jimboslice91's picture
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Hello, I'm 28 yrs old, 5'11'' and 190lbs. and blind as a bat, I want to try and cycle something to take myself to the next level but there is so much info online i dont know wtf to do. I've never done a cycle before. I hit the gym about 4 times a weak with a decent diet. Al I use is whey protein. I'm looking for a light/moderate cycle nothing too crazy.I've been looking into hgh because it seems safer but alot of people say it's pointless unless you stack it with something. I've heard good things about igf and mk677 but once again i don't know what i'm talking about. All the info on the different kinds of juice and hgh is confusing. Can someone please help point me in the right direction? I'm going for lean muscle and strength. An all the above type cycle would be good too.

press1's picture

As seen as there's already quite a lot of comedy on this page - I just wanted to give anyone who's having a bit of a crappy friday a good laugh, this is hilarious!


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tattoofreak's picture

So you think it's a smart idea to do a orals only cycle? This is your advice for a newb? Idiot...

tattoofreak's picture

Your advice is bullshit! You should be banned as soon as possible, before some of the noobs listen to you...

press1's picture

I don't know who needs to attend Language School more - You or him.....

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CBBurrr's picture

are you suggesting a dbol only cycle?

CBBurrr's picture

Your advice is about as real as your pictures.
I get the feeling you are just fake as shit. How long before you try to sell something here?
I'm not sure if you'll even understand my fucking message, I'm sure you are using Google Translate.
I don't have a problem with guys from China or from India, just don't pretend to be Tom Harrison
Or the guys in one of those pictures you stole

KMC's picture

So far Larry started the topic, you just asked Curly a question about his recommendations.

Still waiting for Moe to show up.

And some one will now add a gif.

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giardap's picture

0newheelup's picture

That's cool bro.. if ur getting hung up and information is contradicting itself. This is a good place to talk about it..

jimboslice91's picture

Thanks everyone for the replies. I have been doing a lot of research but a lot of my research is contradicting. I admit that I didn't go through the forums on here and research I just posted the same topic on 3 forums. I do squats dead bench upright rows so I'm not a complete newb in the gym. I just wanted some info on what my first cycle should be. Thanks guys

press1's picture

I've always found upright rows a pretty useless exercise in all honesty. If you want great traps or shoulders there are so many more harder hitting & effective exercises for them.

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press1's picture

Hey mate it wasn't a dig at you lol It was just a general statement saying I think they are a cr** exercise. You got me wrong, I was more or less agreeing with you. Although I'm only into poundages on the bar - you'd be surprised just how much mass you can gain from just increasing to big loads on bench / deads / squats / rows. Build big on those and you can easily grow big, although yes never 'complete' looking as such.

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vhman's picture

I use the smith machine and am able to focus on different parts of my traps and shoulders, depending on my arm/elbow position. Always get a great burn/pump.

pickle's picture

They hurt my shoulders too much. I prefer to just deadlift my car, works my traps better.

press1's picture

Absolutely bro lol I use to get pain in my wrists/forarms doing them. I don't think there's a better exercise for big thick yoked traps than heavy deadlifts - they work even better than shrugs personally as you are getting the added stretch pulling from the floor also!

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pickle's picture

Agreed! I used to not DL due to lower back issues but i have pushed through it the last 6 months and built up the support muscles to do it and not hurt. Traps have grown more in the last 2 months than they have in the last 18 months.

Greg's picture

I just wanted some info on what my first cycle should be... I admit that I didn't go through the forums on here and research...

OMFG, we're not going to hold your hand for you.



pickle's picture

Greg, you scare me when you yell. Please use an inside voice so you dont intimidate everyone with your toxic masculinity.

0newheelup's picture

Welcome to eroids. So ur not blind enough to find this website and ask for a cosigner. Just like everyone has said u have to do ur research on ur own. Then ask questions about what uve read and members tend to soften up. The first thing I wld start researching is diet (foods, macros, micros,tdee,body fat,and types). Experiment and experience this first because this is base of ur anabolic cycle.. Then u cld update ur stats and ask more educated questions. Members are very helpful but no spoon feedings. Stick around and enjoy brother.

Dr.BroScience's picture

If you have any questions dial information.

Thank you for calling.

johnmarshall12's picture

You need to do some reading! What you do is a personal decision, and no one can make it but you! You need to do a lil work here.

From what you describe you could make some decent gains without GEAR! Your supplements are limited, and you prolly need to improve your diet and what do in the gym! Then consider a cycle.

Tgomilk's picture

You're looking for someone to spend their time helping you but you won't even spend the time to help yourself! Be patient, keep reading.. 5'11" and 190 is nowhere near your natural limit even with terrible genetics. I bet you could gain 20-30lbs of lean muscle in the next year or two with clean eating and hard training. Running any cycle is going to do the same thing for you, EXCEPT you will LOSE the gains without proper knowledge of PCT and keeping gains after cycle.

press1's picture

Seems like you have gone and got yourself all confused! Get all these other silly ideas out of your head and read up on basic first cycles - Test 500mg/wk split into 2 injections. Easy as that - No HGH, IGF-1 etc

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GizmoDuck's picture


Greg's picture

You're walking into a donut shop and asking, "Where are the donuts?"



Makwa's picture


pickle's picture

thanks now i want donuts

KMC's picture

I have a box of raspberry filled powder sugar coated CENSORED donuts, ......... they won't last the day.

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