jblast's picture
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My test prop for TRT (dragon pharma)


I have also an opened vial.
I use 60mg 3 times per week.
Feeling great, keeping my energy up and my muscle tissue.
I really like dragon pharma gear. I would like to try other products from them apart from test prop.

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vhman's picture

I blast and cruise, I bridge with TRT.
I do bodybuilding shows and I don't PCT.

He’s “25” and using prop, three times a week,for his trt.... smh....

sunamcaxa's picture


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dextetherdog's picture

Prop for TRT, why??

ECinfidel's picture

Why the short ester for trt? And what is your exact protocol? Sounds like you're bouncing from 50 and 70mg. Your levels must be all over the place. Not exactly what you want for trt. Or any situation, for that matter.

wanted's picture

If your toooo LAZY to measure your gear. Goodluck using a food scale. LAZY GETS YOU NOTHING IN LIFE..
Put the steroids down. And GROW THE F up

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ECinfidel's picture

Dude. 10mgs of prop here. 10 mgs of prop there. His levels Will be fine. ;)

pickle's picture


ECinfidel's picture

Age: 20
Height: 170
Weight: 70

Wtf are you doing man? You shouldnt be pinning anything at your age, let alone trt. You're destroying your natural test production, which I'm sure was operating full throttle.
And you don't even pay attention to the amount your pinning? Dude stop!!!

pickle's picture

how did you survive 20 years being this retarded

ECinfidel's picture

10mg of short ester test "more or less is about the same dosing" for trt?! Dude, I have to step away from this conversation. I can't risk picking up any residual stupidity.