Big Tone36's picture
Big Tone36
  • 2.6k

+ 16 Igf1+hgh


Just finished using both products from Sciroxx. Hgh plus igf 1. Broke through plateau while recovering from surgery. Gained 9 lbs in 5 weeks in all the right places and wasn't water.

Ordered from: 
Sr10000's picture

Hope you don’t me asking, did you ran IGF all 5 weeks?
I’m just hearing how the body gets use to it within 30ish days.

Great progress btw bro

Big Tone36's picture

Yes after 40 days your body desensitized to it so i always ran igf 40 days on at least 40 days off. I also only use compound on training days.

Big Tone36's picture

Lol pale and hairy winter time. Thanks for your good words.

ex-tightend83's picture


Norton's picture

Respect bro

boldenone99's picture

great bro +1

Bearded_muscle's picture

How did you run the gh and igf if you don’t mind?

Big Tone36's picture

The Beard my friend ! I wrote in review but will tell it again. HGH 4 I.U. daily in the morning everyday. IGF 1 40 mcg pre workout/ 40 mcg post workout on training days only.

PPGfreak's picture

How long did you wait to eat after injecting the hgh?

2+ for the progress!

Big Tone36's picture

Thanks. Id wake up about 6 a.m. take my GH and drink my shake and eat some oats as i always have. Then i eat lunch a few hours after that few hours later when i get in from work take 40 mcg igf wait 20 min. eat pre workout meal then go train, drink another shake immediately, come home cook my dinner and my food for next day, take 40 mcg igf eat 20 mins after. Drink another shake before bed or eat if i feel like i can. Sometimes ill eat a big breakfast on days i am not working but usually not enough time in the day to do that during work week and get enough rest which i don't get enough of as it is. Would grow a lot more if i did but this how I've d ione it for years with my meal schedule. My pre workout meal is McDonald's double 1/4 lb or 3 double hamburgers with large fries. i do this on heavy legs or back days or days i feel sluggish to get calories. Been doing that for years too. I eat plenty of fruit, nuts, granola or rice cakes in between meals as well

PPGfreak's picture

I like the protocol and it makes sense to me. Most people say to wait 1 to 2 hours to eat carbohydrates after hgh. Personally can’t say it helps or not....

Big Tone36's picture

Agreed, I don't see why carbs would make a difference with the GH. IGF different story i believe it mimics insulin somewhat to shuttle nutrients

Bearded_muscle's picture

Much appreciated bro, you are looking like a tank my man.

Nice and lean too, plus two from the Beard.

Big Tone36's picture

Thanks my friend

steroidmen's picture

Fucking machine +

In a promo × 1
Gh0st's picture

Good looking wheels bro ++ what was the surgery for?

Owes a Review × 1
Big Tone36's picture

Tricep tendon re attachment

Big Tone36's picture

Thanks bro

stairmaster's picture

Damn your quads! ++

Big Tone36's picture

Yea i dont post many legs shots people must of wondered if i had em ! Thanks brother