Dcdan101's picture
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Test/Deca Cycle


Gearing up for 2nd cycle. Used Balken Pharma Test Enanthate for my first cycle. Excited to try British Dragon. Any opinions on PIP? I loaned a friend of mine who runs multiple cycles per year some of my BP amps and said they were more painful that what he normally runs.... so that’s all I’m able to compare to at the moment is Balken amps. Thanks.

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Dcdan101's picture

Thank you I didn’t even realize I had written the wrong name. Yes indeed I meant to put Dragon Pharma. Sorry guys!

PPGfreak's picture

I don’t see and British Dragon in your picture.

Dcdan101's picture

My mistake good catch and thank you.

Cummin apart's picture

I just saw that too!
I have very little pip with dragon, using the same compounds right now!

Dcdan101's picture

Thank you for your feedback I look forward to trying them for sure.

Cummin apart's picture

It’s good shit! Strength is way up!!!

dimi4p's picture

Think guy meant Dragon Pharma, well spotted though

Owes a Review × 1
Dcdan101's picture

Yes thank you.