Bill1976's picture
  • 879

+ 2 Summer cycle


I weigh 186. And want to get to 202. I know my stats say 195 but I lost some of the Gains from my last cycle. The reason for the caber is that I got that deca dick everybody talks about last time I cycled with deca. I want to keep my six pack while gaining the 18 pounds. I know it sounds hard but I gained 20 pounds from test and deca and kept my six pack last time. It’s all about how you train and eat not so much about the gear. I have two cycles under my belt so I’m new to the gear but I def k is how to train and diet. First run with HGH. I am using it to strengthen ltendons and anti aging. Any suggestions are welcome. Looking for advise. I have different kinds of testosterone on hand also if you guys think I need to switch it to another ester.

Almost forgot for pct I will use tomaxifin 40 mg every day for three weeks. Will start pct four days after last shot. Also the hgh will be a three month run.

WeekTestosterone phenyl propNPPCaber HGH
1100 mg eod100 mg eod. 5 e3d2 iu
2100mg eod100 mg eod.5 e3d2iu
3100 mg eod100mg eod.5e3d2iu
4100 mg eod100mg eod.5e3d2iu
5100 mg eod100 mg eod.5 e3d2iu
6100 mg eod100 mg eod.5 e3d2iu
7100 mg eod100 mg eod.5e3d2iu
8100 mg eod100 mg eod.5 e3d2iu
9100 mg eod100 mg eod.5 e3d2iu
lundgren's picture

For summer cycle I preferat use low dose of test c or e and add some Primobolan always at low dose like 200mg / week for help the anti catabolisme side, it's work very well.

Little extra : Igf1 everyday

and 750-800 ui's of HCG if you're testicles are shreched :-)

Some people love masteron enanthate for summer too, it's more easy to find vs Primobolan and help the sex drive very well.

Bill1976's picture

Thanks. I started off with two and going to bump it up next week to four. Wanted to start slow to see how I reacted.

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Makwa's picture

Third cycle in I would still be hammering just the test. I think you are in a little over your head using nandrolone. It already bit you last cycle.

Bill1976's picture

What about just test and HGH?

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Makwa's picture

GH is always good. I would be running more than 2iu though. If you really want to hammer it home I would add in some IGF-LR3 also.

lundgren's picture

I agree but it's notre easy to find a good quality of IGF-1 LR3.
This stuff help the recovery and build the muscle very well.

Bill1976's picture

I took your advise and just started taking test and HGh. I wasn’t sure just test would work after running two compounds last time but it is banging hard. Feeling great and making great gains already. The only hard part is all of the eating. My metabolism is higher than most. 7 meals a day.

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Bill1976's picture

I’m going to take your advice. After looking at your profile you def have some knowledge. I’ll bump it up to 4 or 5 iu. Thanks. I’ll save the NPP for next year.

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Robman040's picture

In all honesty i think your moving way too fast bro. You should have exhausted test for as long as you can and then add in different compounds one at a time

Bill1976's picture

believe me the test was great and it cost so much less but I needed the joint reliefs. Can you go back to test after going to deca? Will it still work the same? That was my plan.

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SL's picture

Looks good, if it were me I'd up test to 150 eod leave npp at 100 and threw in some adex

Bill1976's picture

I have aromasin on hand but no Adex.

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SL's picture

That works lol

press1's picture

As you are roughly the same weight as me now I think you'd be better off upping the test to 500mg mate - its the easiest and quickest way to gain weight. If the cycle was longer then cypionate would also be what I'd go for, I got too use to test prop early on and unfortunately now I prefer running it as I'm use to the feeling of it but wish I did it the other (proper) way round and just went straight for enanthate or cyp in the first place.

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Bill1976's picture

I have enanthate. I can switch it out. I’m going to get back a few pounds natural before I start my cycle also. Thanks.

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