Mpg1's picture
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-2 testosterone and E2


The sports hormone check (18th jan) was when I was on PCT and not on gear.
The TRT check plus was a month in to my cycle and as you can see my testosterone is 4 x the high end of the normal range, my cycle at this point was 600mg of test e and 400 mg of tren e per week. I was also on caber 0.6mg every 3 days and prolactin is very low.
I have attached subsequent estrodiol tests for the benefit of the forum where my E2 is through the roof. I was taking high dosage of all 3 AIs (on their own) but to no avail.

Ordered from: 
giardap's picture

Smh -1

Makwa's picture

Need to recheck estro with the proper test since you were on tren.

Mpg1's picture

Many thanks MAKWA but I am based in the UK. I will see if I can get this sorted locally.
This has given me some piece of mind though.

Dacky's picture

They can’t do the right test here in the UK. But your estro is false positive high due to the tren. The bigger problem is with your cycling and stats. You’re fucking up big time. Get off the gear and get some help from an endocrinologist who specialises in post steroid recovery. Do it now before it’s too late.

Mpg1's picture

Can you elaborate on what help I would require from the endocrinologist ?

Dacky's picture

You’re running extremely harsh and long cycles well beyond your stats and without proper pct’s. When you do cycle off you run the risk of having sever low test sides and given you don’t cycle off you could have developing underlying healthy issues not showing up on your blood work - like your heart for example. How many cycles have you run?

Mpg1's picture

Only 2, if you count this as 2 with only a 3 week break in between so it could count as 1. I take on board what you are saying and I will do a proper PCT of around 8 weeks and obviously get my bloods sorted....... Its so bloody nice being on though !

Dacky's picture

Honestly I am done here. You seem to be in he depth of a steroid addiction. You’ve done no proper research on how to cyxke properly and safely. I hope you find the right path. Good luck.

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