drewmitz's picture
  • 42

Sustanon 350ML by Osgear


Hello everyone,
I have tried Dragon Pharma Testosterone and it was G2G so now i am going to give their Sust a try. I have a few questions and was hoping a fellow member could help me out. The Sustanon that i purchased is:
Lot DPSUST-1705 EXP:5/2020 ans has anyone tried this batch and if so how is the quality of the gear? Also
I was thinking of running anavar (50mg X 30 days) toward the end of the cycle as a stack how does that sound, or should i go with Tbol.
Any advice on the stack and the quality of the gear is appreciated and as soon as i start the cycle i will post my review on the quality of gear. Oh Osgear answered all my questions in a very quick and professional manner and they were a pleasure to deal with.

Ordered from: 
drewmitz's picture

The gear is good

SADISTIC's picture

Nice pick.... dp is a good choice for sust. Running the teste now. Ran the sust once good quality.

In a promo × 1
JugulrTRENsuspension's picture

Nice man hope the sust is good. Im not a big oral gear taker

stairmaster's picture

116ML vials? lol

tattoofreak's picture
