Batgirl4life's picture
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+ 9 Not perfect but I'm getting better


It's been a tough road but with my husband's support and training my ass off I will get there .. thank u baby

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ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

Tell your wife she's doing good. She doesn't need Var, Clen, Winny, or any compounds yet. She just needs to continue with a low-calorie diet combined with a regiment of cardio and maybe some HIIT.

Plumberscrack13's picture

HIIT high Impact ____trainging ???? And we have come to that conclusion after some greatly appreciated advice from some vets thanks and sorry if I don't know what HIIT meant lpl

SuperMax's picture

High intensity interval training.
But a LISS, or Low intensity steady state would help with a more sustainable fat loss. Plus it’s going to keep her motivated as she will not feel like she is killing herself

wanted's picture

People will think of anything to get free gear. I hopE THIS MARRIED COUPLE is banned from free promos by all SOURCES

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
Plumberscrack13's picture

That's not what it was all about bro but if that's what mods want to do I'll do what they say .. i like a promo just like the next guy but if this mistake messed things up for me then it is what it is..she wanted in just like the next person but it seriously went completely different then I intendend . I'll continue to be an active contribution to the community with or without the promos . I'm going to back off them for a long time even if I'm still allowed .

Sam I Am's picture

It does and also for the newguys to. I like to plus people for progress but it’s getting harder to justify it there’s so much scamming going on.

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Plumberscrack13's picture

Sam I wasent trying to cause any trouble I'm sorry if I came off like a dick I made a huge mistake bringing her here and I apologise to the community

Sam I Am's picture

No big deal. I actually thought she’s a good looking lady. I came back to look at the eye candy this morning and saw this. I figured it was a guy which is why my response was the way it was. I honestly don’t talk to women that way. I apologize.

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Plumberscrack13's picture

No problem bud thank you for that

Pale's picture

No name calling.

Pumped_'s picture

Not perfect!? Keep doing what your doing and don't worry about these people's "perfect". You are making perfect progress and that's all that counts. +1

wanted's picture

Thats great progress. You should be proud----people along the way will help you BUT Remmeber Its you busting your butt and YOU eating healthy that changes your WHOLE LIFE

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heavymetalmonsterD's picture

+1 good work

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Sam I Am's picture

Big change. Slow and steady wins the race..+2

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fusebox's picture

That is some great progress. Listen to the advice alayna is giving. She knows what she is doing. Keep it up. +2

fusebox's picture

You posted a review today for a source and you haven't received it. If that gear was for you I sure hope you're not planning on running it.

Plumberscrack13's picture

And she's not on the test that's mine many we should speak to some other woman who have experience or someone that's got more knowledge on them then I because I'm not to familure on them as far as for a girl just trying to help her

Pale's picture

Then her account just got banned and there better not be anymore tied to you

Plumberscrack13's picture

Hey pale could u please possibly take this down since you banned her. This really sucks I have to watch people degrade and bash her with comments like that above . I hope u can understand how I feel .. thank u and if not ok

Plumberscrack13's picture

And no sir I only have my 1 account I'm not stupid I love this place . I got locked out of my account yesterday and created fordf1504life to get ahold of a mod and I did greg got it all fixed and deleted that account .

Plumberscrack13's picture

Is this not allowed to have my wife join I'm sorry if this was against the rules bro I'm very sorry if we did something g we weren't supposed to ..we were going to prove it's really her but if it's just going to cause a big problem I'll tell her to just forget about it and find her somewhere else maybe with more woman she can join ..we did not mean any harm

Pale's picture

Well if getting her help was the goal you wouldn't have immediately set about having her join promos to get you gear now would you? I should just ban you and be done with this. You take us for fools?

Plumberscrack13's picture

No sir not fools at all very good at what u do but honestly she applied for the 2 promos with store credit to try and possibly get weight loss var or winny .. I completely why u would think that but I'm being strait up with u .. I do not want to get banned and her causing an issue here is not worth causing any trouble I appoligize for any inconveniences this caused and u won't hear another peep or see me stop out of line again

Pale's picture

Well now may be a good time to actually BUY from one of them sources eh. I know you are a frequent flyer of promos and I bet you can afford to buy some gear for your woman. Don't abuse our system and don't abuse the goodwill of the sources.

Plumberscrack13's picture


Plumberscrack13's picture

Hey bro sorry for chiming in this is my wife would u not recommend running low doses of either of them to help tight up?

fusebox's picture

No I wouldn't have her run anything yet. Steady diet and exercise and she will do wonders. She's no where near where she would need to be to benefit for those things. And it might make things worse. She has made great progress and should continue on doing what has got her here.

Plumberscrack13's picture

Ok thank u that's why we're here . The last thing I wanna do is make things worse . She gets so pissed me because she sees what I take and what it does for me and tells me it's not fair all the time . It's so hard to have to tell her no ya know . Luv ya babe take it from the pros told ya I'm not always right lol

fusebox's picture

Might need to vet this out a bit but you both may be asked to post a pic with eroids name and date on it to prove it's not just someone making multiple accounts to join promos as I see your gal has asked to be in a promo. Not my call but I'm sure a mod will stop by

Plumberscrack13's picture

I'll get her to go ahead and post it tonight and I'll do the same when I get off work .. last thing I want is to be looked down on here thanks bro

Pale's picture

Don't bother. I see what the fuck you are up to and it won't fly. I will be watching you now.

Plumberscrack13's picture

I honestly wanted to get her confidence up bro it was very hard to get her to post this pic but she loved the feed back she got ..I'll leave it alone tho this is your house I'm just a guest but if I were trying g to do something shaddy I wouldn't have even said anything on her post ... Sorry for the trouble

Plumberscrack13's picture

Lol won't be a problem brtha

alayna's picture

Research xenoestrogens and keep them OUT of your diet, stop drinking from plastics and cooking in them and get a damn good water filter. These simple changes can have a monumental impact on weight loss becaue of the toxicity of esteogens permeating the environment. Keep training hard and eat organic as much as possible. Do cardio a few times a week about 30 minute sessions but above all DONT STOP! You look great +1

Brbry's picture

Great progress! I love the hard work

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DSTER's picture

Huge difference. Be proud and keep grinding +

bigrigger's picture

Keep up the great work. Fantastic progress +1

RangerVet's picture

+1 big change!! Keep it going and it becomes less hard and easier I promise. Just don't stop and keep that diet clean as possible. Good job!

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