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As with almost anything in life; there is a pattern to success. Those who understand the pattern and who are able to implement it are usually very successful.

On the other hand, for those who struggle randomly, the same task seems difficult to impossible. Once a person comprehends what is necessary; the same task now seems easy.

Exercise, health and fitness are no different than anything else. Going to a gym and performing random exercises, with a hope and a prayer is usually futile, and leads to frustration and failure. Watching other people progress, while having no clue as to how they do it; can be more than aggravating.

First: proper diet is essential to attaining proper body weight, and satisfactory fitness levels. As mentioned elsewhere, going to the gym and eat an entire pizza after your workout of will negate much if not all of the effort you put it.

High fat, high calorie diets do not equate to fitness and bodybuilding. Failure to adhere to the rules; insures failure.

Getting your food intake absolutely perfect for your body is an art in itself. Proper diet encompasses a great deal more than just calories. Although calories are essential; the source of the calories is crucial e.g. protein, fat, simple or complex carbohydrates.

Attaining your proper body weight is a goal; not a race! Losing or gaining weight properly, and at the proper pace is critical to success in health.

Second: proper exercise is critical to achieving normal body weight and physical fitness. Please note; we did say,” Proper exercise”.

Those who go to the gym, and exercise as though they were taking a stroll through the park; see very limited benefits. Also, performing the wrong exercises may provide anything from little to no progress.

Absolutely nothing should be left to your imagination. Everything should be precise, and explicitly clear. Should you have any questions; DO YOUR RESEARCH! Ask opinions here on eroids in the forums!

Sometimes, people are afraid to ask questions because they are embarrassed, or feel that questioning is either negative, or a sign of weakness. Realistically, it is the exact opposite! A lot of experts here on eroids are glad to help with diet, exercise and cycles!

Assuming that you are not a fitness expert; it would be very difficult for you to totally comprehend the difference in the results obtained by the same person; using different fitness routines. Simply put, the difference is night and day!

Third: proper supplementation and proper use of AAS has become critical to achieving proper body weight, and total fitness. Many of the state of the art supplements and gear that are available today, did not exist a decade ago.

Besides opening the doors to new levels of fitness, modern supplements and GEAR make it easier to get results; and to get them faster! Faster, easier, and superior results.

Once again, the difference in the results obtained by the same person on to very different supplement and cycles can be astounding!

Fourth: recovery, or sleep is absolutely essential to succeeding in health and fitness. Doing the three ingredients listed above is wonderful. However, without sufficient time for your body to recover; unfortunately you not only jeopardize the results that are made possible by the above; you may be jeopardizing your health!

This is something that cannot be overstated! Your body recovers when it sleeps; and only when it sleeps! Failure to get enough sleep after intense exercise is dangerous! The exclamatory is not used lightly; this is a very serious matter!

Failure to recover properly is analogous “ to burning the candle at both ends”. In this case; you're the candle!

The technical explanation is simply this… failure to rest and get enough sleep not only will undo everything you have tried to achieve in the gym; it will put terrible physical stress on your body.

Sadly, it is all too common for people to make this terrible mistake. We forget our own mortality. We are machines, and we need to be repaired. Our repair period, as mentioned above, occurs only when we sleep.

So, this concludes my article on the four ingredients necessary for success in health and fitness. Review them from time to time, and try to stay conscious of them every day. Those who succeed know what they're doing, and when it comes to this subject; the successful incorporate these four factors into their fitness regimen, and obtain phenomenal results!

0newheelup's picture

Very nice inspirational read. Ur absolutely right about it being an art. Orchestrating diet, exercise, and sleep is a lifestyle commitment. You cant be one foot in and one foot out. I myself have been struggling with keeping my diet clean when the weekend comes and balancing my schedule to get enough sleep to fully recover. Reading this helps me to stay focused. Thanks brother... +1

growthman's picture

Keep em’ coming JM +1

JL's picture

Good post! Not eating the whole pizza takes serious will power.

Fangsharp's picture

Great read from basics to essentials. Informative and inspirational. Plus 1 Sir.

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

+1 another awesome post bro

Owes a Review × 1
333's picture

+1 I'm going to heart this one as well I need a little motivation I've been working 16 hour days and have not been eating for shit and the gym like 3 times a week. My job is the most physical you can get but like your said proper exercise and my food intake has been shit not shit food but like 2000 cals tops no time to eat

Great post's picture

nice article bro, time to recover, time to prep food, time to eat the food , time to work out properly, time in general to live your life with out to much stress, the importance of time cannot be overstated.

Time or lack there of will destroy your gains, once the stress hormone kicks in.

again nice article.