jp82088's picture
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+ 4 Post cycle labs Fsh question for vets..


Hi guys,

I decided to go off for a bit in hopes for the simple fact that I am just not ready to be on permanent TRT yet. I did a pct protocol of

500i.u eod hcg with a total of 5000i.u along side of 20mg of Nolavdex a day.

This test was actually 4 weeks completely off Pct meds to measure the most accurate reading. Here's my question for the vets. My Lh recovered and I know that to hit full homeostasis it will take close to a year but what about my FSH? I see it's on the low end but will it come up with time? Should I order HMG? I am not in a rush to have kids or anything (I am single) lol but one of the main reasons I went off is to have somewhat of good fertility for the future.

Any response from respect people on here be much appreciated.



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jp82088's picture

Guys for any vets on this subject... Is my estrogen extremely low? I am naturally pretty lean and hold very little water. Will my e2 climb up a bit more with time as my body hits homeostasis?

MegaT883's picture

one of the main reasons I went off is to have somewhat of good fertility for the future.

If that is your thinking you cut out a drug that is used for that purpose. Not only does it increase testosterone production it also increases the baby batter. win/win
Understand what each does.
LH= testosterone release/secretion FSH=testosterone production
Your releasing T but your production is weak and low. Hence the T levels.
Agree with Makwa your PCT was weak causing your results.

jp82088's picture

Okay, but I was under the impression that Fsh is produced from the serotolis cells which it's job was to produce Sperm, no? That Lh is what stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone. So should I add Hmg next go around? I have very nasty sides with Clomid but I respond favorably to Nolvadex. I agree looking at what Rusty posted about Pct, the dosages on my protocol were too low and weak.

Hope all is well Mega and thanks for helping me out brother.

MegaT883's picture

Your correct I'm wrong. Don't want to spread incorrect info.Brain fart.
Yes you can use hmg to elevate your fsh but also need to elevate your doseage of nolva. 20mg is not enough with or without clomid. As an example with both clomid and nolva I start at 40mg for a period and then tapper down when I PCT.
Seen the suggestion of higher hcg. You can do this but with higher hcg comes more T production and conversion to E2. Both will hinder reboot from negative feedback. Just keep that in mind.

jp82088's picture

I thought I was going crazy hahaha

Okay brother, so now I will increase the Nolvadex to 40mg as you stated beginning of PCT. I wonder if anyone else has done a Hmg protocol on here Pct wise? Might have to do some search digging now.
I am honestly not a high aromatizer Mega, but I will keep a little Arimidex on hand next time and pull bloods on hcg and Nolva to see where my E2 is.

Makwa's picture

Both clomid and nolva should be used in PCT. They both assist in raising LH/FSH but I believe clomid preferentially raises FSH and nolva has better affinity for raising LH. Probably why there appears to be an imbalance between LH and FSH. That seems like a pretty weak PCT for how long you were on though.

jp82088's picture

Yeah, I can see now. I mean I did make a recovery with my LH and I am producing testosterone but I agree with you deff should be more aggressive for next time. Thanks for the knowledge Makwa, hope all is well.

Hamm's's picture

I'm not an expert but I would wait another month or 2 and see if your levels improve before throwing more chemicals at the problem - the body is pretty good at bouncing back.

simonmagus84's picture

I had this same problem 4 years ago with my FSH levels. I agree with this statement however, It took me almost a year for my levels to bounce back. I even changed some of my lifestyle tendencies like limiting drinking and only eating health promoting foods.

jp82088's picture

This is a very interesting. I know for next pct it will deff be much more aggressive. I'd like to add Hmg into the mix because I read it actually naturally produces both Fsh and Lh as oppose to mimic it. So you had full Fsh recovery after a year?

simonmagus84's picture

Yes, I’m 6 years older then you and it was right around the time I was trying to have my second child. Coming off two 19 nor cycles back to back I lived a very clean like for the last few years until my wife “now 4 months pregnant” finally got pregnant. I took ginseng and Maca as well as abstaining as best as I can from ingesting harmful products. I even tried to use natural light as opposed to artificial light. This is the extreme but we unconsciously contribute to imbalancing our homeostasis without even having the knowledge of simple everyday things having an effect on us. Look deeply into the circadian rythym. It’s quite fascinating. You’ll be fine man, you’re young enough to recover. Stick to peptides and GH in the meantime.

jp82088's picture

Brother we are sooooo alike hahahaha. I use the blue light filter on my phone, I wear the blue light filtered glasses, i stick with whole foods and nothing artifical down to the sweeteners lol. I haven't tried the maca or ginseng but I will deff take this into consideration. Circadian rythyms do fascinate me, I agree. I seen a couple podcasts about this topic.

Hope all is well man.

jp82088's picture

I was thinking the same but I will get Rusty's opinion.

jp82088's picture

Hey Rusty,

My cycle consist of 16 weeks. 600mg Tesosterone Enathate from Balkan Pharmaceuticals and 400mg of Rimobolan. From there I used just 150mg of testosterone cypionate from Balkan for about 5 weeks and came off.

I hope I covered in detail brother.

jp82088's picture

Rusty this is great info! Thanks brother.

I am really interested in Dan Chaiet Pct protocol. It was similar to the medications I used but higher dosages.

I personally would never touch Clomid again because it makes me feel horrible. Like someone posted above should I just wait a couple more weeks or re do a pct? I see I got my Lh primed and I am producing Testosterone naturally but my concern now is FSH. I just like to make sure that it will come back up with time. I am not in a rush. It's like you said I am doing my best to scave off the inevitable until I have no choice but to be on permanent Trt.

jp82088's picture

Okay brother

dextetherdog's picture

Spot on Rusty. Clomid is a must and higher doses of HCG, I normally do 2000iu every third day for about two weeks.
I would probably run another PCT cycle and then would do bloods.
Normally takes 70 days after cycle for your spermatogenesis to return to normal state if everything is done right

simonmagus84's picture

Did you have any estrogen issues with that dose ?

dextetherdog's picture

I’m quite sensitive to aromatisation to be honest. Have to monitor estrogen even when taking a longer break. Always had this even before touching hormones.

jp82088's picture

Yes, thats why I am doing my best here.

Rusty, one other question. Is there a benefit with HMG added into a pct? I read it raises LH and FSH naturally as opposed to Hcg which mimics it. Is there a place for it to recover even better? What's your thoughts?

dextetherdog's picture

I would add that if my goal was to improve the quality of my fertility otherwise I would just stick to standard HCG.

jp82088's picture

Okay brother.

jp82088's picture

I seen good research on it but have not seen alot of people on here utilize it in person. Just clinical settings. I guess I might do a log when I come off a cycle again for people on Eroids lol.