razoredge's picture
  • 18

+ 6 1629 Total Test


Here are my Lab results from last few months on MrRaise Test E. I started out at 150mg or 1/2 ML/Wk, then bumped it up to 150mg three times a week for 8 weeks. I also tried out his Dbol in the beginning and the Var at the end. If the results look a little low, it is because I caught a cold a few weeks ago, got over that, then I went in and donated blood. This time when giving blood though, they asked me to do the platelets which if I understood correctly takes almost twice the red blood out, but puts all of the plasma back into me. Anyway, I will post a couple pics showing that procedure. If you notice my Hematocrit is normal, but the MCV, MCH, and MCHC are still a little low. I was wondering why I felt so out of it and went to get my labs done. Well, even with tapering off the test and stopping the other compounds, looks like I am still up there. My job puts me in contact with a lot of people every week, so not happy that I caught a cold which basically made it a waste to be on gear and next time I give blood I will be more careful about letting them take the platelets. It put me into an anemia for past couple of weeks. I do take a multi vitamin and a handfull of others including B6 and B12, but my recovery from that was more than my old bones could bounce back from any more quickly. I will drop back down to 125mg a week for a while. I am happy to see my sodium is down to normal and my Estro is in check. I am feeling less tired and lethargic from the blood donation every day and believe its just taking me longer to recover. Now, I gotta go eat. Later bros

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razoredge's picture

It has been 8 weeks since these labs were done. Just scheduled finally for my next labs since being on cruise at 125mg/week. Feeling better, less fatigued and being lightheaded so easily. Been taking my vitamins every day including extra Iron Supp. Wanted to touch base on that as it has been an interesting past couple months of trying to recuperate from the double red blood cell donation I made which put me into an anemic situation.
At first I bought some iron supps at Walgreens and found they caused an upset stomach all day. Got some different iron supps on amazon which were stated not to cause upset stomach issues. Well, they did too unfortunately. Happened to find some at target, which were not only the cheapest at $5 but, were also the highest dosed at 65mg/pill. Surprising, not a single issue and found they are actually helping me recover rather well, probably because I am taking them every day. Should get lab results back in the next couple weeks if I can get in by middle of next week by the 28th of August, should have result by first of Sept. I will post up then. Thanks again for all the help and input.

MegaT883's picture

It's time to go see your Dr. You have some type of microcytic/hypochromic anemia. It's up to your Dr to figure the cause. Giving platelets did not cause this as your levels were in the low end of normal in your Jan. bloods. Your tired because your hemoglobin is low. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to you tissue. Low oxygen= fatigue.You need to understand that steroid use builds up blood and was hiding this in your Jan bloods. Now its rearing its ugly head. Go to the Dr and get it diagnosed it's not going to get better on it's own. Iron deficiency can cause this. But with iron deficiency you have an elevation of RDW. Notice this is starting to elevate compared to 1/25 bloods.Takes a while for blood to go out of wack. Get it checked. + for getting bloods.


razoredge's picture

Yes Sir, I will gladly take this advice to heart. Explains multiple issues I have experienced over the years. You are a life saver. Thank you for taking time to review my labs and compare this one to January and for the link. I had only done a simple google search when I saw my low levels to get and idea of my issue. Interesting that I am iron deficient as I eat a clean diet of chicken, fish, and iron rich veggies. However, I read my vitamin label again and saw No Iron, so I took one of my wifes tabs tonight. Women's vitamins always have iron.
I do donate regularly and have been for years. I will go get this checked by a Doc and get it under control by the next time I post labs. Ride on brother!

MegaT883's picture

I see it from blood donations but any type of blood loss will cause this. Like stomach ulcer, benign polyps, the dreaded C to name a few. That is why you get it checked. You'll feel a lot better once it's under control. Guys miss it because when on juice it builds up blood. When you dropped your dose down it popped up where you can see it. RBC is still normal because the body is trying to compensate by making more RBC but the cells are small and low in hemoglobin concentration.

SL's picture

Nice bro sorry your cycle got ruined with being sick :( ++

razoredge's picture

Thanks bro. I did gain almost 10lbs. I'll do better next time

fusebox's picture

+2 for bloods

razoredge's picture

Thank you.

razoredge's picture

I had lowered my dosing back to 150mg/week several weeks prior to getting labs done. Sorry for not explaining that better.
Once I caught the cold, it pretty much made me realize I was wasting gear, so I decided to go back to 150mg/wk. Then the Blood center called to come in which I did since I was over the cold. I was not expecting them to ask for platelets. The effects of donating platelets caught up with me several days later and I felt I better go get labs done to see why I was so tired all the time.

Apologies to all, this is in hindsight more for me to see why I was feeling so tired and see where my levels are. Not really a very good lab report for the source as I had stopped the 450mg/wk and was back to 150mg/wk for a month. The 1600 is not really reflective of either amounts. I will do better next time.

RawGonza22's picture

You did what you can do considering. The life of the Test cuts in half every week or so. So maybe that sounds vague (not your fault really, maybe better timing and dates).
I'm running Raises gear and today, I'm very optimistic but if you can give more accurate dates, we can pinpoint a more accurate observation than hypothesis for your experience in general. Right now the results are a bit vague; in other words, you probably want to run bloods at a later date, usually running the same dose for 6 weeks and posting so that we can all come to a more logical, accurate and reliable result.
My bad. I'm taking this stuff seriously. I'm really confident in Mister Raise and believe that his Test will result in 1700ng/dl + per 250 mgs of any of his longer ester Testosterone Products. Thanks for posting though

razoredge's picture

Yes, Indeed. I intend to pull labs again after letting my levels normalize for at least 6 weeks. This is serious stuff. I really wanted to have a solid lab for you guys. My last labs in January were from another source which I realize was a bit overdosed. I do not believe Mr Raise Test or any of the products are under dosed, not at all. I am in this for life. Slow and steady. We will get there. I simply pulled my labs early because I felt something was off because all of the sudden I was tired all the time. Compared to being a machine and charging all day, kind of scared the shit out of me. I got my blood work to try and figure out why. I was not thinking it was because of the gear. Mr Raise makes really clean products. I was worried that my body was having issues and turns out I am Iron deficient anemic. This is why was feeling tired and easily out of breath. Guess it explains why I caught the cold too. I have been donating blood every 2 months for years and never had this feeling. They asked me to donate platelets and all of the sudden I was not feeling right. Did not register that I could be anemic since I am in this lifestyle and eat clean and plenty and take vitamin supplement, even eat many of the iron rich foods on the list that the blood center gave me and suggested I make sure to eat from to replenish my blood. Thanks for taking time to post and give your input.

RawGonza22's picture

My energy has been down also. I will check out my iron as well, and maybe take a break from donating blood? They take 1 pint at a time?? That's 1 quart every few months? What do I know. May e if you are running Eq?? I figure that your keeping up on your health, in other words, you are utilizing your bloodwork well-most important really. I am sure this Test product that you are on measures at least 1500ng/dl per 250mg of any of his long estered Test. I have the Tren and NPP so I won't be posting anything later; maybe if I switch but...but thanks for posting and opening up about any minor issues you may have and speaking to the right people here on EROIDS and taking the right actions, you can easily take care of these issues. I sure as hell cant help anybody. I'm dealing with my own biz but there is a mountain full of qualititative information from very educated and inquiring minds here on Eroids; there are many very well informed and experienced people on here that will help you if or when you reach out Into the right forum(s). Only advice that I can hive you, and drink a gallon of water per day, at least; especially before running bloodwork/panel. I stay hydrated and it feels great

MegaT883's picture

You need to check your ferritin levels not iron. It's the bodies iron storage. We need iron. A large percentage of your iron (70%) is in the blood cell (hemoglobin)another 15% is accounted for by myoglobin . About 15% is transported and stored by ferritin and transferring for future needs. When you give blood you lose a mean of 250mg of iron. So in essence your taking iron from your storage unit. So now the body makes new blood cells to replace what was donated. The problem is your store of iron is lowered and slows this renewal process down. Give blood a couple of times and ferritin drops to a certain level you become anemic as your body can't store iron. Remember low iron=low hemaglobin which = low oxygen. The poster is an extreme example of IDA
(Iron deficiency anemia) which was caused from frequent blood donations. It's becoming such a problem that the AABB
(American Association of Blood Banks) starting looking into it.

razoredge's picture

I see no sense in guessing, you know your body. Go get some blood work done and sort it out bro.
Be repaired. Respect for what you've been through and the hard work you've put in to turn things around.
I do feel better every day since I felt so wiped out after giving blood last time. I am definitely low in Iron. Just in this past week since actively eating more iron rich foods and taking a tab every day, I have noticed improvement. Odd thing is I do eat from the four food groups and most all of it is on the list recommended by the Blood center to replenish Iron after giving platelets. I still plan on getting myself checked by a Doc though as recommended by MegaT since there is obviously something not letting my body absorb the iron.
Yes, agreed to drinking plenty of water. I do too. Pissing all day as well, but acceptable trade off to not getting a dehydrated headache.

You had asked for better dates on my cycle in one of the other posts.
I pinned 16 times over 53 days at 150mg.
I pinned 4 times over 27 days at 150mg before going in to get this labwork.
I did wait a week before starting my once a week regimen. Hope this helps.

RawGonza22's picture

Cool. I'll break it down. Its important to me. I'm stocking up on this gear. These numbers are vital and are going to get expensive

RawGonza22's picture

450 cut in half after a week or so? I'd bet those numbers are more accurate towards 250mgs. No matter how he states it in writing, the numbers were cut I to .333 or 1/3 over a couple of weeks time and including the half life??

razoredge's picture

No sir, I switched from injecting 3x/week to 1x/week. Oh, but there is the half life to consider. I see what you mean. Thank you for taking time to post and help me clear this up.

I put on almost 10lbs which is a huge gain for me, the most I have ever gained in such a short time. I was barely at 194lbs and now I am at a solid 203lbs with less body fat and more thickness all around. This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I am 55. My next round will be to reach 210-212lbs

razoredge's picture

I will keep at it until I get it right

RawGonza22's picture

Very vague. Not accurate, but maybe next time. All good man. I'm staying very optimistic with this source.

razoredge's picture

No sir, I did not explain myself very well. I was up there at 450, but I had already lowered my dosing prior to getting this labwork. I am pinning once a week at 150mg and had been doing so preceding going in to get the labs.

razoredge's picture

Thanks brother. I do keep a log and track what I'm doing. I promise next time I will post a solid lab that shows me at levels relating to a sold cycle. I got all screwed up on this one and just went in to find out what the hell my problem was. Turned out it was self induced from donating platelets had made me a bit anemic.

I appreciate you taking time to read and post and, for all the time and effort you have put in to this site.. I especially want to thank you for all the articles you have saved over the years. Thanks bro

Mr.Raise's picture

Thanks for sharing bro

razoredge's picture

Yes sir. I am glad the guys are asking questions. Really wish I had had a chance to get my labs done while I was at 450mg/week instead of waiting until after going back to the 150/wk before getting bloodwork. It has been a very busy past few months. I had it all planned out and written down. Funny how a simple cold and even crazier to donate blood can mess up a good cycle. I will get it right next time.