Oreo003's picture
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Need some advice for an extreme pct protocol


Hello everyone,
I’m seeking some solid information for a strong pct protocol. I wanna have a baby and I’ve recently gotten my sperm levels tested and they’re completely dead.
My current age is 25 i weigh 210 lbs and I’ve been blasting and cruising for 2/3 years straight now. Some of my cycles got out of hand and i was running sometimes over a gram of test each week mixing in tren some cycles and deca in a lot of them as well.

Some information i read online says:
1-14 hcg 2000 ius eod
1-30 clomid at 100mg ed
1-45 nolva 40mg ed

I’ve been doing a lot of reading and keep seeing different stuff everywhere. Maybe somebody here was in the same boat i was in and fixed themselves.

Soulja's picture

You were too young to start gear....alot of us were when we started. It's done and you can't go back and change it. With that said I wanna share story with you. A close friend of mine, practically my big brother, had a situation very similar to your own. Granted he is 15 years older than you. He's been with the same woman for 11 years....she wanted a baby, he was pretty sure he was fucked. Anyhow, he stayed on gear (trt) used hcg, clomid and proviron all in combination as he was advised to do by another bodybuilder with many children. He now has a 1 year old son. I share this with you because I want you to know that all hope is not lost and many before you have dealt with the same situation. A solid endocrinologist is your best option. Luckily you are part of a community that has an arsenal of ancillary and fertility drugs available if that doesn't work out. I wish you the best in your endeavor and sincerely hope you will make better decisions regarding your health moving foward.

giardap's picture

A standard PCT approach is not advisable for you.

Just to be clear, Palumbo advocated 2 protocols; 1 without hmg, so be sure to include hmg
not much is needed

however, given how serious/longstanding your issue is; with the hcg, you should probably do better @ 2500 3x per week. The higher dose, not suited to a standard no issue PCT, is more relevant for fertility and for restarts where shutdown has been in place for years (ASIH).

Oreo003's picture

What would recommend for best results brother

dextetherdog's picture

If you have stopped using hormones recently, you need to know that it normally takes 70 days for sperm to return back to normal stage for the athletes that cycle, may take longer if you’ve been on for a longer time. Check out on YouTube - Dave Polumbo pregnancy protocol, exactly your scenario

Oreo003's picture

Yeah i watched that video. I wanna Come completely off and have a solid pct plan and within the next year or two try to have babies. I’m not rushing to having kids part, just wanna come off test for good right now

dextetherdog's picture

In regards to PCT you would have to run a standard protocol, then you go and do blood work. You need your Test, LH, FSH + estradiol and prolactin be in reference range to succeed with your goal. If after your PCT (actual pct + 8-10weeks off everything) your hormones have not recovered, you may consider to run another cycle of PCT and do the same procedure again until your hormones fully recover. Eventually hormones will recover, may take a bit longer considering the time you’ve been on. Alongside this do another sperm test 70-100 days after your cycle.

Oreo003's picture

So do that pct i said in the original post for 45 days then wait an additional 8-10 weeks and get blood work done.? Or 8-10 weeks after coming off before getting blood work

Dacky's picture

Sounds like you guys have it all worked out. Good luck!

dextetherdog's picture

Dacky, would you do it different way??

Dacky's picture

I’m not sure I would be helping this guy. He’s been so irresponsible with what he’s been doing since 22yrs old and now he’s 25 and all of a sudden he wants to stop, clean up his act, get natty production back so he can have sperm and have kids. Sorry call me a sceptic but sounds like he’s fishing for a power PCT and I am not sure I believe his reasons. He claims to have seen a reproductive endocrinologist who told him to do nothing which I don’t believe for one second.

And to answer your question I don’t think a standard PCT is going to cut it here given the extent of the abuse but if this hasn’t even been tried then yes I would start there and extend a bit. But given my above concern that’s all I am going to say on the matter.

dextetherdog's picture

Hi Dacky, been away on holidays, just got back.
I must have missed all the previous info the guy has given, just thought to put my thoughts on the post as hoped that could help. Thanks for the heads up mate

Dacky's picture

No worries mate. I’ve got him in PM and he’s working with me. We will try and get him restarted.

dextetherdog's picture

Nice one Dacky, great to have you guys around helping us.

Oreo003's picture

Don’t sit there and call me a liar. I have all the info from the doctor that i saw. She did nothing for me and it cost me a fortune to see her. Also tooks months to get seen by her. I can send you the info if you don’t believe me.
And the irresponsible part. Yes i was very, i was young and dumb and now I’m paying for my mistakes.

Dacky's picture

I’m sorry I still don’t buy it. Your type of case is a reproductive endocrinologists bread and butter. They just don’t work the way you have described it. But sure send me a FR and a PM and I’ll take a look at all the stuff from her for you. Oh and are you currently one any exogenous hormones? Have you even tried a standard PCT or any PCT for that matter?

Oreo003's picture

I’ve tried a regular pct but i think the gear was bunk. And yeah the dr didn’t help me i ended up filing a dispute with the hospital system i went to and got a full refund of 500$ because she couldn’t help me. This was after she reviewed my case and said yes I’ll see this patient i can help him....

Dacky's picture

Ok I’ve seen your FR and have accepted it.

So you broke one of the golden rules - always and only use Pharma grade meds when it comes to PCT and ancillaries. So when exactly did you do this PCT and lay out the details - what did you take, dosages and for how long? And you didn’t answer my other question which is are you taking any AAS now or where you when you did your semen analysis? If you were not on any AAS and/or are still not then how long have you been off for?

Drock_357's picture

Well said!

Makwa's picture

If you are serious about having kids then you need to talk to a doc to get you straightened out.

Dacky's picture

^^^^^ This

Sounds like your royally screwed the pooch here. So why are you here looking for advice from a bunch of internet doctors? Go and find yourself a reproductive endocrinologist and work with him/her on a fertility restoration protocol that is specific to you!

Oreo003's picture

I tried doing that last September and it was
No help. The doctor didn’t prescribe anything just told me to come off and wait 1-3 years. That was after getting my levels checked and seeing how low everything was.

Dacky's picture

What sort of doctor told you that? A GP/PCP. Did you go and see an endocrinologist? Be honest now. Also are you US or UK/Europe based?

Oreo003's picture

I went and saw a specialist she was an endocrinologist my case was stage 5. She was no help. And I’m in us. California

tattoofreak's picture

Change the doctor...