BendTheBarbell2.0's picture
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Hey guys I am back. It's been a long time. Shortly after landing my new job I got in an accident on my motorcycle. I was hit and luckily all damages were covered but I tore my left AC and I'm lucky as heck that was all that happened. Between struggling to stay at work to keep my job and everything else I completely stopped lifting

I couldn't remember my old emails password linked to my old account but oh well I only had maybe 100 karma anyway. Either way I'm back here but I recently have been able to get back to the gym. I plan on lifting naturally. I may go on gear next year depending how I feel but I just wanted to touch base with all the peeps I may have known that may still be on the board from a year and a half ago.

Bill G's picture

Accually was just reading a post from the past. They were comments from a handle "bendthebarbel". Funny because that person has been banned. And now you say your bendthebarbell2.0 and your back. Same guy? Probably. Wonder why you got banned before and how long till it catches up with you again.
Maybe i think too much. Ive heard that before.

Greg's picture

The account is banned because he can not have two accounts. He has done nothing wrong except to forget his email, and passwords.

Bill G's picture

Sounds good

press1's picture

This is exactly why I got rid of my R1 as I knew if I ever came off it in a bad way my fault or not life would Not be worth living if I couldn't lift even just for a few months best case scenario. Bikes are an awesome adrenaline rush but a great training session together with how you feel for the next 24hrs after easily beats them. At least you had a lucky escape man!

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Sam I Am's picture

Welcome back.

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BendTheBarbell2.0's picture

There is a familiar handle! Thanks man

GrowMore's picture

Welcome bro. Glad to hear you survived the fall.

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