5percent4life's picture
  • 165

+ 1 Powerlifting cycle/ winter bulk


5'11 240. 25 years old. 12% ish bodyfat. Looking for strength and size increase with not a lot of weight gain. With the weight control aspect coming from a good diet. HGH will be ran for 20 weeks while the rest of the cycle is 12 weeks so the HGH was started 8 weeks prior to the rest of the cycle. It is pharma grade so anything over 4iu is overkill in my opinion.

press1's picture

Do you find the HGH helps with lifting & strength?

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5percent4life's picture

@Rustyhooker pct will be 4 weeks clomid. I have tried a bunch of ratios. This one has worked best for me personally.

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5percent4life's picture

@Jamesli its the only oral i run out of the whole year. The hgh is for 2 reasons: ive had many injuries and I like the full lean look even when bulking. Its a fullness without the bloat

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Jamesli's picture

There's no reason test needs to be higher than deca, but this forum seems to ha e a gospel they stick to.
You've ran this before and hit those numbers at that weight so no reason to change anything.
Why the hgh btw? To help keep fat off during the bulk?
Recovery from lifting?
The orals are harsh on the liver sure but you'll be fine imo. Milk thistle NAC tudca and you're golden if it's just 4 weeks.
Good luck

5percent4life's picture

Not 2 years straight lol. But for powerlifting comps the last 2 years

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5percent4life's picture

I forgot to put the pct. Ive ran test double deca before and havent ever noticed a difference. And ive tried halo from 20mg up to 50mg. 30mgis my sweet spot. Ive ran this exavt cycle for 2 years for powerlifting and won every competition. Push pull. Last year paused 475 on bench and deadlifted 705 at 214 pounds bodyweight.

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press1's picture

I've benched 465 @ 185 but hoping to much improve since this is my first time running halo. Can feel the difference after just a day on it!

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5percent4life's picture

I feel it pretty quick. Im gonna pm you after work

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House's picture

Whats your cycle history? This cycle is off. Test should be higher than deca. No pct. Should stop deca 2 weeks proir to test and 30mg ed of halo is heavy on the liver. I would rethink this.

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5percent4life's picture

For some reason week 12 cut off. Obviously it is the same as week 11.

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