Bully's picture
  • 44

+ 10 Life on dialysis


Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.
Intex Bulk 500
Sigma Anadrol only workout days and sometimes after a dialysis session.
Qtropin HGH started at 6 iu every other day.

Ordered from: 
big_man0883's picture

Huge brother!!

Bully's picture

Thanks brother:-)

Primo_Build's picture

Your forearm is twice as thick as your wrist. Large and in charge boss. Wish you the best.

Bully's picture

Thanks brother,you can tell I was a skinny kid. I was always small and small wrist. Can’t get them to grow lol.

Bully's picture

They say untreated high blood pressure over the years. Usually it’s high blood pressure or diabetes most known. I have always been a workaholic. So,I was always working trying to provide for the family. I was not taking care of myself. I would feel sick and just ignore it. My advice is for everyone to take there blood pressure serious and monitoring everyday. And if you do have high blood pressure,take the required medication.

kibby's picture

Hi bully

Great work brother ++

Can I add one thing please bro...... regular blood donations are a must and can benefit us bigtime!

Again awesome work brother

Owes a Review × 1
Bully's picture

I will ask the center about that on Monday. Not sure how it works while on dialysis. I did do my annual labs for kidney donation list. All came back with great numbers. Also did MRI,EKG and xrays. That came back good too. I will tell you they took 12 tubes of blood,maybe that counts has a little donation lol. Thanks brother

csgkvothe's picture

+1 I have kidney issues too, but no dialysis yet. The Qtropin definitely helps. My numbers are down to normalish again.

Bully's picture

That’s good to hear,definitely take care of those kidneys brother. Qtropin definitely helps me recover faster.

dextetherdog's picture

That’s a huge forearm

Bully's picture

Lots of gripping work,used to train jiu-jitsu lol .

enhanced-anabolics's picture

Looking big

Bully's picture

Thanks bro:-)

roidsource's picture

Looking great, bro, but, BE SAFE.
Anadrol is a very toxic oral AAS, especially for kidneys.

Bully's picture

Thanks brother,HGH helps a lot. I agree on toxicity,but I am stage 5 and on dialysis. There is no regeneration of my kidneys. My nurse practitioner who is in our lifestyle,actually told me some anadrol is beneficial in my condition.

press1's picture

Just seems to be happening all the time now doesn't it Pin, I can't help but think that Pro's and others constantly posting video's on social media is driving people to turn to using more gear in order to somehow keep up with them. It creates a very real added mental pressure, many a time I've watched guy's posting new PR videos and thought maybe I should just try adding that extra compound into the mix - maybe thats their secret!

In a promo × 1
Bully's picture

Yes primo is in my near future. Deca is low dose for achy joints. My diet is clean,no water retention. Once your kidneys go,water retention is a issue. A lot of people blow up in between sessions. Some get 10 pounds of water retention in less then 24 hour period. Fluid intake needs to be kept to a minimal. I actually come in lighter at times or maybe 1 and 1/2 pounds over my target weight.

Bully's picture

Definitely going with the Bayer rimos. I ran primo one time,about maybe 20 years ago if my mind serves me right. I remember them being green ampules. Had me definitely vascular and loved the hardness.

Bully's picture

Thanks for the neg lol. It hurt me so much lol-gonna cry now.

Bully's picture

Thanks brother. Yes,it’s a struggle to hit the gym and maintain. I do 3 days,light weight lots of reps. Full body workouts. Then 4 days just cardio which is more important forsure.

Bully's picture

Not really. First once your kidneys are gone-nothing you can do to bring them back. Second back in the day,anadrol was given after every dialysis session. I utilize it on workout days which is 3 times per week. And depending how depleted I am from dialysis session.

robb's picture

You need to delete or crop the first picture. Zoom then scroll down, there's a bunch of thumbnail pics at the bottom of the main picture. Even one of Ali himself lol.

Get cropping Bro!

Bully's picture

Got it,thanks.

Bully's picture

Yes intex is smooth. The bulk 500 is a bit on the thicker side due to the concentration. A lot of people don’t understand dialysis or atleast until you are on dialysis. There is a forum for people on dialysis like myself. A lot of the guys are testosterone etc. If it were not for testosterone etc,we would not look or feel now we do. Dialysis zaps your testosterone levels severely. You will waste away quickly. In my facility everyone is in terrible condition. They look like zombies and just sleep throughout the treatment which is 4 plus hours. Also when they go home,they sleep there day and night away. Also zaps your appetite,nausea etc. Another guy in there who is 58 years old. He takes testosterone,HGH and some other meds and looks and feels great. He was to the point where is was in a wheelchair due to weak legs from dialysis. Once he got on some meds he transformed greatly. No more wheelchair and looks better then a lot of the younger guys who workout etc. Another thing when you have kidney disease,before you are stage 5-they tell you to drop your protein intake to maybe 50 grams at most. But once you are stage 5 and in dialysis they tell you to eat has much protein has you can.

Bully's picture

Not really. First once your kidneys are gone-nothing you can do to bring them back. Second back in the day,anadrol was given after every dialysis session. I utilize it on workout days which is 3 times per week. And depending how depleted I am from dialysis session.

kristof_bg's picture

Years ago i read some 80's medical book, Dianabol was prescribed for some people on dialysis,after operation and other medical conditions, you know it improve appetite and mood.

Bully's picture

Yes,you are correct. Now,i read in England they prescribe testosterone to male patients on dialysis. The appetite and mood suffer on dialysis. Lots of depression and don’t want to eat. Stomach always nauseous. These medications definitely helping me through this time.