Luiggi's picture
  • 41

paraPharma stocks


my stocks to start my preparation at the top. great supplier

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Sam I Am's picture

Nice order!

Owes a Review × 1
bundlz's picture

Nice stock enjoy why do you have the troll tag ?

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Luiggi's picture

I don't know troll every time I write reviews the Carma went down

Sam I Am's picture

Because your a promo whore.
Even with your troll tag you still try to enter them.

Owes a Review × 1
tattoofreak's picture

Maybe because your reviews are weak as fuck and some of the laziest bullshit I've ever seen...

tattoofreak's picture


Luiggi's picture

instead of commenting on bullshit as you usually do because you don't think about how to win as many competitions as possible. many speak but never competed in his life.

tattoofreak's picture

Wow, so you are a competitor? I give a damned shit for it! It doesn't matter if you compete or sit on your fucking couch. Your so called reviews are bullshit. Nothing helpful about the quality. They are useless as fuck.

bundlz's picture

You should be more detailed in your reviews
Like how long you used it how much ml each week /benefits of the product you are using/side effects, acne, injection pain (pip) ,how do you feel when using
The gains you made or fat loss etc etc language barriere i know but keep hanging in there mate

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Luiggi's picture

yes i know but my main mother tongue problem. because I write with the translator and as everyone knows it is not reliable. comq thank you for your advice brother

tattoofreak's picture

Hey, bro. This guy is here since 1.5 years. He should already know....

bundlz's picture

Yeah bro your right just looked up of his reviews almost all of them are flagged

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