pickle's picture
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+ 5 M1T log/review


This post will be updated as i make my way through 3 weeks of M1T. Currently on day 8 at 10mg/day. On week 5 of cycle below, M1T is being run the last 3 weeks. Currently cutting.

Test E - 100mg ED
Tren A - 60mg ED
Provi - 25mg ED
M1T - 10mg ED
GH - 4iu ED
Aro - 12.5mg ED (dropped from 25mg, estro was too low)
Caber - on hand

195 pounds (was dropping until i added M1T)
11-12% BF

Appetite was already down a bit from the Tren, once i added in the M1T it put it in the gutter. Made the mistake the first few days of taking the M1T on an empty stomach like i normally do with all my orals when i wake up. The nausea was rough for the first 2 hours after taking. Started taking it with a little food at 5am and that helped a bunch.

First 3 weeks of cycle i went from 200 to 190 pounds, dropped some water and fat is melting off around mid section. Vascularity increased and so did strength. Since adding the M1T strength has gone up even more (surprised me as i already had a big jump from the tren). Keeping reps in the 10-16 range with short rests in between, high volume, no sense in going heavy right now. Vascularity started increasing around day 4 of M1T. My weight has gone back up to 194-195 pounds as well. Even though the scale is going up i look leaner than i did 8 days ago.

Since adding M1T my need for carbs has increased, which is getting harder and harder to satisfy due to the appetite suppression. Mood is decent if im active. No anger issues at all, but the tren puts some weird ass thoughts in my head lol.

Sex drive was already high from the tren, the M1T put it through the fucking roof. Wife cant keep up and had to put me in my place a few times.

The lethargy and foggy head is very apparent if i am sitting down doing nothing. As soon as i get my heart rate going even a little bit i have more energy than i could ever know what to do with, and suddenly the foggy head goes away. The pumps from doing anything physical have been awesome, even bringing in the garbage cans get blood flowing everywhere and boom vascularity pops out, and decent body pump.

Gym is at 7am each morning. When bulking i cram in 250g carbs before, have only been able to get in about 150g lately. 100g from oats at 6am with whey, and another 50-60g on the way to the gym from gatorade and poptarts. Sessions have not been as long lately, seem to burn through energy quicker.

As you can tell, this is kind of just me mumbling about things im noticing. I will not be doing a day to day update but more an overall experience from things i notice. I have not seen a review here on M1T in years so i figured something is better than nothing. Depending on how i am feeling i might bump up to 20mg for the last 7-10 days. If you are curious on brand check out my recent pics.

Most of the info on this compound is pretty old, if you have any questions i will answer best i can, im still learning the ins and outs of M1T as well.

Argon Coagulator's picture

M1T is some magical stuff!

I actually ran it for my very first cycle along with 4-AD back when it was legal in 2004. I think I did 10mg of M1T and 400mg of 4AD. It was awesome despite not running test - mood was nasty though, pissed a few Army guys off, nearly got in a fight - I would have torn his head off! lol I think running test would have balanced out my mood. The guys I knew at the local GNC were like holy shit you look a lot bigger and guys at the gym were looking at me like they knew I was on something, it was awesome.

ashop's picture

I agree with staying under 10mg with M1T. Last time I used it I only used 5mg daily and made fantastic gains.

gorillafit28's picture

Funny how these days everyone seems to be running far to high doses of orals! And everyone’s wondering y there feeling like shit on drugs like m1t and superdrol yet there taking 30mg Ed

pickle's picture

Since coming off the M1T and Tren strength is down slightly. Also down about 3 pounds which could just be from weekend activities. Dont look as tight and dry as i did last week but still look WAY better than i did before this run.

To sum it all up: 10mg was enough, did not notice any positives to the increased dose only negatives, jacked my BP up and increased lethargy and suppressed appetite even more. Dropped 1-2% BF while weight stayed virtually the same, very dry compound with huge muscle building capabilities provided you feed it enough fuel (im cutting so it was barely getting enough). Vascularity increased a TON and has stayed since coming off.

I am 100% going to run M1T again, favorite oral so far to date. Next run i think im going to throw it in the middle of a bulker, will probably add in a very low dose of MK677 to combat the appetite suppression.

If anyone wants more specifics other than what i have stated in this thread feel free to ask.

Another + is its also a relatively cheap compound, you can get 100 for under $50 which should last you 3-4 runs at 10mg.

press1's picture

Cheers for doing this log mate, very much appreciated for all the effort you have put into it. Its been really interesting reading your regular findings & experiences on it +

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pickle's picture

No problem brother. Was nice to have to collect my thoughts every few days and do a real self analysis instead of just going through it. I admit this log might be a little off as i was running Tren along side it that was peaking same time M1T was. But still, hopefully there is some info that can be helpful here to others.

cmryan's picture

“Very dry compound”

That’s an interesting and pretty cool observation. I had always read it caused lots of water retention. Nothing like dbol but still a great deal of intramuscular water retention.

pickle's picture

Subq was dry but muscles looked and felt full/pumped all day.

pickle's picture

20mg jacked my BP up higher than im ok with. Knocked it back down to 10mg, didnt notice much more from 20mg anyways. Tomorrow is the last day, made it just shy of 4 weeks. This stuff is incredible.

On another note, i hate/love tren. Results were awesome but god damn it is a complete mind fuck. Been off for 4 days and it feels like a cloud was lifted. Last night the wife said i have been a moody girl the last month LOL.

cmryan's picture

I was wondering about your bp. I've read a handful of anecdotes about m1t raising bp.

You are SO right about tren. The things I noticed while on were the cardio sapping effect and mild insomnia. But the brain fog was definitely real, and I never noticed it until I got off it. Ultimately, it made me less productive and a little more prone to snap at people (which I don't like in retrospect). As awesome as it is, I may never use it again simply because of that. I'll always be on the lookout for a combo/replacement that can bring about the same effects though lol.

pickle's picture

Cut the tren today, still have enough for another 2 weeks but mentally i have had enough lol. Sticking with the M1T at 20mg a day for the rest of this week then cutting that too.

cmryan's picture

This is an awesome log/review. One extra question: have you had any of the debilitating pumps that guys sometimes get with orals? Specifically lower back and/or calves?

pickle's picture

No debilitating back pumps, i only get those from adrol or dbol. These pumps have been where they should be, muscles trained or whole body. Did a heavy back day today and lower back held up fine.

cmryan's picture

That's great to hear. Some orals just crush me and make leg workouts next to impossible.

pickle's picture

Same with me man. Dbol and drol do that, i get a few sets in and lower back lights up like a christmas tree and im done for the day. Have had zero issues related to that with M1T.

As of right now this is in my opinion the most effective oral i have ever tried, currently my favorite. As long as you take it with food and give your body a steady supply of carbs its golden.

press1's picture

I must admit mate after whats happened with Stair its really made me rethink about banging orals for the time being, I've even decided to give the Dbol a rest for now and its amazing how much more healthy I feel and energized during training instead of dealing with high BP during lifting. Just don't stay on it too long man Smile

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pickle's picture

Im coming off this week and taking a breather for a few months Smile I hear ya on that though, I have a hard time running adrol cuz it jacks by BP through the roof too. Dbol does but not nearly as bad. Jumping from 10 to 20mg of M1T did raise my BP slightly, but not getting any of the usual high BP side effects. DIA is perfect but SYS is high.

pickle's picture

Had a high carb day yesterday and doubled dose to 20mg this morning. Nice strength increase during back workout today. Pump was sick, mirror check shows I look completely different than i did 3 weeks ago.

The others are still progress rapidly: vascularity, fat melting, and still very dry.

pickle's picture

Going to hit it hard this last week. Upped dose to 20mg per day today and will report back if there are any differences.

ryansolo's picture

Do you know what's causing the foggy head? When I run tren a I get it bad. When I take a little caber it seems to go away. I don't have blood work to support anything but I'm wondering if its a high prolactin side?

pickle's picture

Im not sure to be honest. Could be the tren, but i also upped the GH dose a bit for this final push. Dosing caber at 0.5mg twice a week.

GrowMore's picture

I get this also.

Owes a Review × 1
pickle's picture

Strength way up today. Looks like those extra pre workout carbs are helping. Still seeing daily changes in body composition. Weight is staying virtually the same on a cal deficit, sitting at 192 right now. Dry as hell, veins everywhere.

pickle's picture

Day 16: Heartburn hit like a bitch this morning. Was uncomfortable hours 2-6 after taking M1T. Getting dryer but maintaining that full/round/3d muscle look. This is awesome. Vascularity is silly. Still running 10mg.

Strength is up or down depending on the day. I think i need to up my morning carbs, getting gassed way to quick. Going to add another 75g 1.5 hours pre to bring total to 225g pre workout. Poptarts or dextrose? Hmmm

pickle's picture

You and I are compatible

press1's picture

Its sounding like one hard ride on it mate - not sure I could be feeling like sh** several hours a day on it. Credit to you for sticking it out though, its surprising it hasn't started to affect your appetite yet.

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pickle's picture

It hasnt been that bad to be honest. I feel WAY worst on even 50mg of adrol. Right now its a little lethargy with some appetite suppression. Im those side effects wouldnt be as pronounced if i wasnt running Tren with it. . The heart burn was a one day thing. BP in check too. The results have been pretty crazy though, never had changes come this quickly. Im a huge fan of M1T right now.

pickle's picture

About an hour after taking M1T with food i feel like i took a nausea inducing sleeping pill. Goes away by the time i get to the gym and get warmed up. Still dry as hell, never have i had such drastic and quick body changes. At 5"7 XL shirts are snug every where but my stomach.

press1's picture

I remember when I started having to buy everything in XL and constantly thinking how cool it was I could fill them out properly - back in my natty days I could barely fill out a medium Lol Gears great Smile

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pickle's picture

Lmao same, i was a medium before i got back in the gym. Feels great filling out an XL now. I have given up on getting jeans to fit though lol.

press1's picture

Yeah they become an off size don't they when you are short like us - I'm only 5'9 but the waist and ass need to be fairly big from doing deads etc so the length becomes way too long.

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emm986's picture

do you have sustatnon?? what is the price of it??

kibby's picture

Send me your bank details and and I'll send you a price list......

Jesus fucking Christ

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pickle's picture

Workout today was nuts, best back workout i have had to date. What really stood out was focus and endurance. I usually do a few burnout sets at the end of the workout with light weight lat pull downs and seated rows. Normally crank out 15-20 reps before form starts to get sloppy and i stop. Today i was able to hit 45-50 reps with form staying true, grit my teeth and kept going. Ended up doing 4 sets like that for each. Some might say thats overkill but it resulted in a wicked back pump lol.

T bar rows felt a bit heavy, raw strength seems the same or slightly down. I chalk this up to the cal deficit. I rarely train for strength so not too much of a concern. Im sure if my cals were up on a bulker strength would be through the roof.

press1's picture

How are things looking Bud - is it getting any better on increasing strength levels?

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pickle's picture

Surprised at how dry M1T is. Vascularity is getting nuts, weight has stayed the same but i look noticeably leaner and dryer. M1T combined with Tren has got to be one of the fastest recomp stacks out there.

Nothing out of the ordinary in the strength department. Cals are low and training is in the high'ish rep range.

maddogg's picture

I used to sell M1T in my gym back when it was considered a pro hormone. The first supplement company that can out with it was gaspari nutrition. That was probably back in 2003. On the bottle it said to take for no longer than 4 weeks straight, with 4 off. But given that it’s basically an oral AAS people probably should have been taking longer than that off. I believe the dosage was 20 mg. The bottle was a six week supply at that dose so most people finished the bottle. I’m quite sure no one did a pct although in hindsight they probably should have. It was the most powerful pro hormone I ever sold. Typical gains were 15 to 20 pounds for most people on just that. Still see some of the people that took it and they are still big and fit so they clearly recovered eventually. I bought a boat load just before they out lawed it like I typically did before they banned various substances, like ephedra. Sold some to a friend/co worker that was 2 year expired. 2006 expiration date in 2008. Must have a long shelf life. He gain 30 pounds of what looked like pretty good weight. His thighs looked like they were going to burst out of his uniform jeans like the Incredible Hulk. His son accused him of being on steroids. He was a beast naturally though 6’3 240 pounds went up to 270. He was first team all state offensive and defensive tackle and had never used anything like that before so he responded very well. None of those people had tried any AAS at that time I would bet, but the stuff is still pretty bad ass. As far as lethargy he didn’t say anything about it or show it but he was one of those people that you just couldn’t outwork.

kibby's picture

Yes your 26.........but your clearly being very sensible and have your head screwed on ++.

Posts like this may help others make informed decisions later on in life (or not).

Great post bro ;)

Owes a Review × 1
pickle's picture

Thanks Kibby! I appreciate the support brother.

GrowMore's picture

Nice anecdotal log bro. Be great to hear an update how you get along and how much if any solid gains you think you’ve made from taking the oral or if it’s all lost a couple weeks afterwards.

Owes a Review × 1
pickle's picture

Thanks GM. I will keep this updated as best i can with relevant info. Once this blast is over im going back to TRT to clean out for a few months. Curious to see what i keep and what goes away after cessation of M1T as well.

stairmaster's picture

A very hard cycle for 26 and your stats mate, however M1T is a compound I'll never use again , I used it for only 14days till I stopped the cycle cause I thought I use a sleeping pill.

I took 10mgs daily with my 3rd meal at 12 a.m. , for sevral days I used 20mgs - too much and no benefits ...

Altogether, a roid I'll never use again cause I was bloated like shit !

But nice report mate!

pickle's picture

I realized i might get flammed by some for posting this due to my age and compound choice. But with lack of info in regards to M1T i figured posting the log/review is worth the little bit of flamming if it means it can inform others.

The lethargy does suck. Did your energy pick up once you got your heart rate up? I drag ass sitting down but once i get blood moving i have tons of energy, its strange.

Interesting that you bloated, im dry as hell right now (estro is low too so thats helping). What else were you running with yours?

stairmaster's picture

Not from me cause I see u know what you're doing and so I respect your run!

Yes I had the same problem but my main prob was that I have a job where I sit 4hrs daily in the car to visit and check the places where my company works. But yes, when I hit the iron I had a lot energy!

Yes I bloated extremely, I looked like a balloon, normally I never get bloated even when I use 100mg drol.

My run was simple:

900 Sust
450 Deca N
50 Provi
10-20 M1T (14 days)

pickle's picture

Appreciate the respect brother, means alot!

I sit at a desk 8 hours a day so i hear you on that. Thats a ton of driving, i would be falling asleep!

Did you bloat right away or did it set in after a while? Interesting that some bloat and others dont. I will keep an eye on it and see if i swell up at all when i bump up to 20mg. Hoping i dont, i like the dryness iv got going on right now. Joints surprisingly feel pretty good too.

M1T seems to be hit or miss, some swear by it and others wont touch it again. Looking forward to seeing where i fall when this is over.

johnmarshall12's picture

You're a little bit young to be taking such harsh compounds. Good work on keeping the log though. Hopefully you'll come up wit some good long range cycles and plans. +

pickle's picture

Thanks John! Hope all is well.

press1's picture

Hey pickle - cheers for putting this log and experience together. Its a compound I'm wanting to run properly also rather than just taking the odd tab here and there. As its quite like superdrol I'd defo say its a 'no no' to taking it on an empty stomach for sure, Var & DBol and even Halo can be done on a few mouthfuls of food but not these 2 unless you wanna feel like dying for the next 4 hours lol I've heavily researched peoples findings on M1T over the past few years and it would seem 20mg is what you want to be going for to get the best results of what the compound is capable of. BigIan & Alekara's have a fair bit of knowledge with it I believe Smile

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