil-girl


It me when I started walking in the Gym.
27.01.2020 Add one more picture, for complete account verification

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thomas29's picture

very nice

robb's picture

Well done for verifying your existence ;)

I personally hate that newspaper but can't hold that against ya.

LeeMelene's picture

I added a new photo with the newspaper and eroids logo.

fusebox's picture

As promised my lady +2 looking fantastic. Welcome to eroids

wanted's picture

Finally someone real. You look good. You can learn alot from Eroids to make small changes that can help ya reach your goals goodluck. Can wait to see your changes

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Pale's picture

Do not spam the pics section. Also I am extremely skeptical that you are who you claim to be.

Sam I Am's picture

Me to.

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LeeMelene's picture

First of all, I want to introduce myself, later I will do a post with a newspaper and paper with "eroids name ". A know what is ACC, and I used it before Anavar and Clen. On this forum, I want to find girls like me or a good professional who can help me in progress future.

robb's picture

Grrl would be a great choice for advice. She's far more knowable than most of the men on here.

Don't offer to pay anyone, good luck. ++

fusebox's picture

If you are serious there are a few ladies on here. The ladies lounge is likely where you can find them. Looking forward to being proved wrong and welcome to eroids


LeeMelene's picture

Thank you fusebox, that what I needed.

fusebox's picture


Grrl is the resident expert on everything female involving aas and training. Well she's just a badass that takes no prisoners. If you have a question she knows the answer.

House's picture

Welcome to the eroids. It's funny if you were a dude everybody would be like read the rules, don't be a dick, and read the rules again!! What are your goals?Have you ever used AAS? But welcome.

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Bulkdaddy's picture

Everyone going crazy as usual...

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House's picture

Bahaha. I havnt been here in a couple weeks but if you wanna stir shit up throw a girl in the mix. Lol. I'm surprised we don't have alot more girls on here like her. It's a good site most the guys are relaxed.

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robb's picture

Their was a bunch of them in the early days. It's a better place with female input and their pics of course.

BJ's picture

The second pic is better! Looks like you have decent genetics; train hard & surely the results will come!

LeeMelene's picture

Glad to hear it. Thanks

fusebox's picture

Prove it

LeeMelene's picture

What I need proof?

fusebox's picture

Pic of eroids name and date on a piece of paper with that sweet bod in it and I'll +++++ to the moon. Laters

LexMentis's picture

Yeah, I'm not buying it either.

wanted's picture

Im gona have to see acouple more pictures to decide

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simonmagus84's picture

There’s only one devil girl on eroids, her name is Ace Ventura

wanted's picture

Whose basement is he handcuffed now !!!

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jrod91384's picture

Probably a hole in a basement. Like in Joe dirt 2

simonmagus84's picture

The two questions I always ask on this site is who hasn’t slept with Ace? And who hasn’t slept with a Tranny??Majority have completed both!!!

LeeMelene's picture

I don't know them

simonmagus84's picture

You’ll know Ace very soon. He’s the most beautiful woman you’ll ever see. This site is very fond of trans women so if you feel a lack of attention here it’s because we eroidians have a special attraction towards trannies. We’re fun and knowledgeable so stick around sister.

Sam I Am's picture

Very interesting. Maybe they know each other.

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Sam I Am's picture

Your paranoid. Lol

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Steveking1980's picture


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Steveking1980's picture

Gonna practice my self restraint

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PPGfreak's picture

Do you workout?

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blackjack115's picture

She just started walking in the gym

Sam I Am's picture

Yea ok.

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