DfromPhilly's picture
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John Haack breaks his own all time record for 181lb raw


2000.7lb total.
4.4x bodyweight deadlift

Makes me laugh because if this dude came on here asking advice on a cycle half of us would tell him he’s too light... I know this dudes an exception but we’re too hard on some new guys.

Anyways, Absolute beast:

DfromPhilly's picture

Good point.

And right? How crazy is that. Guy is off the charts. Literally lol

GreatSpear's picture

I can’t imagine too many would believe him if he post how much he could lift at that weight!

DfromPhilly's picture

Lol that’s a great point. I watched the video and I can still barely believe it.

DfromPhilly's picture

I can’t imagine it was tested. If it was he’s officially a superhero in my book.

I feel like they’d be highlighting that it was tested if it was.

press1's picture

There has to be something so genetically superior in either his muscle fibers or just the way he's able to exert force through them via his CNS. He has a bit of stockiness to him but just not on a level that you would believe would lift that amount of weight. Mind you Brett Gibbs is the same....

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DfromPhilly's picture

Oh yea he’s always been a beast. 1700+ total tested. But yea considering the extra 3000lbs, who he’s training with and the fact that they haven’t said it was a tested record, I can’t imagine it was tested.

Even still, don’t think that takes anything away from it tho. He’s still a borderline superhero haha

DfromPhilly's picture

That would be a site to see for sure. I thought the next up is 198? Either way I’d love to see it.

Edit: I forgot IPF is 205 not 198

press1's picture

Just running the amount of gear they do and still being able to lift is a feat in itself, I just do not know how some of them do it. When you see guys bleeding through their eye sockets due to the blood pressure in their head from all the anadrol can you imagine how much pain they are in? Guess thats why so many develop addictions to pain killers etc.

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GrowMore's picture

Wasn’t it the other day you were claiming strongmen don’t feel like shit on the high amounts of gear they run and now you come out with that statement?

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press1's picture

Blimey, do you remember all the things I say?

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GrowMore's picture

You obviously don’t fella.

Owes a Review × 1
press1's picture

I'm not sure which comment you are referring to, but you win growmore. I'm through with people on here just looking for an argument or to be difficult on purpose. I thought we were all on here to get along with each other and to be positive but from a lot of your jibes at me over the last several months clearly you aren't.

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GrowMore's picture

When you speak rubbish on here you’ll be called out, what else did you expect if you say statements one day and say the opposite the next.

Owes a Review × 1
GrowMore's picture

What a strong mofo but defo not ready for a cycle yet with those stats

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DfromPhilly's picture


press1's picture

Normally he sits around 200lb's but dieted down quite heavily for this one....

His bench is the best.

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DfromPhilly's picture

It’s so good and it looks effortless. He’s super impressive all around. No weak points.

press1's picture

Funny thing is a few years ago he was nowhere near this level of strength, I bloody had him on bench and I use to think he wasn't that impressive and NOW look at him - Absolute Monster! I mean 230kg RAW also with a huuugge deadlift. I'd pay damn good money to see his diet plan, training routine and cycle - No kidding Smile

Yet if you saw him walking into a gym in his vest you'd think yeh just a guy that trains fairly regularly but nothing more than that Lmao...Insane

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DfromPhilly's picture

He did a reddit ask me anything I was looking at today where he talks about his training. Ironically enough he seems pretty lax about diet. Said he doesn’t even count calories (which is hard to imagine when you’re that good at cutting for comp. dude comes in at 181.something every comp)

Talks about his training as well. It’s worth googling. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about trying it out at some point over the next year.

press1's picture

When he's cutting down he does count calories and carbs etc if you watch his latest vids with Strength cartel who seems to sponsor him now (The Mexican mafia Lol) but other than that training for strength mate forget about dieting. Just try and get in as much carbs, protein, calories as possible - its all about having as much strength and energy as possible to train with and then rebuild. Totally different to bodybuilding. He's naturally a light guy also same as me so you are just constantly trying to get in what you can. His methods seem to be a lot of pause and board presses in the vids but just remember in the reddit conversations these guys always hold back on what they really do as they don't want the competition knowing Lol

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