timewave's picture
  • 6

+ 6 First cycle


Started on 20 anavar worked up to 60, test 250 deca 250 and GH for 5 months and helios the last 2 weeks of cycle. I've always had a nasty chest and lots of fat I couldn't drop and couldn't build muscle well either. Starting PCT next week. I don't think this was bad for my first go can't wait for my next, I'll hit the chest and lower back harder. I have a ton of skin I have to fill into from being 275 pounds.

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atradimas's picture

Good job

Kgp's picture

Good progress but personally, I think you could do this without gear. You should get a good diet, workout routine, and give it a couple years to hit your potential naturally. Then introduce gear to beat your genetic potential and plateau.

timewave's picture

Yeah maybe you’re right. Except I'm 40 been lifting for a while and never had any progress was getting depressed and hated the way I looked ?!!?!? After a few years you start wondering whats the point of working out if you might get a little muscle but still pretty fat. I was 275 pounds younger and dropped a lot off but couldn't drop the rest.

Kgp's picture

Im 38 and havent ran cycle in years. I am far from some of the impressive members on here but let me tell you, diet is the key. It takes a lot of work, spending more time in the kitchen than gym, but still going hard. You made great progress don't beat yourself up. Stick with it. Its a marathon not a sprint. And shit you should see some of the 40+ guys on here. Make the young boys hide in the cardio room.

Arock23's picture

You definitely look better . But I would highly recommend you do more research . Like most have already stated , that’s not a “first cycle “ run. And never have I used or heard anyone use deca to cut in any way ( lubing joints ) or not . It’s never been about taking as much stuff as possible to get to you end goal . You’re sprinting right now , take it as a marathon. My personal opinion.

timewave's picture

Seriously you never heard of deca being used for that? It's literally all over google. But I do agree it was a big cycle. I know exactly what I did and why I did it. You may not agree but I didn't just inject shit into my body, drink beer and party all day.

Pumped_'s picture

Looks a lot better. Keep it up.

tattoofreak's picture

Great first cycle. I'd add at least 2 more orals and 1 more injectable for your next run!


Bulkdaddy's picture


Owes a Review × 2
timewave's picture

Great comment appreciate it! Did you have anything particular in mind?

tattoofreak's picture

For the case it wasn't obvious enough, I've meant this sarcastically!

timewave's picture

I figured I would follow up a sarcastic comment with my own sarcastic comment.

timewave's picture

I appreciate the comments but the cycle is over so what good is this now? Second cycle will be the same way I was completely satisfied with my results. I'll be getting my bloodwork in a few weeks to see where I am then again after PCT before the second cycle. Any comments on the second cycle would be appreciated...

happycapy's picture

A lot going on here for a first cycle. The best cycle you’ll ever run is your first and it should be test, food, working hard, and rest only. + because I can see you’ve been working though. DECA is my favorite but that should have been down the road, 3rd or 4th cycle.

timewave's picture

I decided to use DECA for the joint relief which the creak in my elbow completely went away. My diet was pretty much the same as the past year but nothing changed until I cycled then food consumption went way up. I felt no difference during the cycle except sex drive and hunger went up. I did get some anavar pump but it wasn't terrible. That cramping is different then a helios cramp. I also take supplements to be proactive to counteract a lot of the side affects but I imagine I'll get bashed here if i list them too I guess I could have been smarter but here I am. I wasn't planning on cycling again but well, I kind of like it and the results ..

robb's picture

5 products was not needed Bro, especially deca considering your goal. Test and GH would of been plenty. If you had a bad reaction to one product you wouldn't of had a clue which one it was.

Safety is a genuine concern we take seriously here.

timewave's picture

Gh was ongoing before the cycle, Helios was added at the end Started my second helios cycle last week. Only did helios for 2 weeks. Yes first cycle.On Deca Test and var (started var at 20 and worked up from there) Stopped Deca 2 weeks before Test never felt so good, good sleep great energy good drive.