monsta0911's picture
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Best pill for organ protection


In your opinion what is the best vitamin to take while on a cycle to protect your organs? Thanks for the help!

Superfoods1aka whocares aka troll's picture


johnmarshall12's picture

As I said on another thread. I take TUDCA when on cycle. B-12, Milk Thistle, and Saw Palmetto all year round.

alljaktup's picture

I see all the organ protection threads are old. Any new info on this? Looking for best all-around protectant. Tnx

irongame427's picture

I combination of them. The all in ones suck in my opinion the doses are never high enough to be effective.
For lipids and heart
2400mg red yeast rice 2x ed
5g of omegas split through day
20mg policansol once ed
Some like coQ10

Liver if on orals
I like liv52 ds 2 pills twice a day
Or tudca
Essentiale forte
Plus a ton of water

Sal palmetto extract 320mgs 1 or 2x ed

Cranberry extract

Plus normal multi vitamins.

DBG's picture

You only take Liv52DS one/two tabs per day?
I take 9...3,3x/day...orals or not, just plain cycle support

irongame427's picture

I take 4 ds ed, sometimes 2 am and 2 pm or sometimes 1 4times a day. I used to take milk thistle also until i found out some unfavorable things about it. But my bloodwork has always looked great on liv52, even on very harsh orals like superdrol. Never once been out of range.

DBG's picture

Yes yes...liv52 is great...except for the parabens in it :-/

irongame427's picture

Yaa, atleast they tell us tho, most companies will "forget" to list that part of it. And the amount they use is very very minimal. Parabens is in so many foods and cosmetics so I'm not that worried about it. Especially since i only take it a few times a year. Might give TUDCA a shot next time.

DBG's picture

I need to find that myself...TUDCA. I looked into a long time ago and then forgot/quit looking

irongame427's picture

Amazons got plenty of options. Not nad prices either.

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